Chapter 992: Confronting Korrin The Titan

Name:Village Head's Debauchery Author:
Chapter 992: Confronting Korrin The Titan

Despite his strength, he knew it wouldn't be wise to face so many gods' chosens alone, especially within their own Runaway City.

They all nodded and unstrapped their Gearweavers, ranging from swords and spears. Each bearing a confident expression as they eyed the surrounding gods' chosens.

The gods' chosens of the Sleeping Fox Runaway City were all enraged by Paradise's effortless takeover of their Runaway City. Yet, they begrudgingly acknowledged Paradise's strength, forcing them to suppress their simmering emotions.

Korrin's sudden appearance allowed them to release their pent-up feelings. Half of the gods' chosens on the platform surged forward as he advanced.

Imperial Blade Dance - Imperial Slash!

Facing the overwhelming number of approaching gods' chosen, Korrin swung his Gearweaver sword multiple times.

Powerful wind blades erupted from his Gearweaver blade, hurtling swiftly toward their opponents.

Witnessing the sudden emergence of a powerful technique, the gods' chosens were

momentarily surprised before swiftly raising their Gearweavers to defend against it, sensing the formidable power behind the attack.

Bang!! Bang!!!

Some were slightly pushed backwards, while others, including those who had borne the brunt of the attack with their bodies, were temporarily disoriented for just a moment, with only a few cuts on their bodies before swiftly recovering.

Unfortunately, that brief moment was enough time for Korrin to cast another technique. Whispering Gale - Tempest's Veil!

"Captain Glenn, clip his wings for now while we await Paradise's response," Lakul ordered, his tone disinterested as he glanced at Korrin and shook his head in pity. "Seems the impending promotion to a Grade Two Runaway City has made you all underestimate the might of a Grade One Runaway City. I'll make sure you remember."

Korrin smirked disdainfully at Lakul's words, pointing his Gearweaver Sword towards Glenn, preparing to charge again.

Glenn, Captain of the 1st Unit of the Main Defense Team of the Sleeping Fox Runaway City, nodded. With a light stomp, he launched into the air, narrowing the distance between him and Korrin, his spear thrusting forward through the fierce winds.

Flickering Mirage - Illusory Dance!

Suddenly, multiple copies of Glenn emerged in the air, each wielding their weapons in a synchronized pattern as they swiftly closed in on him.

Korrin snorted in disdain and moved forward to confront the approaching copies. He swung his Gearweaver through the first one, cleaving it apart. The technique obscured the wielder's individual magical signature, making it challenging for him to identify the real person. However, rather than waiting, he chose to confront the copies head-on.

Dodging swiftly to the side, he sliced through the second copy vertically, causing it to vanish into thin air. Just as he prepared to intercept the third copy, a sharp pain shot through his spine from his left wing.

A resounding 'clang' reverberated from behind, striking his armour and knocking him off balance. He swayed forward, momentarily disoriented, struggling to regain his composure. Seeing that his attack failed to penetrate the armour, Glenn clicked his teeth in annoyance as he descended from the sky, using momentum to thrust his spear toward Korrin's wings. Despite Korrin's swift evasion, the spear grazed the edge of his broad left wing, tearing out some of the feathers.

"CAPTAIN!!" Facing hundreds of gods' chosens from the Sleeping Fox Runaway City, the 2nd Unit Vanguard Team members from the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City had already been captured and bound as prisoners.

One attempted to break free from the chains and charge forward, only to be kicked back by an Orc, crashing heavily against the platform.

"Arggh!" Korrin gritted his beak against the pain, glancing at his captured unit members before fixing his piercing golden eyes on the other gods' chosens above and below him, who hadn't still acted.

He then refocused on Glenn, his feathered brow furrowed with anger.

Tightening his grip on his Gearweaver sword, Korrin prepared to charge forward once more. However, a colossal shadow suddenly emerged, blocking the already obscured sunlight. He paused mid-advance, narrowing his eyes toward its direction.