Chapter 58 Arya's Obsession

Name:Villain Is on Vacation Author:
In a few moments, Rain saw the name of Club's president.

'Arya Hillson'

Rain even with calm mind was extremely shocked.

"Arya? So she created this group?" Rain was perplexed.

"Arya is stalker of mine?" Rain couldn't

even describe how he was feeling now.

In game or even in the novel there wasn't anything like this!

A Heroine is stalker of villain!

No! This doesn't make any sense!!

Rain guessed maybe hi live streams and actions changed her behavior. However he didn't do anything to her.

"This is scary. Let me first do some settings to this group."

Rain soon hacked club's website. As it wasn't connected with Academy forum anyway, it was easy.

Rain successfully hacked the website of the "Rain's Fan Club " and implanted a dormant virus in it that would activate when the website is accessed.

He felt satisfied that his actions would temporarily limit or even shut down their activities. However, he couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy about the group as they seemed to be involved in some 'potentially dangerous' practices.

"Good. Now with this their activities will be restricted or even closed for some time. But hey they are kinda scary bunch. I have to be cautious." Rain made a mental note.

"However What happened to Arya? Does she become some kind of pervert or stalker? Let's check." Rain couldn't help but wonder about Arya's recent behavior. He decided to investigate further

After successfully hacking into Arya's phone with her ID, Rain now had complete access to all the information stored in it.

He felt a bit uneasy about invading someone's privacy, but he couldn't help as it was necessary.

He quickly started scanning through the contents of the phone to see if he could find anything suspicious.

Now he had access for every information that was stored in Arya's phone.

First gallery - Full of Rain's photos

Rain expected this. Still he was bewildered.

Messenger- there was a bunch of messages in Rain's ID.

There was 1000+ messages to him.

Rain was slowly getting scared.

Slowly Rain saw many things that was making him stop.

"This is abyss. I shouldn't go any further."

However Rain stumbled upon Arya's electronic diary, and despite his initial hesitation, he decided to open it.

As he browsed through the entries, he came across a variety of personal details about Arya's life, such as her daily routine and school schedule.

Soon it goes to period of middle school. There was just mention of Rain as classmate. Then in high school it changed to friends. Rain was relieved.

As the day of Rain's birthday approached, Arya's diary entries took a negative turn. She expressed disappointment that Rain didn't show up on his birthday, and the next day she discovered that he had blocked her.

Arya assumed that Rain was just bored with her, as he had blocked many other people as well. This revelation left her feeling hurt and confused.

She wondered why Rain had suddenly changed his behavior towards her and what she could have done to cause this. Despite her hurt feelings, Arya tried to convince herself that it was not a big deal and that she should just move on.

However, the experience left a lasting impression on her, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for the friendship she once had with Rain.

"So he did this? Maybe there was reason for these things."

Day of Entrance exam, Rain didn't come Academy.

"Today was the day of entrance exam.

Many students came to take exam. I also went. I hope I score well.

However, Rain didn't come. Maybe he is sick? But it can't be. There are many rumors that he ran away. Many people are asking me. But I don't know."

Day of Exam Results,

"I ranked 10th among Freshmen. I am so happy. Father and Mother were so happy.

However, there is still no news of Rain. People are still bothering me. I wonder where he is."

Soon Day of Rain's Live Stream came.

"Looks like he became Streamer. But that Rain became Streamer? And he ran away from his family. He even cancelled engagement. It was so shocking.

He changed his username to 'NightSoul'.

However he said he didn't see me as a friend. Was that true?"

Next day.

"Today was the first day of the semester.

I got a good room as I ranked 10th.

However, all day I was alone.

If only Rain was here he sure would have come to spar with me. I wouldn't be alone here. But he is not here. Yeah, he didn't even come to Academy. He just ran away for freedom. Even Holmes Family can't find him.

So he was just waiting for this. I don't know Where he is. What he is doing? He didn't even tell anyone. I am his... I am… Yeah, Who am I to him? Just like he told we are not even friends. We just sometimes talked in school. I am just his 'former classmate.'

But he never talked with anybody in school. It was only me. But did he really think of me as classmate? No wait. Yeah, it's not he but me who treated him like classmates.

I read the post about him. He was so lonely. Everybody talked about him. But he just trained. His fiancé ignored him. He just worked hard. At the end He ran away. For freedom. It's my fault. If only I treated him like friends."

Rain was also get good feeling how she was feeling guilty. But didn't care much as he didn't want to do anything with her now.

Next day,

"As same as previous day, I was all alone. Still I will try to make friends. Otherwise, I will just stay loner like Rain."

Next day,

"People stopped bothering me about Rain. I'm relieved now. However, I somewhat feel empty. Today was scheduled day for Rain's live stream. However, he didn't stream. Did something happen with him? Will he ever return? I know he won't give me second chance however I still want to be his friend. He shouldn't feel lonely."

After his second Live Stream.

"Phew. Now I have created this fan club. Rain would be never alone. Many people will know him. However, only I will be his friend. I still have so many photos, but I will not upload him. His body is so good. His face and skin is more beautiful than women. Just wait Rain, your friend will become strong. Then I will come to meet you and I will protect you from bad girls. Fufu"

Rain was scared. Even he was getting cold sweats.

"This is not good."

And the last entry he saw was,

"That girl is sure Emma. I will not forgive her. She made sad my Rain. How can you do it? But now it's okay. I am his friend. I will protect him from bad bitches. I will make sure nobody will hurt him. We will be friends forever. Fufu."

"Oh…Rain… Where are you? Do you know how much I miss you? But that's okay. I will come to you very soon. Just wait. You will be mine. Only mine. If any bitch come between us, I will just have to crush them. But Rain is so fragile. Should I just stay with him 24 hours? Yeah, that will good."

There was many fantasy under there. But Rain didn't read any further.

He soon close Every tab.

"Shit. That timid and shy Arya now become this? This is scary. This is Freaking Yandere!

Who the hell pulled this shit out!!"