Chapter 1036: The Trekking Flamingo Runaway City's Ongoing Crisis

Name:Village Head's Debauchery Author:
Chapter 1036: The Trekking Flamingo Runaway City's Ongoing Crisis

The tall buildings-with a rusted metallic sheen-were sprawled together as though they were placed without a second thought. They rose high into the air, seemingly attempting to touch the sky.

However, the radiant evening sun was blocked by ashy and black smoke clouds, darkening the small metropolis beneath it and making it appear to belong to another world entirely rather than being part of a moving mechanized habitat in the shape of a flamingo.

When viewed in its entirety from both perspectives-the outside and the inside-it amazed an individual.

Orion walked down the street, sensing the tingling torches of a foul stench that lingered in the air, pervading his nose. It was like the scent of burnt rubbish mixed with the imaginary scent of a mermaid living in sewage. Of course, he didn't know the latter; it was merely an assumption.

Nonetheless, Aerialia had informed him that there were different species of aquatic races, so he was at least hopeful of encountering one soon if they had survived up until this moment.

Orion focused on the denizens of the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City. The three major present races were as he had expected-Dragmins, Centaurs, and Aarakocra. Other strange races also arouse Orion's curiosity. However, he only gave them a brief glance before returning his gaze forward to avoid attracting too much suspicion.

Some people wore attires like his, attempting to appear inconspicuous, while the rest wore patched or ragged clothes, each heading towards their varied destinations.Geett the latest novels at

Soon, Orion began to pass by hawkers and stalls filled with unknown dried fruits, leaves, slabs of meat, ordinary and magical items, clothes, and other daily necessities. Orion looked at the foodstuffs sold in these stalls and frowned; he wouldn't give them to his enemies unless he wanted to poison them.

'It's just like the others,' Orion thought, comparing this scene to what he had witnessed in the lower ward of the Sleeping Fox Runaway City.

"So, it's already the cheapest you can find in the area, and you'll be getting your money's worth. Of course, if you have goods you want to trade, you can present them."

"I don't have Nindainth Coins, but I have goods to trade," Orion responded, shaking his head.

Nindainth was the last name of the former Emperor of the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City, so it was easy to recognize that due to his long reign and family succession, they had managed to create a currency for their use. It was remarkable because it allowed them to control their economy slightly.

"Oh! What do you have?" the trader responded, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Orion summoned his miniature mountain from within his cloak and brought fruit from the Garden. He re-summoned the miniature mountain and placed the fruit on the stall's desk, offering it as a trade.

The man's eyes widened in surprise as he swiftly took the fruits into his hands, hiding them beneath his clothing. He glanced around to ensure no one was watching before refocusing on the mysterious cloaked figure before him, who now seemed even more mysterious. He could feel the fruit's plumpness and, with his extensive experience, immediately recognized it as top quality. He realized he was holding a fortune.

"Ahem! If you had mentioned earlier that your goods were of this quality, I would have given you a discount," the man said, his tone now jovial. Why don't you choose which goods you want, and then we can move directly to the information you are searching for?"

Orion couldn't tell whether the Aarakocra was smiling, but he didn't care. "I don't need any of them. Just give me the information I asked for," Orion said firmly.

The man nodded swiftly. "The place where all the formidable individuals in the area gather is the Midnight Butcher Bar. It's a popular spot where gods' chosens rest after their patrols, and warriors looking to make connections often gather there as well."

"Even the criminals in the Lower Ward frequent it, and they're safe while inside because the bar's owner is a formidable warrior himself. So you can enter without fear of being harmed. Remember, once you step outside the bar's territory, you're on your own, so it's best you approach cautiously."