Chapter 474: trust

Name:USSR 1941 Author:
Chapter 474 Trust

"The first thing you have to do is to forget the previous assault tactics!" Shulka shouted to the soldiers holding a horn during training: "Although, I still ask you to be brave, but I don't ask you not to be afraid of sacrifice, not afraid of death." Bleeding, let alone charging at the enemy at every turn!"

In fact, there is another sentence that Shulka wants to say, that is, there is no requirement for "no step back".

But Shulka dared not say this, because if he said it today, people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs would come to him tomorrow.

But even so, the soldiers looked at each other when they heard these words, because it was different from the education they had received before.

"But, Comrade Captain!" A soldier asked, "Is there any difference? Doesn't bravery mean not being afraid of sacrifice or bloodshed?"

"Aren't they different?" Shulka asked back.

The soldiers really didn't know the difference between the two.

This is unbelievable to modern people, but for people of this era, especially Soviet soldiers who have long been influenced by the Soviet army's combat thinking of blindly charging and killing the enemy, it is a difficult turn.

There was a famous Chinese general who was studying and communicating in the Soviet Union. The Soviet general asked the Chinese general what he would do when he was weak against the enemy.

The Chinese general who is good at guerrilla warfare replied without thinking: "If you can't fight, run away, and continue to fight in another place!"

This was immediately criticized by the Soviet general...According to the Soviet Union's tactical thinking, it should be to carry forward the fearless spirit to fight the enemy to the end even if it cannot be defeated, and will not consider the issue of retreat at all, at least at the officer level.

This is obviously wrong, and it is also the rigid and rigid side of the Soviet army's tactics. The result of it is that the Soviet army always suffers a lot of casualties on the battlefield, even when it has an advantage on the battlefield.

"Of course they are different!" Shulka said: "Because our purpose is to kill more enemies, to win the battle, not to show how brave we are... In my opinion, bravery is manifested in How many enemies can we kill and win in the end, not whether we dare to charge at the enemy's guns!"

The soldiers nodded thoughtfully.

This truth is actually very simple, and they even think so in their hearts, but they dare not say it or do it.

"So, you have to understand one thing first!" Shulka continued: "If it is not necessary, or it is not an order from a superior, you should try to save your own life as much as possible. Only by saving your own life can you have a chance to kill the enemy. More chances to win!"

Shuerka can only express his combat thinking in this relatively obscure way.

In fact, strictly speaking, it is dangerous for Shulka to say this, because it is likely to be labeled as "afraid of war" and "greedy for life and afraid of death".

But Shulka had to do it again.

Otherwise, the 82nd Infantry Regiment has no more than one thousand people, to be exact, only 1039 people... This is the number after Shulka selected the original infantry regiment.

If these thousand people fight according to the tactics of the Soviet army on the battlefield, it will only take a few minutes to charge.

So, if you really want them to play a role on the battlefield and change the fate of the 82nd Infantry, you have to change their combat thinking.

This is critical.

Of course, changing the combat thinking of soldiers is not just talking about it, but more importantly, let them apply it in training... Only if you do this in training, one day when you go to the battlefield, you will not be as savage as before. Play hard.

The fact is true.

A considerable number of these soldiers thought that Shulka was just talking, so they still used the previous tactics in training...or it can also be said that this is a habit. When they see someone rushing forward, they will rush forward.

Shulka shouted from behind with a loudspeaker: "What are you doing? There is no shelter in front of you, hiding behind the carriage? Do you think the enemy's machine guns and mortars can't penetrate the rotten wood of the carriage?" ?!"

"This is not the time to charge, you are already dead, you know? Already dead!"

"Hold your positions, cover your comrades, and retreat!"

"Yes, you did it right! Cover each other, use the building's cover, and choose the enemy's blind spot to retreat!"

Simply put, what Shulka is teaching them is not to attack, but to retreat, constantly retreating.

This caused Shulka to encounter a little trouble in training. This trouble came from Major Mikhailvich who had attended military academy.

"Comrade Shulka!" Major Mikhailvich found Shulka during the training interval: "I want to talk to you about training!"

"Did you disagree with my training method?" Shulka asked.

"It can be said like this!" Major Mikhailvich handed Shulka the flagon: "To be exact, I agree with you in some respects, for example, you said that only by saving your own life can you Better to kill the enemy and win in the end. I think this is a way of fighting in the long run, not in the immediate future. But... we are always training to retreat! I don't think retreat will lead us to victory, Comrade Shulka !"

"It's easy to charge, but it's not easy to retreat in an orderly manner, Comrade Major!" Shulka took a few sips of the jug, and then handed it back to the major: "At the same time, they also Need to practice retreating!"

"This will damage their morale and cause them to have negative thoughts!" Major Mikhailvich said in a low voice: "I know what you are thinking, Comrade Shulka, you hope that we can launch a campaign at the right time." Fight back. But...some people use this tactic as an excuse to keep retreating to save themselves, and finally turned into running, and we can't even blame them, because this is the tactic we taught them!"

"I think we should trust our soldiers!" Shulka replied: "I mean, if you want to build a real army, you have to trust them instead of defending them. Otherwise, even organize Even the Supervising Team can't change anything!"

This has been verified time and time again on the battlefield.

For example, in the Kerch Peninsula and the large area west of Moscow occupied by the German army, the Soviet army organized a supervisory team to point their guns at the fleeing soldiers more than once.

But its effect is very limited, and sometimes it even has a counterproductive effect... There are not a few soldiers who choose to surrender to the German army because of this collective mutiny.

“If it’s not working, and we know it’s not working, why would we do it?”

"But... how can we trust our soldiers without reservation, they will always have some people who are greedy for life and afraid of death!"

"All we have to do is trust them!" Shulka replied: "Even if they occasionally make mistakes!"

(end of this chapter)