Chapter 29 - Seven Stars Dragon Spring Sword, Slaying the Beast with One Sword!

Chapter 29: Seven Stars Dragon Spring Sword, Slaying the Beast with One Sword!

“Alright, let’s all attack together and kill this beast!”

“Everyone, charge!”

Among the nearly hundred cultivators observing from the shore, more than half soared into the air, flying above the magma lake.


Suddenly, the calm lake surface exploded and countless scalding magma spurted like fireworks.

Appearing before the crowd was a monstrous fish with numerous tentacles! The fish was a hundred meters long, with crimson scales. It was the guardian beast of the lake.

Flame Abyss Demon Whale!

Its aura reached the peak of the Heaven Dominion Realm! And in this magma lake, it thrived, its combat strength soaring, likely reaching the Transcendent Realm.

“Everyone, do not hold back! Attack with all your might!”

In an instant, the lake surface was awash with radiance, streams of spiritual power bursting forth. Dozens of cultivators fought fiercely with the giant demon whale.

“A bunch of fools...” Disguised Ling Tian sneered in the shadows.

Taking advantage of these fools distracting the beast, he quietly retreated and submerged into the magma. The classic move of the protagonist, reaping the benefits without lifting a finger.

With the Nine Yang Divine Technique protecting him, this ordinary magma posed no threat to him. No one noticed his actions, except for Lin Qi’an, who could sense it secretly.

“Crown Prince, this demon whale is quite fierce. I don’t think they won’t be able to handle it... Xuení is willing to fight for you.” Su Xuení volunteered.

She couldn’t always just be a decorative figure in front of the Crown Prince; she had to act when necessary.

“Go ahead, don’t hurt yourself.”

“Yes!” Being concerned about her, Su Xuení felt elated and flew up. Her dress fluttered, and her black hair danced in the wind.

Her movements were graceful and elegant, with an ethereal quality, truly captivating.

The sharpness of a sacred weapon was not something these beasts’ flesh could withstand.

Seeing the troublesome tentacles dealt with, everyone’s pressure lessened significantly, and their attacks grew fiercer.

“I’ll help too!” Zi Lianyou felt she couldn’t just stand by any longer.

The Crown Prince brought her along, not to be a vase but to show her worth. She transformed into a purple stream of light, her ribbons fluttering, and beams of light bombarded the massive creature.

“Hiss~~~” A cry like a baby’s wail echoed.

The severely injured demon whale was enraged, leaping out of the water completely, opening its massive mouth to swallow the human cultivators whole!

Zi Lianyou was just within its range. As the gaping maw loomed larger in her vision, a sword light as bright as moonlight flashed. It descended from the sky like silver radiance.

Falling Moon Divine Sword!

The power of a single strike pierced the whale from back to belly! The scalding blood evaporated into steam as soon as it touched the magma.

The whale’s internal organs were completely destroyed by the terrifying energy that invaded its body, and it fell into the lake.


A splash dozens of meters high erupted.

“What a powerful divine technique...”

“If I’m not mistaken, this is the signature move of the Tianjian City, the Falling Moon Divine Sword!”

“Such formidable power, unstoppable. It only took one sword strike to pierce the beast’s heart!”

The cultivators had been struggling for a long time but couldn’t finish the beast off. Yet the Crown Prince took it down with a single strike.

The other demon whale was soon dealt with as well and the two women returned to Lin Qi’an’s side.

Zi Lianyou was the first to speak: “Thank you, Crown Prince, for saving me!”

She was overjoyed. In her moment of danger, the Crown Prince had acted immediately, clearly concerned for her.

Su Xuení’s brows furrowed slightly and thought she shouldn’t always act too strong in the future. She needed to occasionally show her feminine side to arouse the Crown Prince’s protective instincts...