Chapter 55 Dungeon Activities (1)

Name:Villain Is on Vacation Author:
Today Academy was lively.

Because everyone was talking about song of Rain and guessing identity of that person.

However one thing was different this time. This time most of single boys liked this song.

"Hey, did you hear that song 'I fell in with the Goddess?" A random student asked.

"Yeah, I was so good." A random student's friend from the same group nodded and added,

"It reminded me of my high school days. When I had crush on school flower. But I couldn't propose her." A random student's friend from the same group told his story.

"Yeah, I kinda cried too." A random student commented.

In the other corner some group of girls was talking, they were members of fan club.

''Hey, yesterday's stream was so good.'' A random girl exclaimed.

"Did anyone found the identity of the person? Any clues?" A random girl from other random girl's group asked.

"Nope. But from the song you can say she was his unrequited love. However, with identity who will not come to him. So she may also have good background and she is beautiful. From his description they may have gone to same school."

"Okay, let's find from this."

"Now, let's go to class."

Many people had different reactions about Rain's previous live stream and the song.

In Holmes family Mansion, Karoon City

Carla and Charles were seated next to each other on their bed.

Carla turned to face Charles and asked, "Could that girl possibly be Emma? If so, why did Rain call off the engagement?"

Charles responded, "Honey, not everyone is as kind-hearted as you are."

He paused a bit and continued,

"Rain may have loved Emma, but she never reciprocated his feelings. Not everything lasts forever, and sometimes people just start to ignore you and disliking you."

Carla retorted, "Then why didn't you intervene?" She was puzzled.

Charles explained, "If things had become serious and escalated, I would have stepped in. However, the last time I tried to intervene, the family elders didn't approve. You have no idea how many wolves are eyeing our family," he said in a hushed voice.

Carla expressed her concern, "But what can we do about Rain?" She was worried about him.

Charles responded, "It's better that he left the family. The elders never appreciated Rain's talents, and I suspect that some of them may have ties to an evil organization." He spoke seriously, having kept this information to himself until now. But, as Carla was now an SS-ranker, he decided to confide in her.

"But now that we are both SS-rankers, who can defeat us?" Carla asked, feeling increasingly uneasy about the situation.

Charles replied, "Unfortunately, my brother and sister-in-law died because of the schemes of the evil organization. I cannot risk anyone else's life. Until I identify the traitor, we cannot take action." He shrugged his shoulders.

Carla nodded in agreement.

"What about Rain's engagement with Emma?" she asked.

"It's better that he called it off," Charles explained. "I knew that Emma was not going to reciprocate his feelings, but like you, Rain is a kind-hearted person who still tried. Emma's hatred only grew, and there a time when even I became angry at her. That's why I didn't interfere with their duel. I hoped that Rain would move on. Even if you pretend not to care anymore, deep down, he will still care. Now, I am also concerned about Kaya. I cannot comprehend her actions or where she got these strange notions."

Charles commented.

"She knew it would be breach of duel if she made sneak attack on Rain. She still did. Even if there was chance of harsh punishment. Don't you think it's weird?"

Charles said.

Carla nodded.

"I talked with her later about it. Do you know what I found?" Charles turned her face towards Carla and asked.

He went closer to Carla and whispered something into her ear. As Carla listened it, her eyes widened. Shock was filled on her face.

"No way..." Carla still couldn't believe what she heard from Charles.

"It's true. About Rain, don't worry about him much. Now Rain has become real man, he will find someone better than Emma. We will properly apologize to him, too. For now let him get some happiness and freedom that he didn't get in 20 years and let me solve problems of those geezers." There was sharp glint in Charles' eyes.

Carla nodded.

"Will you help me?" Charles asked with expectations.

"Of course, darling." Carla nodded and slowly hugged Charles.

"And about Emma and Kaya those two brats. I also have to solve their problems, otherwise they will get into some trouble. Although it was circumstances, Rain suffered somewhat." Charles smiled wryily.

"Darling, you are the best." Carla gave a small kiss on his cheek.

Charles just princess carried her and threw her on the bed.

(Next content is R-18, so you can just imagine it. I will not write it.)

Mark was just proud of his Young Master/friend.

As he found out that Rain can even sing. He was truly happy.

Rain's Fan Club's President was like,

"That girl is sure Emma. I will not forgive her. She made sad my Rain. How can you do it? But now it's okay.

I am his friend. I will protect him from bad bitches. I will make sure nobody will hurt him. We will be friends forever. Fufu."

Kaya and Emma couldn't sleep whole night.

First they didn't know Rain could sing so well, and from the song's words like Lake, how girl ignored him and at the end he gave up on her. They knew that girl's identity. Guilt was slowly pressing in their hearts.

In the academy training ground,

The training ground was a vast open space with green grass spread out as far as the eye could see.

In the distance, tall trees swayed gently in the breeze, adding to the serene ambiance of the place.

The ground itself was covered with a layer of fine dust, evidence of the rigorous training that took place on it regularly.

The sun shone brightly in the sky, casting a warm glow over the entire area.

As Kevin stood in the center of the training ground, his piercing gaze surveyed the crowd of students around him.

They were all dressed in matching uniforms, their faces showing a mix of sweat, fatigue, and determination.

They were a diverse group, coming from different cities, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses.

"Okay, stop now." Kevin said loudly.

Hearing Kevin's shout, everyone stopped sparring. They turned their attention towards Kevin.

"So after these days training. You people have slowly getting adapted at your weapons. However there is major difference between mock fights and real fights. As you guys to make you experience that today we will do dungeon activity in Virtual Reality." The sudden announcement left the students in shock, as they were not expecting such an activity.

"Although you people have adapted somewhat, you guys are still lacking necessary skills for real-life dungeon activities. Therefore I can't bring you to real dungeon." Hearing this, some students were dejected while some sighed in relief.

"Now we will divide you people in 20 groups. As I thought that you guys would be not enough to make groups. I have called A1 class too." When Kevin said this students of A1 class entered the training ground.

As the A1 students entered the training ground, they appeared to be well-disciplined and regimented, following their teacher, an old man, like toddlers.

The old man, who was leading them stood beside Kevin, while all students of class A1 stood beside students of S-class.

"Okay. As you would know this is professor John Killington. He is class teacher of A1 class." While saying this, he pointed at the old man. Sir John just nodded his head. It was like he was gesturing Kevin to continue.

"Now let me inform you about group formation. The groups would be well-balanced like this. Every group will have 5 members and every group will have one member of following group.

-01 to 20 rank

-21 to 40 rank

-41 to 60 rank

-61 to 80 rank

-81 to 100 rank.

You can form group on own and last remaining students can also form the group. If anybody can't, I will deduct their points. Teamwork is also necessary in the battle. So start, now." With Kevin's call, everyone started making group.