Chapter 1043: The Arrival Of Paradise's Warriors

Name:Village Head's Debauchery Author:
Chapter 1043: The Arrival Of Paradise's Warriors

Not wanting to take any risks, nine of the gods' chosen dashed towards the Midnight Butcher Bar, some entering through the windows, others through the broken door, attempting to divert the attention of whoever the assailant was, thereby increasing their chances of emerging victorious.

Outside, three gods' chosen remained, cautiously approaching the injured Kerensa, attempting to find an opportunity to strike.


Seven bodies flew from the windows and the bar's front entrance, hurtling toward the three

gods' chosens outside. They were alert this time, so they swiftly dodged the flying bodies heading in their direction.


As the bodies collided heavily with the ground, lifeless, another terrible chill spread through the hearts of the remaining three gods' chosens when they saw the severed limbs and the array of swords and daggers embedded in their foreheads, throats, and eyes.

It was a horrifying scene!

"You don't seem well, Miss Kerensa. Let me assist you inside so you can rest and arrange for a healer to treat you," Orion offered, his eyes taking in the blood on her palm and her quivering form.

Suddenly, Kerensa's disoriented senses flared as she detected two figures swiftly approaching. She instinctively gripped her weapon and watched as they landed beside her.

These newcomers wore rugged armour, a blend of metal and thick, leather-like material. Their black masks, covered their heads to their chins. Strange, slender bracelets adorned their wrists, and an oddly strapped, bulky weapon hung from their backs and waists.

It took only a few glances for Kerensa to recognize that these individuals were not from the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City but were unmistakably from Paradise.

They both approached. "We've dealt with the remaining crisis and received information regarding the location where the Dagmins are being held hostage. We came to inform you and see whether you would also want to come along," one of the warriors said, carefully choosing his words and remembering the information Stronghold Leader Seth disclosed.

They weren't burdened by the Supreme Leader's presence but were exhilarated, especially after hearing the plan. Since the beginning, when they ascended to the sky, establishing Paradise, some of them were tasked with harvesting the Vylkr vines from below and sending them to Paradise, while others were dispatched to the Outward Stronghold to harvest the Vylkr alloys, and others to keep an eye on the leaders of each Runaway City and help capture the spies in secret so as not to reveal their presence and force them into hiding once more.

While the tasks were thrilling and presented a unique opportunity to broaden their horizons -each of the three Runaway Cities being a civilization unto itself-they were also eager to demonstrate their prowess. They wanted to face the best opponents available and solidify the reputation of Paradise's formidable warriors.

Orion nodded, recognizing the reason for their delay. He had spent some time extracting information from the remaining gods' chosens he had captured in the bar. As a result, he was fully aware of where the Dragmins were being held.


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