Chapter 1876 Seven Sin Series Domains At Their Absolute Peaks

Chapter 1876 Seven Sin Series Domains At Their Absolute Peaks

Sifrona wanted at least one more demon beast leader to lend her a helping hand.

Her goal wasn't to win against Eren in a deathly match but to force him to retreat.

She could then report her findings to her bosses and let them take care of this nascent Demon Emperor.

'Alright. I'm in,' replied one of the demon beast leaders who finally relented after hearing Sifrona's offerings. This demon beast leader was named Kerim, evolved from a dire-wolf-type demon beast.

Kerim had razor-sharp claws and feral features. His muscular form was adorned with jagged spikes and talons, and his eyes gleamed with a predatory light.

The agreement between Kerim and Sifrona was reached within a fraction of a moment.

When she received Kerim's approval, she couldn't help smiling at Eren before speaking in a challenging tone.

"Lord Eren, aren't you a bit too arrogant for your own good? Don't think you have replaced the late Demon Emperor just because you managed to claim his divine throne."

She said as she reestablished her mental connection with her familiars who had followed her into the battle. There was a significant portion of the demon familiars in her hordes who wanted to revolt against her authority if it required them to attack Eren.

The lower-ranked demon beasts didn't care about the mortal shells they currently possessed. However, they cared about their demonic existence as a whole. They could always find a new vessel to possess as long as they made their way back to the Demonic Planes. However, if they were to be devoured by Eren, there would be no second chance.

"Bitch, you've got it all wrong. I don't need to replace the late Demon Emperor," Eren smiled wickedly. His gaze turned greedier as he spoke, his lips licked by his restless tongue that had suddenly forked.

"In due time, I'll become someone bigger than the Demon Emperor you know of.

And at this moment, in this place, I'm your demon god. And I have a nasty habit of asking for sacrifices whenever I sort of let myself loose, you know.

The Elder ichor blood drops that Kalen carried within his body, known as Elder Ichor Blood Seeds, were completely agitated. They allowed Eren to wield his powers and Divine Authority even while using someone else's body.

This time, all of Eren's seven Sin Series Domains were strengthened by the seven Virtue Series Marks. As a result, the potent effect they generated as they manifested was on a completely different level.

All of the seven domains were Authority-type Domains. Unless there were Demon Princes present within the masses that had decided to attack him, the enemies trapped within his domain could neither summon more Sin Series Mana of any kind nor use the existing Sin mana in the surroundings to attack Eren. They could only rely on the mana and powers they had accumulated to deal with Eren. Unless they had the Demonic Authority to challenge Eren's Demonic Writ, the enemies' demonic powers within the Sin Series Domains were highly restricted.

The Eldric Force members watched in horror as they saw two hordes of demon beasts charging at them from all around. A chaotic demonic aura spread in the surroundings, almost making them drop to their knees and clutch their heads in frustration. However, when they experienced Eren expanding all of his seven Sin Series Domains at once, they finally couldn't take it anymore, and they all lost consciousness one after the other, dropping to the ground on sync as if their souls had been sucked out of their bodies.

Eren watched as the two demon beast leaders charged into his seven Sin Series Domains along with their respective hordes of demon beast familiars. He snapped his fingers and let his domain powers handle the rest.

The seemingly countless demon beasts felt a suppressive aura grip their bodies and souls as Eren's demonic powers manifested at their peak after a very long time. This time, he didn't hold back and let them all out, all at once.

[ Domain of Wrath: Flames of Wrath ]

[ Domain of Gluttony: Mouths of Gluttony ]

[ Domain of Lust: Bewitching Specters ]

[ Domain of Greed: Chains of Avarice ]

[ Domain of Sloth: Shrouds of Lethargy ]

[ Domain of Envy: Seeds of Jealousy ]

[ Domain of Pride: Shields of Hubris ]