Chapter 17 - A Psychological Strategy! Recruiting the Sword Spirit

Chapter 17: A Psychological Strategy! Recruiting the Sword Spirit

Ling Tian’s anger surged, his face turning red, his eyes bloodshot. “What are you here for? Are you here to humiliate me?”

Lin Qi’an didn’t bother to respond to his outburst. He calmly said, “I’m not interested in you. Let your master come out and talk.”

Ling Tian felt as if he had been struck by lightning. This was his biggest secret, his last hope. He had never told anyone, not even Xuení. How did Lin Qi’an know?

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about...” Ling Tian clenched his fists and answered in a low voice.

“You have the Divine Technique Divine Technique, and there is a spirit within it. All your opportunities and growth have come from her. Did I make myself clear?” Lin Qi’an smirked.

Hearing this, even Su Xuení couldn’t help but pause. “How... how do you know this?”

“Do you think you can hide anything from me?” Lin Qi’an asked.

Ling Tian trembled all over, feeling an overwhelming sense of powerlessness. He nearly collapsed. Only now did he realize the insurmountable gap between him and the high and mighty Prince.Fôllôw new stories at novelhall.comn it, if only I had enough time to grow! One day, I could crush him underfoot! If only I had listened to Ling Yu’s advice...’

But it was too late to regret. His trump card was known, and escape was impossible. A red aura emerged from Ling Tian’s brow, forming the ethereal figure of a woman—the sword spirit, Ling Yu.

“I’m just a mere remnant soul of a sword spirit, why does the prince bother?” Ling Yu spoke calmly.

“Oh? And what gives you the right to decide for your master?” Lin Qi’an smiled. “Was it your impulsive challenge that drained her spirit, leaving her in her current weakened state?”

Ling Yu was silent. She had to admit that in every way, Ling Tian fell short compared to Lin Qi’an. His impulsiveness and lack of forethought had driven them to this dire situation.

“If you truly care for your master, you should let her follow me. To heal and restore her physical form, to fully unleash the power of the Divine Technique, she should follow me,” Lin Qi’an said sincerely.

Beiyang Tianjian City was the best place for nurturing swords. Lin Qi’an’s words were sweetly persuasive to Ling Yu. She knew that with Beiyang’s resources, they lacked nothing in terms of sacred weapons.

The fact that he was personally trying to recruit her showed great sincerity. Truthfully, she had a favorable impression of Lin Qi’an, especially after witnessing his Thousand Swords to Court ability.

The sight of countless swords soaring to form his weapon was a spectacular scene. At that moment, she felt a burning desire to be wielded by someone truly talented, ensuring her legacy was not tarnished.

Ling Tian had awakened her, but she had repaid him many times over.

“Prince, though I am his master, I cannot accept your offer right now,” Ling Yu replied, using the term “for now.”

“I wouldn’t force you, Senior. But you are weak from overexertion. I have a spirit elixir that can help restore some of your soul power.” With that, he tossed a bottle of Three Elements Soul Condensation Elixir into the dungeon, not waiting for her to refuse, and left with Xuení.

On the way out, Su Xuení was puzzled. “Prince, if you wanted his spirit treasure, why not just take it? Why play mind games?”

“You don’t understand. Simply obtaining a sacred weapon without the spirit’s approval greatly diminishes its power.”

“I see... Then, Ling Tian is entirely at your disposal.” Su Xuení smiled enchantingly, “As for me, I’ll continue refining the Ice Qilin Essence Blood~”