Chapter 9 Plot & Heroines

Name:Villain Is on Vacation Author:
After seeing his 'Status' and 'Skills' Rain saw the third one. He decided to check it too. So he clicked on 'Plot Progress'. Soon a panel appeared in Rain's field of view.

[Progress:- 0.001%]

Seeing the progress of the plot, Rain sighed in relief that the plot hasn't fully started yet.

From the details of the game, Rain still had some time, around 10 days.

Rain was confident that in these 10 days, he will be able to make a good plan and even be able to execute it properly. Rain was happy with this.

He couldn't wait till the start of the plot, so he felt an urgent need to make a plan and initiate before his 20th birthday, which was just in 7 days. Rain was sure that he doesn't have much time.

'Now let's get up and start making progress.' Rain got up from his bed. When he turned his face to the clock, he noticed that it was still early morning.

Because of his previous life's routine Rain still had a habit of waking up in the early morning. Rain decided to do some exercise first.

Just when Rain was starting to do light exercises like stretching. His whole body pained. Then he noticed that there were some injuries on his body.

Although those injuries weren't heavy, they weren't light either. Rain estimated that even with an awakened body, it will take around 2-3 days to fully heal. He tried to remember how he got those injuries.

After some thinking, Rain soon remembered how he got injured.

It was the work of those two, his fiancée Emma Rose and his sister Kaya Holmes. Also, Heroine 1 & 2 of the game.

'You people might be thinking how they beat me up. The reason is that I'm a villain. Just kidding, However, it's still partially right. Let me tell you about them.'

Rain walked towards the drawer and took out a photo album from there.

There were many photos of him and his close ones in this photo album.

Rain started flipping through pictures. Every picture was filled with memories. Soon a picture came in view of Rain. He stopped his hand and stroked that picture. In that picture, three children were playing together in the park. A boy was standing in the middle while two girls were standing on his both side.

Rain looked at the girl standing on the left side of the boy. Looking at the picture, Rain thought about her.

'First Emma Rose, daughter or more than Diamond of Rose Family. She and I are childhood friends. No, maybe I should say we were childhood friends because I don't think she considers me her friend now.' Rain shrugged his shoulders.

'Yeah. Our parents are also friends. So that's how we got engaged. Kinda childish right? Even in the modern world, people still do this.' Remembering that time Rain smiled wryly.

Still, Rain was quite happy at that time. After all, Emma was his first love. They played together happily in childhood.

But because of one incident, Emma started to hate men. But what can a Little Rain do? he tried his best though.

However, because of the lack of response from Emma, the relationship between him and her became estranged.

Emma even partially started to hate Rain and this story continued like this until the Protagonist came and made Emma fall in love with him.

Rain didn't know how Emma, who hated men, fell in love with him and don't think the protagonist is female. He is 100% man. Don't ask how Rain knows, he just knows. That's how our Rain got his Villain awakening.

After that, Rain looked at the girl standing on the right side of the boy. Looking at the picture, Rain thought about her.

Second Heroine – Kaya Holmes.

She is Rain's sister, but not from the same parents.

She is the daughter of his father's elder brother. Furthermore, she is just a few months older than him and also very close to him. She and Rain played together with Emma in childhood often.

But then one day her parents died in a monster dungeon accident and Rain's father adopted her. So then this situation leads to complicated things.

'You will ask, How? Because her parents' death was not an accident, it was a pre-planned conspiracy, and many people knew that.' Remembering the death of his uncle and aunty, Rain felt sad.

'After all, how can powerful people die like that? But to investigate, you need to have family head power. Which my father inherited after his brother's death.

After knowing about this incident.

Kaya went to my father and requested him to investigate it and give justice to her parents.

However, he only told her the truth about the death of her parents. It was a terrorist attack by devil worshipers and refused to get revenge on them. After all, even with the power of family, there will be many losses and casualties.' Rain remembered, how after this incident things between him and Kaya started taking a bad turn.

Hearing this, Kaya was dejected.

So that day she made the goal to take revenge on them.

However, she knew that alone wouldn't be able to do that and she has to get her family's power, which was in the hands of the family head, Rain's father.

Therefore, she asked Rain's father but he refused and even if he agreed, others will oppose it. So Kaya's plan of revenge became impossible. So she decided that she will become the next head. But then one thorn in the path came, and it was me.

'Rain Holmes'

Because he was also a contender for the next family head.

Their age was close, and Their talent was also close. However, Rain was a hard worker from childhood, so his rank increased faster, and as he was the current head's son, he had other advantages too.

Kaya thought that maybe like his father Rain will also refuse to help, so she began to distance herself from him.

'I, Kaya, and Emma were childhood friends. But after Emma began to hate me, it also gave Kaya's hate fuel. Because his engagement was also one of Rain's advantages.' Rain felt how messed up his life was.

So now both of them hate him. Emma's attacks are straightforward, and Kaya attacks in the back of his. This also gives villain Rain a new rise. Many players sympathized with him.

After his fall, Kaya got the position of family head. Then, with help of the Protagonist, she took her revenge and erased everyone responsible for her parents' death. After that, both slowly fall in love and got married.

'Happy Story, right?' Rain closed the photo album and put the drawer back.

He started to replay the scene of how he got injured.

A few days ago, Emma asked to dissolve the engagement, and she came with the contract.

Although her and Rain's parents made a promise of marriage, her parents also agreed to cancel the engagement. After As they kinda feel guilty about her incident, her parents made her every wish true.

However, Rain didn't agree to cancel the end. How can he leave his first love?

Rain tried to talk with her, but she was adamant about breaking the engagement.

Emma didn't even talk with him and proposed the duel. With no choice left before him, Rain reluctantly agreed to the duel.

Soon duel between Rain and Emma started. At first, they were on par. However, soon Rain started gaining the upper hand. When he was on verge of winning it. Suddenly, Kaya helped Emma so that engagement can be dissolved successfully.

Because of Kaya's sneak attack, Rain was caught off guard. Soon he was in a disadvantageous position. After that, both of them beat Rain black and blue.

However, because of the breach of the duel, in the end, Rain won. But Kaya said she can't give her friend to someone like Rain, so she breached the duel. Therefore, she was saved from harsh punishment.

This incident further gave an emotional blow to Rain.

"What can I even do? This is so stressful''

Rain sighed.