Chapter 20 - Plea for Mercy? No, I Came to Witness the Prince's Charisma

Chapter 20: Plea for Mercy? No, I Came to Witness the Prince’s Charisma

“You came to plead for Ling Tian?” Lin Qi’an asked, a playful smile curling his lips.

“Not exactly a plea,” Zi Lianyou stammered, still flustered, her face a mix of white and red. “I just heard the Prince was here and wanted to meet him, to witness the elegance of the Prince in person!”

At first, her tone was uncertain, but as she continued, she grew more confident, as if her words were entirely true.

Su Xuení was stunned! Just a moment ago, at the door, Zi Lianyou was solely focused on pleading for Ling Tian. Now, before the Prince, she claimed to be here to admire him?

“Ha ha, then tell me your impressions,” Lin Qi’an said.

“Lianyou is not as eloquent as Sister Xuení. I just find the Prince to be incredibly handsome and elegant!”

‘Could she be any more sycophantic?’ Su Xuení thought, seething. Is she implying I’m a smooth talker while she is genuinely praising the Prince?

Su Xuení’s teeth ground in frustration. Zi Lianyou, usually so honest, had turned obsequious before the Prince. She would need to be wary of her in the future.

Flattered by Zi Lianyou’s praise, Lin Qi’an felt slightly uncomfortable.

“Alright, I know you have a history with Ling Tian.”

“Indeed... I owe him a favor,” Zi Lian You admitted.

“I’m not one to hold grudges. For Su Xuení’s sake, I can give him a chance.” Lin Qi’an retrieved a jade-white pill, flicking it into Zi Lianyou’s hands.

“This pill, have Ling Tian take it.”

“What is it?” she asked.

“A Spirit Gathering Pill. It will restore his spiritual power, helping him break out of the dungeon.”

“The Prince again...” Ling Tian’s mood soured at the mention of him.

“Brother Ling, I have a Spirit Gathering Pill that can restore your strength and help you break the restraints!”

“Really?” Just when he thought all was lost, a ray of hope appeared!

‘I, Ling Tian, am favored by destiny. Every setback makes me stronger. Lin Qi’an, wait for me.’

“Lianyou, you are a great help as I needed this.” Ling Tian quickly took the pill and began meditating, feeling his strength rapidly return.

“It’s nothing, Brother Ling. I owed you a favor anyway.”

Crack! The restraints shattered. Ling Tian was free, his eyes shining with renewed determination.

“What are your plans now, Brother Ling?”

“I’ll find a way to rise again! Once I’m strong enough, I’ll reclaim everything I’ve lost.”

He was confident that with enough time, he would seize opportunities to grow stronger.

“Brother Ling, I hope you won’t oppose the Prince anymore. If not for him, I couldn’t have seen you...”

Ling Tian frowned, glaring at Zi Lian You. “Even you speak for him, like that wretched Su Xuení?”

“I just think the Prince is a good person,” Zi Lianyou said, biting her lip.

“Hmph, I’ll tell you this: it’s impossible! The enmity between me and the Beiyang Prince is irreconcilable. You and Su Xuení will see. One day, I’ll crush him right before your eyes. Goodbye.”

With those cold, cutting words, Ling Tian left the dungeon, leaving Zi Lianyou standing there, sighing in disappointment.

‘Brother Ling, how did you become like this...’