Chapter 21 Lohar, The Stingy Dwarf

Name:Villain Is on Vacation Author:
Just like that, after hunting some golems, Rain finally found the meteor ore.

Looking at the meteor ore, Rain thought that now he had got the ore, he should leave the silver mine and can make a good sword from it.

However, like an alchemist, Rain didn't know any Forger either.

In the game, there were many forgers around the Protagonist. Even though they couldn't be compared to this stingy dwarf that made the legendary sword but they were still good in the general sense.

Among them, the most remarkable among them was that alchemist heroine's best friend. She was the best Forger in the academy and just like that alchemist, Rain doesn't like her either.

Because just like her friend, she was annoying.

She was a freaking muscle-head. She just gets angry and beat the shit out of you if she didn't like you.

In the game, the Protagonist has to spar many times with her to befriend her. Then she will forge types of equipment for you. As she is also a Heroine so she is also a big No.

In the end, Rain decided that he would just go to that stingy dwarf. He just has to somehow convince him, so he will make a sword for him.

After getting out of the silver mine, Rain saw quite an amount of crowd.

At the exit, there were many stalls selling various items such as potions, weapons, and armor. People were busy haggling and purchasing goods from vendors. The most peculiar thing about the market was the fact that hunters bought monster corpses alongside regular items.

In this world, hunting was considered to be one of the most important professions. Thus, around every hunting field, there were numerous facilities available for hunters and other visitors.

From markets to restaurants, inns, public baths, and entertainment areas, it was almost like a mini city.

As Rain walked through the market, he saw all types of people gathered. There were hunters, merchants, adventurers, and even regular townsfolk. Despite their differences, they all shared a common interest in the hunting profession. The air was filled with the sounds of bargaining, shouting, and laughter, creating a lively atmosphere.

However, Rain didn't stop anywhere.

Rain continued on his way toward the big market. Upon arrival, he surveyed the many shops but didn't stop at any of them.

Instead, he made his way to the last alleyway, where there were fewer people and most of the shops looked old and rundown. Among them stood a particularly dilapidated shop, which looked almost abandoned.

However, Rain didn't hesitate and entered the shop. Inside, he was greeted by the sight of many rusted weapons, which hung on the walls and lay on the shelves.

It seemed as though this shop had not seen any customers in quite some time. But what caught Rain's attention the most was the sight of a beer-drinking dwarf sitting in the corner.

'Yeah, he is that dwarf.' Rain thought.

The legendary wandering stingy dwarf, Lohar.

Lohar was a stout and sturdy dwarf, who stood about four feet tall. His body was stocky and muscular, suggesting a lifetime of physical labor as a forger.

The muscles in Lohar's forearms were well-developed, likely from his years of working as a forger. His hands were rough and calloused, evidence of the hard work he had put in over the years.

He had broad shoulders and thick, powerful arms with visible veins, indicating his strength.

Lohar's face was weathered and rough, with a thick beard and mustache that appeared to be unkempt and untrimmed.

His hair was a deep reddish-brown color, with a few strands of gray interspersed. His eyes were a piercing blue, sharp and observant.

Currently, Lohar's facial expression appeared bored or disinterested, as if he had seen it all and was unimpressed. There was a jug of beer in his hand, taking occasional sips.

Even though Lohar was a legendary forger. He ran this rundown shop in a remote alley. It didn't make sense to Rain. It reminded him about the story of cliche novels he read in his previous life.

It might be because the author would be a fan of the clichés.

Even Protagonist wouldn't be able to find this shop if he doesn't have heaven's luck.

Rain remembered the scene in the game where the protagonist met Lohar, one time he was just helping to catch the thief.

After chasing the thief all around. In the end, he caught him. However, while he was doing that he saw this shop and thought to buy a new weapon. So he entered this shop, and that's how he met this dwarf.

Even though all you can see here are rusted weapons, don't think it's because Lohar is some moron or amateur.

Nope. He is just stingy. He never shows his valuable things to others.

'I don't know sometimes whether he is a goblin or a dwarf.' Rain was truly wondering.

If you want to see, you have to show something as valuable as his weapons to him also.

In the whole plot, Lohar only makes a single appearance. That's why players call him the Legendary wandering Stingy Dwarf.

"Hey, the shop owner." After waiting for some time, Rain politely called him.

"What do you want, brat?" Lohar just rudely replied. Rain was caught off guard by it.

'Yeah, I forgot the straightforwardness of The Dwarfs.' Rain thought inwardly.

"I have been looking for a person who can make a custom-made weapon for me. Can you please make one for me?" As much as Rain wanted to talk informally, he still talked politely.

Lohar scanned Rain from top to bottom and said,

"Go home, kid. Business is closed for today." He refused without even thinking.

After all, why would he make a cheap weapon for some weakling? He can make tons of money by just selling his handmade weapons.

In Lohar's opinion, Rain was just a random weakling who started training swords some time ago. After coming to the market as he found everything very costly he came here in the hope to find something cheap. That's why Lohar denied it.

