Chapter 394: to intercept

Name:USSR 1941 Author:
Chapter 394 Interception

"Okunev!" Shulka said to the actors: "Go and scout!"

"Yes!" The actor responded and directed a car to drive in the direction of the gunfire.

Others, under the command of Shulka, concealed the vehicle and prepared for battle according to the terrain.

Okunev's car drove back in about 20 minutes.

Okunev jumped out of the car and ran all the way to Shulka to lie down, then took out the map and pointed to a circle in front of him and said: "Dagai is at this position, about two kilometers away from us, two enemy tanks , an armored vehicle and a motorized unit are chasing a small convoy of our army!"

Paused, Okunev continued: "They are advancing along this road, which is two miles away from our nearest place!"

Looking at the map, Shulka ordered: "Rush to the road immediately!"

The soldiers quickly got up from their hiding places and rushed towards the half-track vehicle as if flying, and then drove towards the road with a "boom".

The advantage of the half-track vehicle is not only that it has better defense and firepower than cars, but also that it does not rely on roads.

At this time, if it is other means of transportation such as cars, I am afraid that there is nothing they can do about the current situation, because when they rush to the road, the enemy may have already passed the road section and cannot be intercepted!

But now, because the half-track vehicle was faster and the distance was shorter, they rushed to the target one step ahead and even spent some time arranging firepower to ambush on both sides of the road.

The road here is similar to other roads. The snow is shoveled to the sides of the road and piled up high, which is more than one meter high... As I said before, this is for the convenience of road transportation on the one hand, and on the other hand it can Creating cover for cars driving in the middle of the road makes it difficult for pilots in the sky to observe.

The soldiers used the snow as a trench to hide. They wore snow-white camouflage cloaks, and they couldn't see anything when they lay down on the ground.

The sound of gunfire and artillery was getting closer and closer. It turned out that a German army was chasing the Soviet convoy... This Soviet convoy consisted of five jeeps, American jeeps.

Looking at this Shulka, you can tell that the person sitting in the jeep must be an officer, and it may be a high-level officer.

The reason is very simple. At this time, American aid has just entered the Soviet Union. American jeeps are easy to use but the number is very small. They were once a scarce resource, but now there are only five.

Shulka guessed that this was probably a certain command that escaped in a hurry, and the German army was aware of this, so they chased after it.

The speed of the jeep will be faster than the speed of the German motorized troops. The problem is that the German troops in the rear shoot towards the front from time to time...Although the tanks are always inaccurate when shooting while driving, the explosion of the shells in the middle of the road makes the jeep panic and cannot turn the steering wheel to the left. Turn right and crooked, almost ran out of the road several times.

Seeing this, Shulka couldn't help frowning. Obviously, this pilot is not a veteran, otherwise they wouldn't be so scared.

The pilot assigned by the high-level commander is not a veteran with combat experience?

What's going on here?

At this moment, something happened ahead. When the German army was turning a corner, the machine gunner fired a burst of bullets forward... The bullet hit the frontmost jeep.

Following the sound of "Peng", the jeep lost control and turned sideways and rolled several times in the middle of the road.

This triggered a series of "traffic accidents". The second jeep ran into it and couldn't move.

The two jeeps behind had no choice but to stop, because the road was blocked and impassable.

Several officers and guards got out of the car, and they fled along the road while panicking and shooting back.

"These idiots!" Shulka couldn't help cursing.

At this time, they should avoid the road and run to the field immediately. They can also leave a few people in the field as snipers to block the enemy's pursuit, and the others will have a greater chance of escaping.

But they continued to flee along the road... This is almost looking for death, as long as the German army smashes the wrecked jeeps with tanks, then armored vehicles, sidecars, etc., will catch up with them like Monkey King chasing a turtle.

But for now, their approach is correct, because Shulka and others are ambushing in front of them, only a hundred meters away.

"Calm down!" Shulka ordered in a low voice: "Don't expose yourself without an order!"

The soldiers passed on the order aloud.

Eighty meters.

The group of Soviet officers moved very slowly, and some of them were injured. The guards seemed to be frightened, and they all ran away like crazy with the officers, turning around and shooting at random... They could have relied on the jeep. Cover for a while.

Of course, this requires their spirit of self-sacrifice, because staying to fend off the enemy is tantamount to giving up hope of their own survival.

All of them are unwilling to give up, so there is no hope for all of them...if there is no Shulka and others.

Sixty meters.

Gunshots were heard from the rear, because the jeeps were blocked, and even the three rounds of the German army could not pass, so the German army could only stop and shoot at the Soviet army.

They are waiting for the rear tanks to catch up.

Fifty meters.

A tank "rumbled" over, its tracks ran over the jeep ruthlessly, and then with a "clang clang" sound, the jeep was quickly rolled into a pile of scrap iron, and the road was soon knocked away a channel.

Then the tank stopped, adjusted the muzzle, and with a "boom", a shell blasted the trailing Soviet guards into the air and fell down hard.

"Comrade Captain!" The instructor whispered beside him.

Shuerka knew why the instructor was in a hurry, if this continues, it may be too late.

But Shulka still didn't order.

Because the enemy tank is a hundred meters away at this time, just outside the range of the bazooka.

If Shulka and his party reveal their whereabouts too early, then it will be difficult to deal with the two tanks, and they may even become the targets of the German massacre.

The tank continued to move forward, and the German army behind it drove up with three wheels.

At this time, the German soldiers were not in a hurry, because they knew that these officers could not escape, so they laughed and shot at the sky with their machine guns... They obviously hoped to catch alive, and live Soviet officers were more valuable to them.

This is exactly what Shulka hoped, so he continued to wait without saying a word.

Looking at the group of Soviet officers, their faces were distorted in panic. Among them, the highest rank was a lieutenant general, who ran away with his hands and feet while angrily shouting at the guards around him, looking very embarrassed.

(end of this chapter)