Chapter 89

Chapter 89

“Younger generations are far inferior to the Undying Phoenix Clan, and the older generations are even worse!”

“Haven’t you noticed that the True Dragon Clan has become more and more mysterious over the past ten thousand years and less active in the outer world?”

“And when the Sacred Lands swept through the Ancient Imperial Clans eight thousand years ago, did the True Dragon Clan step out to interfere? If this were the past, do you think the True Dragon Clan would have just stood by and watched?”

“Why do you think the True Dragon Clan is behaving this way! Is it because they’re overconfident, believing no one can challenge them, or because they lack confidence and don’t want others to discover their true face?” Jiang Chen said meaningfully.

This was something he learned later on. In the original story, the True Dragon Clan was portrayed very impressively, being touted as the top power in the Nine Heavens Realm and the foremost genius of their era.

It was only later revealed that the entire True Dragon Clan had long been in decline. They had plenty of strong cultivators, but all were nearing the end of their lives, only able to be preserved in their essence as a heritage.

They would only emerge for major events, such as the battle for the Heavenly Heart Imprint, to embark on the path to becoming an Emperor! At such times, these heritages would appear, fighting one last time for the final hope.

Or they would emerge when the True Dragon Clan faced significant danger, to protect their lineage.

Other than these situations, they would not appear.

But this kind of heritage is exhaustible. Once discovered, various powers would take turns attacking the True Dragon Clan. No matter how vast their heritage, it would eventually be completely depleted.

That’s why the True Dragon Clan dares not be active. As the number of strong cultivators who can appear dwindles, and their strength diminishes, if this were to be discovered, it would be a huge blow to the entire True Dragon Clan.

“It makes some sense when you put it that way! But over the past ten thousand years, hasn’t the True Dragon Clan consistently produced top-tier geniuses? Like the True Dragon Clan’s Son in this generation!” Dongfang Mingyue pondered, realizing that the True Dragon Clan indeed had become more mysterious over the millennia.

Especially after the Primordial Land’s wrath eight thousand years ago, sweeping through all races, the True Dragon Clan, despite being the foremost among them, was notably silent.

This was indeed strange.

If it had always been so with the True Dragon Clan, it wouldn’t be a matter of discussion. But that wasn’t the case with the True Dragon Clan.

Moreover, she remembered that in the long years before, whenever there was a conflict between the human race and the various clans, the True Dragon Clan would immediately step out, full of grandeur.Yôur favorite stories at

But now, the True Dragon Clan was nowhere to be seen.

Dongfang Mingyue started to think deeply after Jiang Chen’s reminder.

“Who do you think would be most affected if this news got out?”

The Primordial Holy Son suddenly said.

“The Azure Dragon Clan!” Dongfang Mingyue and Snow Moon Immortal said in unison.

The Azure Dragon Clan relies on the True Dragon Clan, which can be said to be their closest ally. It is precisely because of their close relationship that the Azure Dragon Clan has been acting as they please, not putting any power in their eyes except for a few ancient imperial clans.

If others knew that their closest ally was no longer powerful, the entire Azure Dragon Clan would be bloodbathed.

This is inevitable.

“I’m actually looking forward to this news getting out, to see how miserable the Azure Dragon Clan will be! But let’s talk about this later, you’ve already found a helper now, do you have any other plans?”

“Seeing you so confident and sure of victory, there must be more than this plan, right?” Dongfang Mingyue said with a smile.

She was looking forward to Jiang Chen’s next plan more and more. After years of not returning, her disciple had brought her too many surprises.

“Of course, there are! The Great Qin Dynasty! You just need to tell the Emperor of Great Qin, and he will take action!” Jiang Chen was very confident.

“Oh, since when have you been so close to the Emperor of Great Qin!” Dongfang Mingyue was somewhat surprised.

She knew Jiang Chen had experienced with Qin Yao for a while, and his relationship with the Great Qin Dynasty was not bad, but that didn’t mean he could completely persuade them to take action, especially in such an important battle that required the deployment of extreme divine weapons!

“You just need to tell him that there is a way to solve the curse of the Great Qin Dynasty in the ancient desolate demon realm, even if our relationship is not good, they will take action!”

“The curse of the Great Qin Dynasty has been a heart disease for the Great Qin royal family. If it weren’t for this curse, the Great Qin Dynasty would now be able to sweep the entire Central Region, and its status would not be inferior to our Primordial Holy Land!” Jiang Chen said slowly.

The Great Qin Dynasty was extremely prosperous, if not for at least half of each generation dying prematurely, among these premature deaths were geniuses of extraordinary talent.

If these people had survived, the Great Qin Dynasty would have reached an unimaginable level. Unfortunately, because of the curse, the Great Qin Dynasty was blocked from its path!

“Do you know the curse of the Great Qin Dynasty? You seem to know quite a lot!” Dongfang Mingyue was somewhat surprised.

The curse of the Great Qin Dynasty was very secretive, known to very few people. Even she found out about it by accident.

“Of course, I also know the source and the solution! But for now, it can’t be said, because if I do, it won’t work anymore!”

“First, let’s unite with the Great Qin Dynasty, and then tell them the solution later! And through this, we can also form an alliance with the Great Qin Dynasty, which is quite good!” Jiang Chen said slowly.