Chapter 995: Leaders Of The Trekking Flamingo Runaway City

Name:Village Head's Debauchery Author:
Chapter 995: Leaders Of The Trekking Flamingo Runaway City

"What do you think of their strength?" Orion asked, glancing at Seth.

"They are fragile," Seth spat. "Though it seems that the Trekking Flamingo Runaway has the potential to be stronger than the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City and the Sleeping Fox Runaway City, I doubt it would make much difference if they all launch an attack together against Paradise. Nonetheless, I'm intrigued by the capabilities of their Runaway Cities. I doubt it's merely a moving contraption," he added.

Orion nodded in agreement. He also had doubts about the Runaway Cities' true capabilities and wondered what else they might conceal. He decided to schedule a trip later to find out for himself.

"Alright. We only have to wait until the real battle begins," Orion said, observing the scene below as the two Grade One Runaway Cities approached each other.

Within a brightly lit, expansive hall filled with various descriptive murals and paintings depicting dragons, winged individuals, and muscular, horned humanoids clad in heavy armour running towards a dense sky filled with obscured figures locked in battle and beautiful scenes of greenery and tombstones, there was a discernible intent of grandeur.

At the hall's centre stood a majestic, seven-meter (22 ft) wide round wooden table with a hole in the middle, surrounded by ten finely crafted seats. Each seat was occupied by a distinguished individual dressed in luxurious, finely tailored attire, their presence exuding a distinct and commanding aura.

These were the Leaders of the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and a figure rushed in, bowing deeply towards the assembled leaders.

"What is it? Didn't I inform you not to disturb this meeting until we are done, regardless of the results of the 2nd Unit Captain?" asked a robust, muscular man with scaled skin and large, curved horns extending a meter (40 inches) long, each adorned with a golden crown decorated with draconic claws and beautiful gems. His two broad leathery wings spanned over three meters (12 ft)

He wore a majestic, flowing red cape and brilliant lightweight armour adorned with various runes and inscriptions. He was the supreme leader of Trekking Flamingo Runaway City, Emperor Greroth Nindainth the Fifteenth.

Emperor Greroth's eyes glowed with an inner flame as he stared at him.

He might not be aware of these uncharted forbidden lands, as he had only heard tales of terrifying legends and rumours about them. However, they were all just rumours in the end, further making him believe this story was fabricated.

As for the mythical-like beast, it was already well known that the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City and the Sleeping Fox Runaway City were well-versed in illusions and deceptions, so he didn't find it convincing.

"We also don't know whether it's the truth or not. However, the returning 2nd Unit member has sworn on the name of Nindainth that everything he witnessed was true. It was neither deception nor false," the gods' chosen responded hurriedly.

Although he had doubts, when the battered member of the 2nd Unit who had returned swore on the name of 'Nindainth,' he believed this information was accurate.

Nonetheless, deciding whether this information was valid wasn't up to him.

"Okay, you may leave," Emperor Greroth responded.

The gods' chosen nodded, swiftly stood up, and left the hall.

"Hahaha!!" A golden-feathered avian man with two broad, folded wings ranging in vibrant colours from green to gold, dressed in finely tailored yellow trousers, a white shirt, a richly embroidered golden vest, and adorned with numerous rings and glistening necklaces, roared

out in laughter.

His name was Merchant Prince Caruis, Master of Commerce and Trade of Trekking Flamingo Runaway City, and a member of the Aarakocra race.

"How marvellous! So, after retrieving Patriarch Rylan and the Divine Artifact, the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City and the Sleeping Fox Runaway City want us to be terrorized into surrendering with this pitiful method," he remarked amusedly.

"I agree. It's quite amusing if they believe we'll surrender at the mere mention of such information. However, I don't think it should be that simple. They have no reason to reveal the existence of the Vylkr alloy mine when the Divine Artefact and Patriarch Rylan are already potent enough reasons for us to act or negotiate properly," responded a woman, possessing a robust body adorned with scales and fur in various places.