Chapter 1874 Suppression Born out of Demonic Hierarchy

Chapter 1874 Suppression Born out of Demonic Hierarchy

A certain suppression permeated the surroundings, swiftly altering the expressions of the seven humanoid demon beasts.

They were stunned to discover that Kalen was the source of this suppression, their faces contorting in irritation and anger upon hearing his words.

However, before they could retaliate, Kalen advanced, allowing his Individuality to dominate the minds of all the demons present.

Swoosh. Zoom. Suppress.

From low-ranked demonic minions with D or D ranks to high-level demons akin to Grandmasters in Ranker terms, all felt this suppression deeply within their psyches.

It wasn't merely a result of any Skill or Ability, but the imposition of dominance by someone at the pinnacle of the demonic hierarchy.

An unimaginable scene unfolded before the Eldric Force team members. They watched in utter shock, a blend of emotions washing over them, as the demonic entities abruptly halted their advances and turned their gaze towards Kalen with trepidation and fear.

Even the flying demon beasts dared not remain airborne. They swiftly descended to the ground, heads lowered. Those already on the ground, particularly affected by Eren's Individuality, emitted growls while bowing. Yet, this wasn't a challenge, but a primal expression of frustration and fear for their lives.

The seven humanoid demon beasts, supposed leaders of their hordes, fared no better. They too descended to the ground, keeping a cautious distance from Eren, their actions betraying a newfound awareness of their own mortality, their hearts pounding within their chests like war drums.

"Are all of you deaf?" Eren, possessing Kalen's body, spoke in a cold tone as he looked at the seven demon beast leaders with narrowed eyes.

"Don't fucking give me that look. Seven demon beasts coming together out of their respective regions to attack six Practitioners? I don't believe this coincidence.

This is clearly an organized raid. Who has been put in charge of this raid by your bosses? Come forward now or I'll fucking devour every single demon present here."

The butcher said in a deliberate tone as he surveyed the horde of demon beasts surrounding him.

Despite being clearly outnumbered, Eren didn't feel any fear facing so many opponents. In fact, a part of him wanted to devour all of the demons present here for their Faustian Rune Fragments to bolster his demonic divinity. One could say that Eren was controlling his urges as he gazed upon all sorts of "food" walking on their legs in front of him.

For some reason, the demon beast leaders believed in Eren's threat. Six of them couldn't help but look at a particular demon beast among their midst simultaneously, inadvertently singling her out.

'These bastards,' Nyxus cursed her six demon beast allies as she stepped forward.

She couldn't help feeling a little overwhelmed when she gazed into Eren's eyes, which seemed to have suddenly turned mysterious as if they held their own world within them after Eren had successfully possessed Kalen's body.

Nyxux had a tall and lithe figure. She was draped in a cloak of midnight-black fabric that seemed to absorb any stray light that dared to touch it. Discover new chapters at

Her skin was a deep, obsidian hue, smooth and unblemished. Glowing crimson runes traced intricate patterns across her body, pulsing with demonic energy.

Nyxus's eyes reflected the depths of the abyss with their black pupils and black sclera. They held a mesmerizing allure, drawing in those who dared to meet her gaze.

Her long, flowing hair cascaded down her back like a river of midnight. It seemed to move of its own accord, twisting and writhing like serpents of shadow.

"I... I am in charge of the raid. You... are you the true Inheritor of the Elder Ichor bloodline? The successor to the Lord Demon Emperor?" Nyxus asked carefully, her voice trembling slightly with apprehension. It was her instinctual fear, a primal response ingrained deep within her demonic nature.

"What... What do you want from me?" Nyxus asked, her voice trembling with trepidation.

"First of all, I want you to call off this raid," Eren said casually, meeting Nyxus' completely black eyes and seeing his own reflection within them. "Secondly, I want you to tell me who put you in charge of the raid."

Nyxus opened her mouth to respond, clearly intending to reject Eren's request as politely as possible. But before she could speak, Eren cut in, as if anticipating her thoughts.

"Don't worry about disrespecting your current boss," Eren said, smiling.

"From this moment onward, I am your boss. I am the only one you should fear and respect. Other demons are irrelevant—whether they are your friends, subordinates, or enemies.

Only my commands and actions should concern you. Do you understand?" Eren's words were almost a whisper as he leaned in close to Nyxus' ear.

At this moment, the six demon beast leaders lowered their heads in submission. The demonic hierarchy was absolute, and even if Eren was supposedly among their enemies, he possessed the Demonic Authority they could not contend with.

Eren had revealed his ability to see the Faustian Contracts on the mortal forms of the demon beasts for precisely this purpose—to demonstrate that he had the means to carry out his threats.

Nyxus' heart pounded like a relentless drumbeat in her chest. In a split second decision, she yielded to her instincts. "I... I understand," she murmured, submitting to Eren's Demonic Authority.

As soon as the words left her lips, Nyxus' body ignited in an illusory fire, a demonic trap triggered by her former boss upon her submission to Eren's Authority.


Nyxus cried out in agony as her demon soul writhed in the blue flames. Before she or anyone else could react to her plight, Eren took action.

Biting his finger, Eren drew his blood and inscribed countless demonic symbols on Nyxus' forehead, each one absorbed by her body. Within moments, the flames that had threatened to consume her were extinguished as if they had never existed.

In a matter of seconds, Eren had successfully altered Nyxus' Faustian Contract, making her his subordinate. Her willingness to submit had made the modification effortless.

The original contract, established between the mortal vessel's owner and the demon, contained a clause set by Nyxus' former boss. By removing the encrypted name and replacing it with his own, Eren effectively became Nyxus' new master.

Just as the demonic hierarchy imposed strict bindings, so too did the restrictions inherent to these contracts.

Lower-level demons lacked the authority to alter established Faustian Contracts—only those at the level of the Demon Princes or the 72 Immortal Ars Goetia demons possessed such power.

Eren's ability to replace Nyxus' former boss and amend her contract with ease spoke volumes about his standing in the demonic hierarchy. It was clear that he feared no demon present, except perhaps Nyxus' former boss, who stood as his only potential adversary.

"Now, tell me, who is your former boss?" Eren inquired, his hand resting on Nyxus' posterior, slightly pressing it with his hands. Without hesitation, she responded, "It's Demon Earl Furfur, my lord."

"Furfur? Not Bifrons? And he's here in the Shadowed Grove as well?" Eren mused to himself, a smile playing on his lips.

"How many of them are present here exactly? And how many of them can I convince? This... this should be interesting."

The butcher remarked, glancing toward a particular direction where a broken Faustian rune had earlier flown.
