Chapter 12 - Arrival of the Dragon General, the Prince's Dominance!

Chapter 12: Arrival of the Dragon General, the Prince’s Dominance!

“The Prince is majestic...”

Everyone in Tianchi Holy Land was in awe. In front of the chariot, with his hands behind his back, the figure in white was as elegant as jade. Extremely domineering, it made people’s hearts yearn! Even the Dragon Army of the Taian Imperial Family was stunned...

After the ceremony, Lin Qi’an said indifferently, “You may leave now.”

A dismissal order. Xuande, along with the Holy Son of Tiangang, suddenly looked up!

“What does the Holy Son mean?”

“Tianchi Holy Land, this Prince will protect.”

Lin Qi’an’s words were like thunder. The sound of gasping filled the air. The Prince wants to destroy the Holy Land and capture the Saintess, but the Prince wants to protect it? The Beiyang Prince dares to openly oppose the Taian Imperial Family!

“Your Highness, this is absolutely impossible! We have come thousands of miles under the Prince’s orders; how can we return just because of your words?” Xuande gritted his teeth. As the imposing leader of the Dragon Army, he felt completely humiliated at this moment. It seemed that he wasn’t even considered by this Prince!

As for the Tiangang Holy Land, it wasn’t worthy of consideration. This was the dominance of the Beiyang Prince! Back then, his father, the Sword Emperor, also fought invincibly throughout the Canglan Dao Domain. The Prince was also the son of the Emperor!

The people of Tiangang Holy Land and the Dragon Army exchanged glances. They thought they would return triumphant, but they didn’t expect to encounter this calamity. It was truly unlucky.

And these people? They came in force to destroy my Holy Land, only to be told to “get lost” by the Prince.

Long Ye’s eyes showed dread. He was indeed no match for the protector behind Lin Qi’an. At this point, hard tactics wouldn’t work; he had to soften his approach.

“Prince, Beiyang and Tai’an both belong to the Tianlang Immortal Dynasty; why hurt our harmony? We won’t destroy Tianchi Holy Land. If you let us take the Saintess, we can at least give an account to the Prince. How about it?”

Even the mighty General yielded before the Prince. The Dragon Army soldiers were greatly demoralized. But this was indeed a mutually beneficial solution. It gave face to the Prince and avoided the Prince’s reproach.

“It’s bad... The Prince might really be helpless now?”

“Yes, the other side has made significant concessions. If the Prince continues to make things difficult, he will be unreasonable and overbearing...”

“Alas, it’s a pity for the Saintess; she still can’t avoid being taken by the Prince!” Sighs echoed one after another. Even Su Yun felt helpless.

The other side had given the Prince maximum face; not killing anyone, both sides had a way out. This request seemed very reasonable. The air was unusually quiet. Everyone watched Lin Qi’an in white, waiting for his response.

“Xueni, I’m thirsty.”

The Saintess of Tianchi, dressed in a moon-white long dress, with an exceptional appearance and a graceful figure, respectfully approached Lin Qi’an. Holding a white jade tray with a cup of tea on it.

“Your Highness, please have some tea.” Lin Qi’an took the cup, sipped it lightly, “Step back.”

A deathly silence. Everyone present was shocked to the core! The Prince had already answered with his actions. Su Xuení was his person! Today, no one could take her away.