Chapter 38 Rain's Vacation

Name:Villain Is on Vacation Author:
After setting a timer for his message, Rain walked towards his mansion.

After entering his mansion, Rain felt a sense of relief and liberation as he had successfully completed his mission. He began unpacking his belongings that he had purchased before leaving or taken from his room and started to set them up.

As he arranged his things, he felt a surge of excitement and joy at the thought of being free from his previous obligations.

Rain then decided to celebrate his newfound freedom by indulging in some of his favorite activities.

He played some of his favorite music, and the sound echoed throughout the spacious mansion, filling every room with its melody.

The house was equipped with a high-quality sound system, and the music was crystal clear, creating a surreal atmosphere. There was a sound barrier around the house too, so there wasn't any chance of sound leaking outside.

Next, he went to the kitchen and cooked himself a lavish meal, taking his time to prepare each dish with precision and care. He opened a bottle of fine wine and poured himself a glass, savoring the taste and the aroma.

After his meal, he sat down in his comfortable armchair and watched a movie, immersing himself in the story and losing track of time.

The screen was huge, and the sound was excellent, enhancing the cinematic experience.

As the movie ended, Rain decided to explore the mansion, admiring the luxurious decor and the magnificent views of the surrounding landscape.

The mansion had a large terrace, and he went outside to enjoy the fresh air and the stunning scenery.

He spent some time reading his favorite books, listening to more music, and enjoying the peace and solitude of his new home. Rain had finally achieved his freedom, and he planned to enjoy it to the fullest.

Then he turned his face towards his smart watch and checked the time. As it was a smartwatch it had an automatic system of adjusting timezone according to the wearer's location. According to Island's timezone, it was 1 AM.

Since the island was four hours behind the timezone of Karoon City, Rain assumed that it was early morning there.

He remembered that waking up early had become a habit for him, and he believed it was a good thing to do. With a mischievous grin on his face, Rain decided to play some pranks on the people in Karoon City who might be waking up at that time.

He thought it would be amusing to wake them up with a message, and he felt confident that he could get away with it.

Even though the world now seemed like a fantasy, it was still a technological civilization before the catastrophe. Therefore, machines like mobile phones, TV, refrigerators, and other devices still existed.

However, magic had not canceled out science but instead strengthened it by eliminating many of its inefficiencies.

With the network everywhere, Rain decided to create chaos with his phone, knowing that some people might be trying to track him through it.

He found it amusing that they had forgotten that he was a programmer in his past life and that with the system's reward, his skills were on the verge of breaking through to advanced proficiency.

He might be able to hack the government in the near future.

'Let's add it to the to-do list. Fufu

I might also hack heroine's phones and uncover their dark history.' Rain made an evil smile. He was just wondering what would be in the phones of the heroine and other main characters.

Rain opened the 'Connect' app on his phone. The app looked like it was a mixture of Instagram & Twitter. You can even live-stream on it.

Then Rain started his things.

First Rain changed the name of his ID in the app.

'Now I am just Rain. Like previous life.' Rain felt refreshed after thinking about that. Then he cut the connection with all main characters or related characters to the plot and blocked them.

'Now the world will surely boil with rumors and my absence last night at the birthday party will inflate the rumors more.'

Rain returned to his room and lay down on the bed on his bed lazily.

'Now I am free. Let's just wait for the start of the plot. There is still for days before the entrance exam of the Academy.'



'I am free. Just free.

Oh, there is a tree, a long green tree.

I can relax, but can't have s*x.

I was a villain but now the villain is on vacation.'

Rain was humming a song and dancing on the beat.

[Host your singing is good but the lyrics are trash.]

[System can't stand listening to your trash song. So it reluctantly rewards you.]

[Reward:- Writing (literature) Beginner skills acquired.]

[Host, please make good songs in the future.]

"…" Rain had a blank expression on his face, he didn't know how to respond.

'Okay. I know it's trash. I was just venting on my stress.' Rain was very embarrassed.

Feeling hungry, Rain got out of his bed and decided to prepare some food for himself.

As he rummaged through his supplies that he bought, he realized that he had purchased food in bulk before leaving, so he wouldn't have to worry about running out anytime soon.

He remembered that he had developed intermediate cooking skills from his past life as he had lived alone and had to cook for himself whenever he had the time.

He had also been rewarded with some life skills by the system, and now he considered himself to be a good cook.

Rain then took out a readymade pizza from his high-tier space ring, which kept the pizza warm even after a long time.

He sat down to enjoy his meal and started to party, listening to some music and dancing to the beat.

He lost track of time and didn't realize when he became tired and fell asleep, still feeling content and satisfied with the delicious food and the music.

Current time,

The next morning, Rain woke up feeling refreshed and ready to start his day.

He looked around his luxurious mansion and felt grateful for the freedom he had achieved.

