Chapter 1045: Plotting A Rebellion

Name:Village Head's Debauchery Author:
Chapter 1045: Plotting A Rebellion

"Three of you will accompany me to rescue the captives. The remaining four will split into pairs and apprehend every member of these two households. Kill anyone who resists. However, wait for the signal before taking action. You will stay here and monitor the situation from above," Orion instructed with a nod. "Remember, this is your chance to demonstrate your strength to the Runaway Cities and their forces. Don't tarnish Paradise's reputation."

"Understood, Chief," they replied in unison.

Orion nodded and then focused on one of the warriors supporting a battered and injured Dragmin. "Lead the way," Orion commanded. "If you guide us to the wrong location, I promise you a torment so severe that you'll beg for death-yet it will never come." His eyes bore into the trembling gods' chosen, who nodded in fearful agreement.

"Good. Let's begin," Orion said.

In a dimly lit hall, numerous enchanted cells lined the walls, each holding individuals of all ages, chained and battered. These were the Dragmins kidnapped from the residential areas of the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City, now imprisoned in this gloomy hall.

At the hall's centre lay a vast rune pulsating with a sinister red glow. The rune was surrounded by large circles, within which Dragmin gods' chosens meditated, submerged in a pool of shimmering dark red blood that flowed toward them through the runes from the centre.

The rune inscribed on the ground occupied a significant portion of the hall's open space, casting an eerie crimson light that bathed its entirety. The only other illumination came from the enchanted lanterns, faintly glowing and scattered throughout the hall, adding to the ominous atmosphere.

"Go ahead. Make it four this time," the man responded, echoing through the hall and silencing the previously clamorous noise.

The man nodded, with a smile revealing his jagged, sharp teeth. He signalled to the two gods' chosens standing nearby.

They returned his nod and moved towards one of the cells to execute the orders. Hearing the grim details of the conversation, the prisoners realized their pleas had fallen on deaf ears, and their deaths were imminent. As the gods' chosens approached their cells, the captives began to beg desperately for their lives.

"Please, let us go! We've done nothing wrong!" a man shouted from one of the cells, his hands futilely tugging at his chains in a vain attempt to break free.

"Have mercy, set us free!" another voice pleaded-a woman's trembling with fear. "You shouldn't be doing this! Will you ever be able to sleep soundly after what you've done?" The gods' chosens, unbothered by the cries and pleas, opened the cell doors and stepped inside. Though they did not relish the suffering of their captives, they viewed this as a necessary step toward their ultimate goal: breaking free from Paradise's control and advancing to a Grade Two Runaway City. They clung to this brutal method with no viable alternatives as their only path forward.

The gods' chosens removed the chains from an older man and three younger men, dragging them toward the centre of the engraved rune. They pulled the three corpses outside the rune, then forced the three men to their knees before drawing daggers from their sides.


Before they could utter another word of plea, the daggers sliced through their throats, severing their heads from their bodies. The heads were flung to the ground, their lifeless bodies collapsing in a gruesome heap.

Blood poured from the necks, pooling onto the runes below. As if possessed, the shimmering dark red liquid surged through the engraved patterns and toward the gods' chosens seated around the rune's edge.NewW novels updates at