Chapter 407: reinforce

Name:USSR 1941 Author:
Chapter 407 Reinforcements

"I think the situation is developing against us, Comrade Mehlis!" Shulka frowned: "We should rush to help the Crimea quickly. We know that for the Battle of Moscow, we almost took the Crimean The troops are evacuated..."

This can also be said to be success and Xiao He failure.

In history, the German army attacked Moscow and the Crimea at the same time, so the Soviet army deployed about 500,000 troops in the Crimea for defense.

But now, because Shulka blocked the main force of the German attack on the front line of Kyiv, the Crimea is not in danger of being attacked for the time being. This has caused the Soviet army to continuously transfer the Crimean forces to Moscow for defense.

At this time, the Crimean had only about 200,000 troops.

"Yes!" Mechlis said, "I don't understand either. I already reminded them. Why didn't they take action?"

"I believe that part of the reason they didn't reinforce the Crimea is because of Sevastopol!" Shulka pointed to the map and said, "That's a very strong fortress, isn't it?"

"Of course!" Mechelis nodded: "Not only that, but it also has many large-caliber artillery, which is difficult for the Germans to capture!"

Shulka certainly knows this. It is a twin-mounted 305mm cannon manufactured by the Soviet Union in 1934. It has a range of 44 kilometers and a turret with a thickness of 200 to 300 mm. It can be said that it is almost indestructible.

The fortress withstood the German army for 6 months, and was eventually captured by Manstein's railgun.

But that is history, when the Crimea has sufficient troops, it may not be the case now.

At this time, the communications soldier on the other side raised his head and shouted to Mehlis: "Comrade Mehlis, the latest information, the enemy has broken through our army's Dnieper River defense line!"

Breaking through the Dnieper River defense line means that they have broken through General Kirponos' Kyiv defense line, and they can seal off the exit of the Crimean Peninsula if they continue south.

"We should reinforce the Crimea immediately!" Shulka said: "Otherwise it will be too late, especially in the Caucasus!"

The Caucasus Mountains is a mountain range running from east to west. It almost straddles the Caucasus region and divides it into the South Caucasus and the North Caucasus. Guan Wanfu is not open.

If the Germans occupy these mountain passes first, the Soviets will not be able to reinforce them even if they want to.

Although Mehlis didn't understand this, perhaps because of his confidence in his previous judgment, he immediately called Stalin.

"Comrade Stalin!" Mechelis said: "The military situation is urgent. I think we must send reinforcements to the Crimea immediately!"

Stalin on the other end of the phone was silent for a while. At this time, he seemed to realize that he had miscalculated.

On the other hand, he also knows the importance of the Crimean Peninsula.

Its importance is not only on land, but also strategically... Soviet bombers taking off from here can directly bomb the Romanian oil fields across the Black Sea.

If it falls into the hands of the German army, the German army can enter the South Caucasus from the Kerch Strait without the need to attack the steep mountain pass.

"I agree, Comrade Mekhlis!" Stalin replied: "Because of your extraordinary insight, you saw the enemy's strategic intentions first, and I think you should rush to the Crimea immediately as a representative of the Supreme Command to assist in the command. , I will send reinforcements to the Crimea!"

Mechelis almost jumped for joy, which can be said to be Stalin's acknowledgment of him... Mechelis was never assigned to command a battle. If there is, it is because he interfered with the front-line command as a representative of the Supreme Command.

Mechlis agreed without even thinking about it.

"Yes, Comrade Stalin!" Mechelis said: "But I have a request... To be precise, it is not a request, but a 'request', Comrade Stalin! Please forgive my recklessness..."

This is the difference between Mechelis and professional soldiers. Professional soldiers always speak in a simple and clear way, but Mechelis is very concerned about this fine detail.

"Come on, what request?" Stalin interrupted Mehlis impatiently.

"I hope to reinforce the Crimea with the 1st Guards Tank Brigade!" Mehlis said, "You know, I have been training this unit for a while. It is an excellent unit, like Its feats on the battlefield are the same, and at the same time I have feelings for it, I feel like it is my limbs, I believe that I can command them to defeat the enemy on the battlefield..."

Shuerka almost vomited after hearing these words. He couldn't imagine that Mechlis would bring the 1st Guards Tank Brigade under his command like this, and even train it? emotion?

But Shulka didn't speak.

This was not only because he knew it would be useless even if he said it, but also because it was what he wanted.

"I agree to your request!" Stalin replied: "But you must move quickly, because the Germans will soon block the Crimea!"

"Yes, of course, Comrade Stalin!"

As soon as Mehlis put down the phone, he immediately shouted to the staff around him: "Have you all heard that? Gather troops immediately and reinforce the Crimea!"

Shuerka's jaw almost dropped when he heard the words.

Just gather troops for reinforcements like this?

What is the reinforcement route and plan?

Then quickly verified Shulka's idea... Mehlis had no plans, he only knew about reinforcements.

The 1st Guards Tank Brigade assembled in the snow urgently, only then did they realize that there was no train.

So Mechlis and his team contacted the vehicle in a hurry, but it took an hour at the earliest to arrive at Rzhev.

Of course the troops couldn't stand in the snow for an hour waiting for the train, so they disbanded under the order of Mahlis.

"What happened?" Katukov asked Shulka. He looked at Mechelis' command post, and then asked in a low voice, "That guy is going to attack again, right?"

"No, Comrade Colonel!" Shulka replied: "We are going to reinforce the Crimea!"

Hearing this, Katukov couldn't help but nodded.

Although he disagreed with continuing to attack the frontal German army, he had no objection to reinforcements in the Crimea... He understood the situation in the Crimea and knew it was correct.

There is only one thing that worries Katukov.

"You mean to say..." Katukov once again turned his attention to the Mechelis command: "We want to reinforce the Crimea under his command?"

"I'm afraid so, Comrade Colonel!" Shulka nodded helplessly: "This is an order from Comrade Stalin!"

After a moment of silence, Katukov said to Shulka: "Then it is your task to keep an eye on him, Comrade Shulka! Don't let him do anything wrong!"

(end of this chapter)