Chapter 1047: A Formidable Bizarre Technique

Name:Village Head's Debauchery Author:
Chapter 1047: A Formidable Bizarre Technique

"Can you explain what sort of atrocity is transpiring here? You have one minute," Orion said, turning his attention to the winged Dragmin perched in the corner of the ceiling.

Nahe frowned deeply at Orion's demand. The time it had taken to secure the captives had allowed him to regain his composure and assess the situation more clearly.

Even the remaining gods' chosens had managed to quell their fear, eyeing the two figures before them with cautious expressions. Only three gods' chosens remained, apart from the eight seated within the runes.

"There is nothing to explain. All of this has transpired because of Paradise's own faults. Do you think we would simply kneel and bow our heads just because our Emperor has been captured and our Runaway City subjugated? A true leader scales any trial, no matter how mighty, regardless of the sacrifices required."

"Paradise is merely a stepping stone that will glorify the ascent of the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City into a Grade Two Runaway City, solidifying our position as unshakable. We will no longer need the protection of the Wandering Wolf Borough Runaway City. We may even have the chance to subjugate them under us and climb to the peak," Nahe replied, his voice brimming with confidence and conviction, his eyes burning with rage as they fixed on the two Paradise warriors before him.

Orion nodded in understanding before responding, "If this is the extent of your rebellion, then it's not enough to stir the sands outside the shores of Paradise. It's pitiful that you had to sacrifice so many lives of your own people just to achieve this. Regardless, as warriors from Paradise, we must end this uprising and bring you before the denizens of Trekking Flamingo Runaway City to atone for the irredeemable atrocities you've committed."

"Hehe! You speak as though Paradise hasn't committed its own irredeemable atrocities in its pursuit of power. We all know that such strength doesn't come without a price," Nahe sneered.

"Yes, indeed, there was a price," Orion responded.

Nahe's brow rose in astonishment at Orion's admission.

"Unfortunately, it's not as simple as you think," Orion replied, shaking his head. He recalled the horrendous experiments his ancestors endured to gain the strength they now wielded, a strength that came with severe consequences, like their declining fertility.

"Chief, I think they're planning something unusual. We should stop them now," the warrior said through his mask.

"There's no need to act yet. Since everyone within the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City will be watching, we should give them a show," Orion responded, shaking his head.

The warrior remained silent, nodding.

The seated gods' chosens fell one by one, their blood spilt onto the rune, creating another heavy pool of blood. The blood then surged toward the last remaining gods' chosens, who had the highest energy level in the room.

The gods' chosens then stood at specific places within the rune and began to chant.

"From skies torn asunder by raging storms, tear the heavens, rend the sky..."

As the gods' chosens chanted, the rune's glow intensified, eventually overpowering even the lanterns around the hall.

Soon, a shadow began to form above the centre of the runes.

Witnessing this, Nahe cracked a smile and turned his attention to the two Paradise warriors. "Since you're so confident about decimating whatever we've planned, it's only fair I explain the fate you've sealed for yourselves." He gestured toward the bloodied runes on the ground.

"These runes are part of the technique Emperor Greroth acquired alongside the Dragon Shadow Transformation technique. They complement each other so well that it's believed this technique was built upon the Dragon Shadow Transformation. It details the intricacies of sacrificing the blood of a being with draconic heritage to amplify one's strength-the higher the mastery, the greater the benefits of the absorbed draconic heritage."

"Lastly, it describes a ritual to summon an ancient malevolent spirit beast from the Lower Spirit Realm. Only those who fully master the technique can summon the spirit at will. Attempting to summon it prematurely risks tainting the summoner's soul or even possession."