It had been a few days since they last met, and Si Huaixi couldn’t help but miss Brother Pei. He sat at a table after the shoot, his brows slightly furrowed, occasionally tapping the illuminated screen of his phone. His expression was cool and distant, creating a sense of isolation that made everyone on the set hesitant to disturb him.

He wasn’t sure whose place he was sitting in, but there was a bottle of water on the table, adorned with a pink cartoon pendant.

Si Huaixi glanced briefly and disinterestedly before averting his gaze, waiting for the end of the workday, contemplating whether or not to make a trip back home.

Suddenly, the screen lit up.

Si Huaixi glanced at it indifferently, thinking he might have accidentally pressed it, but to his surprise, it displayed “Brother Pei.”

It was as if a spark had ignited in the dry trees, flickering in the darkness.

The cold gaze of Si Huaixi softened slightly, and a faint curve appeared at the corners of his lips, a mix of self-confidence and a touch of smugness.

If Pei Zhaozhou saw this, he would definitely want to pinch this slightly flattened handsome face.

Pei Zhaozhou: “Are you at home?”

Si Huaixi felt that Brother Pei must have been implying for him to come home. Though he should have been happy to respond, he couldn’t help but sink into deep thought.

It became even more difficult to understand.

Brother Pei’s reaction gave him a strange sense of abruptness. If it was all for the sake of treating his disorder of pheromone imbalance, using an engagement and self-interest to win him over, then this engagement would be a ridiculous joke.

Who was he?

In Brother Pei’s eyes, he was a small star, an opportunistic canary, a dangerous spy…

But certainly not a romantic partner.

Si Huaixi sadly understood that Brother Pei, out of fear of illness, was resorting to such extreme measures to win him over without reservation.

But he couldn’t help but have illusions.

Si Huaixi gazed cryptically at the illuminated screen, remembering the day he tempted Brother Pei to speak the truth…

And Brother Pei responded like this: “I don’t know if you like me, but I only want you…”

What did he want from him? His presence? His spiritual strength? His ability to help him overcome the pheromone disorder?

He never clearly expressed his affection.

In that moment, the sound of Brother Pei’s deep “I want you” echoed in his ears, causing his face to flush, as if he were enveloped in a jar filled with honey, struggling to breathe.

The taste of sweetness lingered on his tongue, only to be cruelly awakened when the aftertaste faded away, leaving behind a sobering reality.

— Brother Pei, if you want me as much as I want to have you, wouldn’t that be wonderful? But in your eyes, it’s merely a transaction. 

Si Huaixi lowered his forehead slightly, a deep and muted gaze revealing a hint of melancholy. He replied on the phone, ‘No, still on set.’ Soon, a message came from the other side. Pei Zhaozhou replied, ‘Hmm, I’m also on set.’ 

Si Huaixi’s throat tightened, and his clear gaze remained fixed on those few words displayed on the screen. He’s here, he’s really here? What purpose does he have? Is this some sort of calculated approach? Brother Pei, you’re truly something else!

Si Huaixi’s mind was instantly filled with questions. The rapid heartbeat evoked by those few words turned his cheeks crimson. He felt so excited that he wanted to pour a bucket of cold water on himself, engaging in a turbulent inner struggle. After a moment, he responded, ‘Oh, I’m coming to find you now.’ 

Si Huaixi casually placed the phone in his pocket, no longer concerned whether it rang or not, whether the person had replied or not. 

Standing up, he paused for a moment as the light from the dressing mirror dazzled his vision. He gazed at his reflection, with dark and deep eyes, still wearing the beautiful colored contacts. His sharp and carefree appearance was slightly inferior to his previous life, and the overly fair skin on his neck appeared somewhat delicate. 