He decided to explore the island and see what it had to offer. As he set out on his adventure, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the new experiences that awaited him.

While walking, he thought.

'My cooking was so good.'

Rain felt proud of his cooking skills as he reminisced about the past. He remembered how he had to rush through his meals in his previous life, often not having enough time to prepare food.

But now, he had the freedom to experiment with new dishes and take his time enjoying them. He felt like he was running a 5-star restaurant, and the food was so good that he couldn't resist indulging in it.

As he explored the island, Rain felt a sense of excitement and adventure that he had never experienced before.

He realized that he had always wanted to do these things but had never found the time or opportunity to do so in his past life. However, his current circumstances had awakened his adventurous spirit, and he was eager to explore everything the island had to offer.

As Rain explored the island's vast terrain, he found himself drawn to the dense forest that lay at its heart.

The forest was a veritable paradise, teeming with life and filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers. The leaves of the trees rustled gently in the breeze, and the chirping of birds echoed through the trees.

The forest was a vibrant and colorful place, with plants and flowers of every shade and hue.

Rain marveled at the variety of wildlife that he encountered on his excursions into the forest, from playful monkeys swinging through the trees to graceful deer grazing in the clearings. He was also careful to avoid the more dangerous creatures that lurked in the shadows, such as venomous snakes and predatory beasts.

Rain loved the sense of tranquility that the forest provided. The gentle rustling of the leaves and the quiet hum of insects created a soothing atmosphere that calmed his nerves and allowed him to reflect on his new life on the island.

Despite his excitement, Rain was cautious, as he knew that there might be monsters lurking around.

He knew there were low-grade monsters on the island, so he kept his guard up and remained vigilant.

As he encountered some of these creatures, he fought them off with his newly acquired combat skills and was able to gather fresh meat from the beasts he had slain.

He felt grateful for his abilities and looked forward to discovering more about the island's wildlife.

As he wandered in the forest, he found some herbs like dream root, Stardust rose, Enchanted Thyme, blood mushroom, and many more. He was also able to gather some fruits like blueberry and moon berries.

As he had gathering skill, it was easy for him to find these things.

Looking at the herbs, Rain thought.

'I have many elixir recipes and Mark collected most of the ingredients. So I will try alchemy in my free time.'

As he explored deeper into the forest, Rain discovered hidden waterfalls cascading down the rocky cliffs and crystal-clear streams flowing through the lush undergrowth.

The beauty of the forest was a constant source of inspiration for Rain, who spent hours sketching and painting its many wonders. As Rain had got painting skill from the system he was able to draw a good painting.

After storing that painting in his space ring, Rain climbed to the top of a majestic waterfall and took off his clothes before leaping into the river below.

The experience was exhilarating for Rain, who had always wanted to try such an adventure after watching survival videos in his past life. Although he was initially frightened, he was now thrilled to have conquered his fears.

As he swam with his basic swimming skills, Rain marveled at the underwater world full of cute creatures he had only seen in photos before. It was like a new world had opened up to him, and he was eager to explore more.

After some time, Rain left the river and used magic to dry his body before continuing his journey across the island.

The island was full of breathtaking sightseeing points, including a vast valley, a mountain, and a river, among others.

As the day drew to a close, Rain made his way to the top of the mountain to watch the sunset. From this vantage point, he could see the ocean, and as the sun slowly set, the water was painted with a golden hue.

As it was getting late, Rain made his way to his new home.

Upon arriving at his home, he started cooking his dinner. With his cooking skill soon a delicious dinner was ready.

After enjoying a delicious homemade dinner, As Rain lay on the shore, gazing up at the stars, he felt a sense of peace and tranquility wash over him.

The sky was clear, and the stars shone brightly, illuminating the night sky.

With his Hawkeye skill, Rain could see the stars in intricate detail. He saw the bright constellations such as Orion, Ursa Major, and Cassiopeia, and he marveled at the intricate patterns they created in the sky.

He saw shooting stars streaking across the sky, leaving a trail of sparkling light in their wake.

He was fascinated by the Milky Way, a vast, hazy band of light that stretched across the sky. It was as if the entire galaxy was laid out before him, and he felt humbled by the enormity of it all.

Rain spotted several planets in the sky, including Jupiter, Venus, and Mars. He could see them twinkling brightly, almost as if they were winking at him from the sky.

As he continued to gaze up at the sky, he noticed a faint glow in the distance. It was the Northern Lights, a stunning display of natural beauty that he had never seen before. The colors shifted and danced across the sky, creating a mesmerizing display that left him in awe.

Rain felt a deep sense of connection with the universe as he lay there, taking in the beauty of the night sky. He felt small and insignificant in comparison to the vastness of the universe, but he also felt a sense of wonder and awe at the beauty of it all.

As the night wore on, Rain watched the stars slowly fade from view as the sun began to rise. It was a beautiful end to a perfect day.