But then, why did he open a shop here? It's just because he wanted to. There wasn't any reason.

'Argh. That's why I didn't want to come here.' Rain really wanted to throw meteor ore on the face of Lohar.

Then Rain turned and started leaving slowly. While living he took out meteor ore from his space ring and said,

"Okay. However, I had an unknown shining ore. I thought it would make a good weapon. What a bad luck." Rain lamented like he was truly sad.

He just shrugged his shoulders and started walking again.

"Hey, brat. Show me that ore. If I like it, then I will make your weapon." Lohar smashed a jug of beer on the table and stood up.

"No. You refused first. Now I don't wanna. I will find someone else."

Then Rain again started to walk away.

Lohar scratched his head and said,

"Tsk. Okay, brat. You win. I will make your weapon. However, it will be expensive." Lohar just clicked his tongue. Like he was doing this work forcefully.

Rain immediately nodded at his words.

"Now show me the ore." Lohar stretched his empty hand towards Rain. Rain put meteor ore on Lohar's hand.

There was a glint in Lohar's eyes after watching meteor ore closely. It was like he was inspecting it.

"As I guessed it's meteor ore. You have great luck, brat. Where did you get it?" Lohar looked at Rain with a curious expression.

"I found it lying on the road." Lohar looked at Rain like he was watching an idiot. Rain's heart hurt for being watched like that however he couldn't say the truth to anyone.

"Brat. Your luck is good, only I would be able to make a good weapon from this." Lohar smirked.

"Follow me. I will also give you some good wine." Lohar gestured for Rain to follow him, hearing this Rain was quite happy.

'Yes. Mission successful.'

Lohar opened the back door of the smithy and took Rain there.

Lohar's smithy was a bustling workshop, with the hiss of hot metal filling the air. The building itself was made of rough-hewn stone and brick, with a large chimney rising up from the roof to vent the smoke and heat from the forges within. The entrance was a heavy wooden door, with a small window set into it that allowed a glimpse of the fiery orange glow that emanated from within.

Inside, the space was divided into two main areas. The first was a large forge room, dominated by three roaring furnaces that blazed with intense heat. Bellows stood beside each one, operated by assistant robots who tirelessly pumped air into the flames, keeping them hot enough to melt metal. Around the room, a variety of tools hung from pegs on the walls, including hammers, tongs, chisels, and anvils.

Beyond the forge room lay the main work area, where Lohar did his crafting. Here, long tables were strewn with scraps of metal and half-finished weapons, while shelves along the walls held stacks of raw materials, including ingots of iron, steel, and other alloys.

Despite the heat and noise, the atmosphere in the smithy was one of focused concentration.

"Now brat, show me your weapon style so I can make a weapon that would suit your fighting style." After entering the smithy Lohar told this to Rain.

After that, Rain did some basic swordsmanship moves and swung his sword.

After looking at Rain's Swordsmanship Lohar said,

"Hmm. your Swordsmanship mastery is quite low. So I will just make a weapon that suits your body. After you become proficient in Swordsmanship, upgrade your weapon."

After that, he brought a cup of wine from his collection and gave it to Rain.

"Now you drink the wine and I will just make your weapon." Lohar slightly smirked and left Rain alone.

Lohar came near the furnace and started working to make Rain's weapon.

While Lohar was working, Rain was staring at the cup of wine.

Lohar, being a dwarf, had an impressive collection of wine in his smithy. The shelves that lined the walls were stacked high with bottles and barrels of all shapes and sizes, each containing a different vintage or blend.

The one that Lohar gave to Rain was one of the most prized wines in his collection, a 100-year-old Blueberry wine. This wine was said to have powerful effects on those who drank it.

As Rain sat down at one of the rough-hewn tables, he stared at the cup of Blueberry wine. The liquid was a deep shade of purple, almost black, and had a rich, fruity aroma.

Its effects are that it increases your mana rapidly in the lower stages.

In the game, Even if, Protagonist didn't get any weapon from Lohar. Lohar gave him one cup of wine for showing a good artifact to him. (Just Protagonist luck) but at that time he was a C ranker, so he didn't get many benefits.

However, Rain knew that he can get the maximum benefit from it.

Rain drank a whole cup of wine in one gulp.



After drinking the wine, Rain immediately felt a cool sensation in his throat and soon a rush of energy coursing through his veins. The wine seemed to increase his mana rapidly, giving him a burst of power that he had never experienced before.

He felt like he got drunk.

That was the first time, Rain drank wine after getting his past life memories.

Still, Rain started to practice mana control to maximize benefits. Soon he slept.



While Rain was asleep, Lohar was still working. He was too excited to work on meteor ore. It was once in a lifetime opportunity for him. His concentration was at its peak.

He sat beside the furnace and the fire in the forge burned hot into the night, casting flickering shadows across the walls of the smithy.

Apparently, a half-day later.