Even though Si Huaixi knew that, after tempering his spiritual power, he had become quite similar to his peak state in his previous life, capable of directly confronting tough zombies with his tough skin, he was still unsatisfied. His youthful bones hadn’t fully developed yet, and at least until the age of 22 or 23, this body would completely mature. He could only console himself by thinking that he was a few centimeters taller than Brother Pei. 

Dissatisfied, Si Huaixi pursed his lips and walked away, pretending to be indifferent.

As he left the rest area, Si Huaixi’s eyes subconsciously searched, his peripheral vision scanning the crowd on set, glancing past a few familiar faces. Then, he saw Pei Zhaozhou standing next to the studio, his cold and restrained demeanor setting him apart from the rest. 

When Si Huaixi saw him, the central focus of his vision became Pei Zhaozhou’s figure, and the surrounding scenery blurred. His fingers clenched tightly around the phone as Si Huaixi lowered his gaze and walked directly toward Pei Zhaozhou’s location.

“Brother Pei.”

The voice, as if it had been absent for a long time, made Pei Zhaozhou’s heart ache with a bitter and aggrieved feeling. Pregnancy had been wreaking havoc on his emotions lately. Thinking about these restless nights, being plagued with morning sickness and insomnia, and yet the person before him didn’t even bother to acknowledge him. He had been hiding on set without even returning home.

If he really doesn’t come looking for him, will he just disappear completely from his surroundings like this?

Is it so difficult for him to be with him?

Pei Zhaozhou’s eyes lost their sparkle, and he spoke with a low tone, saying, “You don’t have to do this. If you don’t want to, I won’t say anything. You can go home.”

Then, almost randomly, Pei Zhaozhou took out a key and handed it to Si Huaixi, saying, “Here’s the key. We can meet on time from now on. That way, you won’t feel burdened anymore, right?”

“I’m leaving. Let’s stay in touch afterwards.”

Pei Zhaozhou forced a smile, seeming to realize that his emotions were somewhat bleak. He quickly withdrew the smile, and a layer of gloom covered his cold eyes. He intended to turn around and leave.

“Wait.” Si Huaixi, in a daze, held onto the key, suddenly realizing that Pei Zhaozhou was about to leave. In an instant, he panicked and hurriedly tried to stop him.

Si Huaixi firmly approached and grabbed hold of Pei Zhaozhou. With hopeful eyes, he said, “Let’s meet now, Brother Pei. I want to see you.”

Pei Zhaozhou’s gaze froze, as if he were scrutinizing, pausing for a moment, and then sighed in resignation.

— There’s no way to refuse.

— Neither he nor the child in his womb can be separated from Si Huaixi.

“Alright,” Pei Zhaozhou replied, closing his eyes.

“How about we go to the park? There’s a central park nearby. I heard it has a beautiful environment and is home to many unique plants and flowers from different planets… I’d like to go there with you.”

A faint blush crept onto Si Huaixi’s face as he observed Pei Zhaozhou’s expression, seemingly sensing that Pei Zhaozhou’s mood wasn’t particularly high. He nervously furrowed his brows.

Even though they had already done more intimate things, when Si Huaixi spoke those words, his eyelashes trembled nervously, and his face flushed with a pink fuzz, appearing innocent and shy, not like someone who had long since lost his virginity and was about to have a child, a clumsy oaf.

He kept thinking to himself.

Is going to a small park considered a date?

Could this be his and Brother Pei’s first date?!

Pei Zhaozhou didn’t quite understand why the topic suddenly shifted to going to the park, but it happened to be a good opportunity to ease the atmosphere. He didn’t want to strain his relationship with Si Huaixi.

Besides, it had been a while since he relaxed and breathed in the fresh air of nature, and it was a chance for the fetus to breathe as well, so as not to spend every day with him facing work, various troubles, and his annoying birth father.

“Then let’s go.”

Hello, everyone ヾ(^∇^). I hope you enjoyed the story! If you’re feeling generous, please buy me a coffee, share/comment on my translated works! Check out the link below for early chapters.  (๑>ᴗ