Chapter 1007: Benevolent Face, Lingering Fear (2)

Name:Village Head's Debauchery Author:
Chapter 1007: Benevolent Face, Lingering Fear (2)

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As the molten magma submerged into the ground-

Thunderclaps erupted out of nowhere as dense, rolling thunderclouds gathered, filling the sky. Fierce, countless streaks of bluish lightning danced across the firmament. The once bright sky darkened instantly, and the atmosphere grew heavy with oppressive might.

The inhabitants of the Runaway Cities, who had felt relief when the molten magma hallowed dome disappeared, were immediately taken aback by the resounding thunderclaps. A chill crawled up their spines, spreading to every fibre of their being.

Suddenly, a bizarre phenomenon occurred. The firmament dimmed, and all the streaks of bluish lightning converged at a single point in the sky, illuminating it like a pillar. A bright, milky white light stretched into the dark thunderclouds overhead.

The two brilliant lights merged, growing even more colourful as they descended towards the earth, as though dragging the lightning and the milky white light.

They all shut their eyes, the intensity of the light too overwhelming to bear. After a few moments, they cautiously reopened them, looking towards the gathered lightning and gasped at what they saw.

Before them, high in the sky, was a humanoid figure seemingly forged from lightning, with two large, milky-white translucent feathered wings protruding from his back. His attire was illuminated with fierce, bluish lightning streaks, and an inky black mask, similar to the one worn by the Key Leader of Paradise, covered his face.

A sudden realization struck them, stunning them all.

This being, forged from lightning, was also from Paradise.

The grand entrance! The oppression! The speech!

Seth nodded in admiration, grasping Orion's strategy. Without drawing his weapon, Orion had stirred them emotionally, planting a false sense of hope that would corrode their resistance against Paradise's rule. Seth's confidence in Orion's leadership soared as he observed the inhabitants of all three Runaway Cities struggling emotionally.

Suddenly, the gods' chosens ones dropped their weapons and knelt, one by one, both on the battlefield and within their Runaway cities. They acknowledged Paradise's overwhelming strength and chose surrender over a futile death.

Eleanora, Lakul, and their respective leaders also knelt their resolve to resist Paradise crumbling. Their sole desire now was to elevate their status within the few Runaway Cities under Paradise's rule and avoid being labelled traitors, thereby escaping Paradise's wrath. Witnessing this scene, Orion shifted his attention to the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City leaders, who were all trembling with fear and dread.

Sensing Orion's gaze upon them, they paled with fright and dropped to their knees one by one. They would also make their Runaway City go on its knees now if they could. However, they couldn't, as they would be powerless against the relentless advance of the Vylkr vines, which were now breaching the once-sealed area.


Each footstep felt like an eternity until the silence was finally broken.

"You have all made a very wise decision. Take care of your injured gods' chosens and recuperate before heading towards the edge of the immense crater where the Vylkr alloy mine is. I'll inform you all at the appropriate time for a meeting there," Orion added, his voice resonating with authority.

Seth immediately grabbed Greroth and returned beside Orion. With a firm grip on the former emperor, Orion placed his arm around his shoulders, and they vanished with the rise of an immense lightning bolt that ascended into the sky.

Once they vanished, the sky began to brighten, and the rolling thunderclouds dissipated until shimmering sun rays descended upon the battlefield again, illuminating their figures. However, they remained motionless, the scene that had just unfolded continuing to replay within their hearts.