Chapter 1023: Increased Resources, Devouts!

Name:Village Head's Debauchery Author:
Chapter 1023: Increased Resources, Devouts!

Orion nodded in understanding. While not entirely satisfying his curiosity, the tour had piqued it further. He was deeply intrigued by the area's existence and eager to determine if they could create their own Runaway City in the future.

Orion made it a personal mission to return when he was free of his schedules to delve deeper into it, along with the other three Runaway Cities under their forces.

They were just as interesting as the inhabitants living within them.

"Why is this area so bleak? Is there something wrong?" Orion's gaze swept the Market burrow, the supposed bustling heart of the Runaway City. Instead, it lay nearly deserted. Various races, from the dominant Sloth Demons and Foxkins to Nimvires and other minor races, walked around with looks of despair on their faces.

Some of them even appeared weak and cast curious glances in their direction as they walked by.

Hearing Orion's question, Lakul smiled wryly. "It's been several months since we last traded for resources. Recent events and the war have left us with no choice but to divert our resources towards the gods' chosens, and other necessary areas, leaving little remaining for the denizens," he explained.

Although he had planned for this journey, all the events that had transpired since they stepped into this territory had left them continuously depleting their resources until there was barely any left for the Sleeping Fox Runaway City denizens.

Orion immediately furrowed his brows, remembering that he hadn't yet given the orders to distribute the harvest from Paradise to the Runaway Cities below.

"Ahem! If that's the case, you don't have to worry. I'll ensure the resources are delivered to the Sleeping Fox Runaway City to stop the crisis from escalating. If anything else needs to be handled, report it to your new leaders, and they will take care of the rest," Orion responded.

There was no need to reveal that he had already allocated resources for them, having foreseen an event like this. Instead, he would use this situation to display Paradise's magnanimity. "Thank you, Supreme Leader," Lakul said, bowing deeply and sighing in relief. He had feared that Paradise would weaponize this situation against them, but his concerns appeared unfounded. This realization elevated Paradise's image in his eyes once more.

"There's no need for thanks," Orion responded sternly. "The Sleeping Fox Runaway City is now part of our forces, so we will do whatever we can to take care of it as long as it remains useful."

Lakul nodded, his expression filled with gratitude.

"THIEF, STOP HIM!!" a voice suddenly resonated across the atmosphere.

Orion, Lakul, and the others turned their attention toward the commotion, their eyes fixed on the unfolding scene.

A man from the fox-kin race, dressed in torn rags, clutched a slab of meat. He was being chased by an older fox-kin man and a Nimvire man, who quickly outpaced the older man and tackled the thief to the ground.

A significant part of their strategy was capturing the Runaway Cities and integrating their denizens, ensuring they would willingly work for the good of Paradise. Now that he was here, Orion saw this as a golden opportunity.

Clearing his throat, Orion's voice resonated through the crowd. "Denizens of the Sleeping Fox Runaway City, I see your suffering and understand your pain. You have been abandoned, left to fend for yourselves in this ruined world with leaders who have failed you!" His voice

boomed, capturing the attention of everyone present.

He continued, introducing himself, "I am the Supreme Leader of Paradise, the force now shaping the fate and destiny of this Runaway City—and of you. In Paradise, there is no hunger, no suffering, no fear. I have come to extend this grace to you. From this day forward, devout yourself to Paradise; you shall want for nothing! However, to receive these promises, you must pledge yourselves to Paradise-heart, soul, and body."

As Orion concluded, his gaze swept over the crowd, absorbing their reactions. Though he might have exaggerated slightly, the core of his message was true. By dedicating themselves to Paradise and demonstrating their willingness to support its plans for the Sleeping Fox Runaway City, they would escape their former hardships and enjoy a dramatically improved

way of life.

Lakul, initially struck by fear from the Supreme Leader's commanding presence, stood frozen as though hit by a bolt of lightning. His hands clenched into tight fists, veins bulging, before he finally released them, his shoulders slumping in resignation.

He had already surrendered his authority and everything else, rendering him no different from the denizens of the Sleeping Fox Runaway City in the eyes of Paradise. What more could

he do?

Lakul knew that Orion's words were aimed at him as well:

'Devote yourself to Paradise, and you shall never want again!'

The words echoed repeatedly in his defeated mind, slowly dispelling his despair.

Yet, after a few moments, several voices of disagreement cut through the silence.

"I heard that the war was ordered by Paradise, so you're the one responsible for my son's death!" an elderly woman cried out from atop a building behind a stall. Her voice, laced with fury, echoed through the streets. "He had two wives and six children. Now he's gone, and both his wives are in a coma! How are you going to fix this? Can you bring my son back to life?" Her eyes, burning with a mix of grief and rage, locked onto the figure of the inky black-masked man from a distance.

"My friend works with the resource management team," a middle-aged man with a gaunt frame shouted, his voice trembling with indignation. "He told me that all our resources have been steadily depleting due to the various phenomena created by Paradise! I doubted him at first, but now you're here, asking us to devote ourselves to Paradise! How shameless can you
