Chapter 886 Hierarchy Of Power Indicator

Name:Village Head's Debauchery Author:
Chapter 886 Hierarchy Of Power Indicator

Orion pondered Seraphina's words, realizing she was right. Since the emergence of the Vylkr Veil phenomenon and the Vylkr spawns' attack, Fifi had stopped training the women in combat and focused on retraining herself, trying to discover any breakthroughs with her gift. The Vylkr Fusion Armlet procedure was literally a godsend to her.

If he took such an opportunity away from her, it would undoubtedly create a rift between them.

"Okay, I'll speak with her after this and see if she needs anything before proceeding with the procedure," Orion responded.

"Please do," Seraphina replied. She paused, then continued, "One more thing?"

"What is it?" Orion asked curiously, awaiting her response.

"Since we are about to reconnect with the outside world, some encounters might not be pleasant. I've been thinking about something that could give us an edge over them," Seraphina responded, her tone hesitant.

The idea had been brewing in her mind during the Vylkr spawn's attack, and she couldn't shake it. Finally, she chose to share her thoughts with Orion to hear what he thought about it.

"During the 'Great War,' one major issue that hindered progress for several races was determining the strength and depth of their enemies' power. The diversity of energies and the various power hierarchies derived from them made it difficult to accurately gauge an opponent's capabilities. We will face similar setbacks if we don't prepare. What I suggest is an artefact that can determine power levels.

Since higher levels of strength correspond to higher quantities or qualities of respective energies, including the Vylkr energies, this artefact would quantify these energies and accurately assess an individual's strength. Of course, it will have flaws, such as its inability to account for unique racial abilities, techniques, or special gifts like those possessed by our villagers. However, even without that, its ability to determine an individual's strength based on energy levels will still offer a nearly accurate indicator.

This would give us an edge over others—assuming no one else has thought of it yet. Considering the ingenious creation of the Devourer's Bracelet, I highly doubt it's been done," Seraphina explained, simplifying her idea for Orion to grasp quickly.

Orion stood there, momentarily speechless, his eyes wide with surprise and shock as he absorbed Seraphina's words.

"That's all I wanted to inform you about. You can go and finish what you need to do," Seraphina said, ready to return to her work.

Orion nodded decisively. He gathered the remaining Vylkr vines from the table, glancing at the Pixies, who had been observing them closely.

"Let's head out so I can introduce you to the others," Orion said, gesturing for them to follow.

Orion prepared to leave as he swallowed the last variantVylkrvine. But just as he was about to take a step, he froze in his tracks, his expression struck by sudden realization.

"What's wrong, dear?" Seraphina asked, noticing the abrupt shift in Orion's demeanour.

Even the Pixies gathered around him, attempting to capture his attention. Maeve waved her hand before his gaze, snapping him out of his reverie.

"I'm fine. I was just lost in thought," Orion reassured, turning to face Seraphina, who had already caught up to him.

"I believe I can create another Vylkr container now," he added, excitement lacing his voice.

Seraphina was taken aback by his words. "...But didn't you mention that you would only be able to form your next Vylkr container after a year, with just a few days left until we enter the new year? That's when you were planning to start preparing to create a new container," she responded her expression a mix of surprise and curiosity.

Orion nodded thoughtfully. "You're right. It should have taken around one month or a week more before I could create my next container. However, it seems that the variant Vylkr vines are even more extraordinary than we initially thought, reducing what should have taken weeks to just a few days," he explained, his brow furrowing in contemplation.

If this were indeed true, then it stood to reason that Gorg and the others, who had also collected a significant amount of the Variant Vylkr vines, should be either forming new containers or preparing to do so.