Chapter 1290 Great Mother's Sacred Ground

"Have you truly earned that title, or did you simply purchase it for yourself?"

Callista's voice resonated with a playful yet intimidating tone, revealing her awareness of the Ungracelanders who would exploit their wealth to attain their desires. The weight of her words insinuated that she suspected Eren of utilizing similar tactics, considering his reputation for affluence within the kingdom of Edinburgh.

Marla and Almera, ever loyal to their Guild Master, were prepared to step in and defend Eren against Callista's insinuations. However, Eren swiftly raised his hand, signaling for them to remain silent. He was determined to handle this encounter on his own terms.

Eren's chuckle echoed through the charged air, a response to Callista's unspoken challenge. He keenly sensed her hunger for a duel, her desire to test his mettle. Casting a quick glance at his companions, Eren found solace in the knowledge that Marla and Almera stood unaffected by Callista's formidable aura. It became evident to him that Callista possessed an exceptional level of control over her powers, surpassing the average Expert ranker at the pinnacle of the initial stage.

With narrowed eyes, Eren focused his gaze on Callista, a palpable determination emanating from him. Engaging his soul sense, he unleashed his own power, countering the effects of Callista's formidable aura.

His unwavering resolve refused to yield to the pressure, even as he detected a faint hint of divine might intertwined within her aura. The stage was set, and an unspoken challenge hung in the air, an exchange of silent but potent clashes between Eren and Callista, their respective powers manifesting in a realm beyond mere words.

Callista's mind raced with astonishment as she experienced Eren's soul sense for the first time. The sheer force of his presence sent shivers down her spine, causing her blood to surge with newfound trepidation. It was as if her very consciousness was being drawn into an ethereal realm, a world beyond her comprehension. The intensity of his aura overwhelmed her, making her feel as though she stood in the epicenter of a brewing tempest, surrounded by a multitude of unseen threats.

The sensation was akin to being trapped within a maelstrom of a thousand daggers, their sharp points converging upon her from all directions. It felt as though she had been cast into the depths of a strange, otherworldly fire, its blue flames sapping her body heat and leaving her trembling in its ethereal grasp. Callista couldn't help but gulp, her eyes fixed upon Eren's unwavering gaze. She was clearly overwhelmed by the sheer power he exuded, a power that disregarded her divine protection as he continued to expose her to his vast Individuality.

Eren, with his relentless soul sense, uncovered the truth behind Callista's divine blessing – it not only shielded her physical form but also safeguarded her very soul. Despite the onslaught of his soul sense, her consciousness remained largely unaffected. The realization left Eren and Callista on the precipice of drawing their weapons, ready to engage in a battle that seemed imminent.

However, before the clash could ensue, a commanding voice infused with authoritative mana resonated from the other side of the bridge where the towering statue of the Great Mother stood. The voice belonged to none other than Valeria Vanlor, the matriarch of this settlement.

Valeria Valnor's authority was not limited to her settlement alone, which was named after her. She was someone with considerable influence across the large part of Darn Daniera Forest spanning multiple Amazonian settlements. Her words carried a serene yet domineering tone, addressing Callista and Eren in turn, urging them to cease their initial confrontation.

"Calli, enough of your war games with our esteemed guest right from the start," Valeria's voice commanded, gently reprimanding Callista's impulsive behavior. Then, her attention turned to Eren. "Lad Eren, please disregard this playful kitten's actions for now. Come forth. We await your presence. Once our discussion is concluded, you can indulge in your desired battle with Calli."

Valeria's intervention was a relief to Callista, who secretly thanked the matriarch for halting what could have been a disastrous outcome. She couldn't deny that Eren's overpowering soul sense had caught her off guard, even with the divine protection she possessed. The sheer weight and strain on her soul were almost unbearable, and she feared losing control over her bodily functions due to the immense pressure. Valeria's intervention prevented any further embarrassment, allowing Callista to compose herself.

Callista's excitement, however, remained unabated. She eagerly anticipated the prospect of a battle against someone of Eren's caliber, now that she had a glimpse of his true potential as a ranker. "Alright, Eren!" she exclaimed with fervor, her voice brimming with anticipation. "Let us engage in a duel that will sate our hearts' desires once your business with the Matriarchs is concluded. But for now, follow me."

With a confident gesture, Callista beckoned Eren and the rest to join her, leading the way across the bridge. Marla and Almera exchanged wry smiles, well aware of the spark of duel that had ignited between Eren and Callista.

Eren, carefree as ever, shrugged his shoulders before leisurely following Callista's lead, unaffected by the weighty tension that had momentarily engulfed them.

Callista led Eren and his companions to a vast open space, encompassed by a series of pillars adorned with intricate Amazonian runes. The space lay at the very base of the Great Mother's towering statue, a testament to the reverence and devotion of the settlement's inhabitants. Stretching across half a mile in radius, the open space emanated a sense of sanctity and divine energy, heightened by the imposing shadow cast by the Great Mother's magnificent form.

The pillars stood uniformly, their height reaching a precise 10 feet, forming a perfect circle that encircled the open space. Each pillar seemed meticulously placed, exuding an aura of purpose and symbolism. Their intricate designs, etched with the ancient Amazonian runes, held an air of mystique, hinting at the profound significance they held within the community.

Beneath the onlookers' watchful gaze, the ground beneath their feet boasted a stunning arrangement of seamless white tiles. The tiles, meticulously placed side by side, created a mesmerizing pattern that extended across the entire expanse of the open space. Their pristine surface gleamed in the soft illumination that bathed the area, an ethereal glow brought forth by the dense divine energy permeating the sacred ground.

'This is… sacred ground!'

Eren's keen senses discerned the profound significance of this space. Memories of his past experiences in similar locations flooded his mind. His recollections veered toward a somber incident when he found himself responsible for the brutal killing of a high-ranking priest in a comparable setting. Someone named Har Jahar.