Chapter 59 - The Princess Arrives! The Reborn Empress Has Come

Chapter 59: The Princess Arrives! The Reborn Empress Has Come

“Xueni, come over.”

Su Xueni never expected that she would have the honor of meeting the Sword Emperor! The other two girls were both envious and surprised.

The Crown Prince didn’t treat his maids as mere servants; he even introduced them to his parents...

Being the Crown Prince’s maid came with impeccable treatment in every aspect. If word got out, countless women would come forward to volunteer!

“Xueni greets the King of the North and the Queen.” Su Xueni suppressed her excitement and respectfully greeted them.

In front of the Sword Emperor, she felt as insignificant as an ant under a towering mountain. However, with the Crown Prince by her side, she felt much more at ease.

Mu Qingzhu, who was the number one beauty in the Canglan Dao Domain three thousand years ago, still retained her peerless elegance, now enhanced with a mature charm and noble demeanor.

“Rise, you are indeed a beautiful and graceful girl.” Mu Qingzhu smiled: “Qi’an, if you like her, you can marry her as a concubine. This way, the Prince of Tai’an won’t come asking for her.”


Hearing this, Su Xueni felt a surge of joy in her heart.

“No rush. I enjoy watching him try to snatch her but fail. Isn’t it amusing?” Lin Qi’an said, playing his role as a villain.

Hmph, His Highness is so mischievous...

“You’ve certainly inherited your father’s traits!” Mu Qingzhu couldn’t help but roll her eyes.

The Lin family seemed to have a penchant for snatching other people’s women. Three thousand years ago, Mu Qingzhu herself was one of those women, so she knew this very well.

“Brother, Father only married after becoming an Emperor. You’re still weak, so you shouldn’t rush into it!” Lin Hongyu teased, tugging at Lin Qi’an’s clothes.

Su Xueni glanced at the girl in the red dress; it seemed she had an issue with her future sister-in-law!

“You know so much.” Lin Qi’an laughed, rubbing his sister’s head.

At this moment, a sword guard flew over, kneeling: “Report, the carriage of the Tai’an royal family has arrived outside Tianjian City!”

They’ve come so quickly? Seems they couldn’t wait.

A Daughter of Luck?!

Lin Qi’an was astonished. That’s strange, usually, he detects the son of luck first, why not this time?

He quickly checked her stats.

Daughter of Luck: Zhao Qingmeng

Secret Treasure: Divine Origin Golden Bell

Luck: 1200 (Gold)

Core of Luck: Reborn Empress

Current Kill Reward: None

Reborn Empress!! A rebirth plot, and she’s an empress?

Impossible, Zhao Qingmeng never had any cultivation talent, how could she become an empress in the future?

Even her incredibly talented sister might not achieve that!

【This target is too powerful. Please choose a strategy route to receive corresponding assistance.】

【Route One: Kill】

【Route Two: Subdue】

When killing, the luck treasure chest obtained is based on the amount of luck value reduced from the target.

If fully subdued, the full luck treasure chest can still be obtained. The benefits are similar, depending on the target’s hostility.

Activating the Heavenly Fate Villain Divine Eyes, his gaze pierced through countless obstacles, instantly locating her!

【Zhao Qingmeng, Hostility: 80】

The hostility isn’t at 100, so it’s not a deep-seated hatred. When reduced to 0, she should be close to being subdued.

But why does she have such high hostility towards me? I didn’t wrong her sister, nor her. Could it be because I took her brother’s woman?