Chapter 9 Holmes Family

Name:Villain Is on Vacation Author:

Rain sat on his bed, feeling irritated after thinking about the heroines.

He decided to examine his body and see if he could find out more about his injury. He carefully probed his limbs, feeling for any signs of pain or discomfort.

As he did, he noticed that there were small bumps and bruises on his skin that he hadn't noticed before.

Curious, he used his fingers to trace the outline of one of the bumps. As he did, he felt a sharp twinge of pain.

He gasped and pulled back, realizing that he had found the source of his injury - there were hairline fractures and microscopic cracks scattered throughout his body.

"Although my injury isn't severe, it's enough to keep me from advancing in rank." He muttered. He wondered if he would be able to train with this injury.

Rain knew that these injuries weren't major, but they still needed to heal before he could make progress in his training.

He sighed and reached into his closet, pulling out a bottle of elixir that he had purchased from a local apothecary. He hoped that it would help speed up his recovery so that he could get back to training and pursuing his goals.

For a second, he thought it was a waste to use elixir on his injury however next moment he changed his mind.Updated chapters at

He felt he shouldn't care about it, his family is quite rich. Thinking like that, he drank the elixir.


As the potion flowed down his throat, he felt a surge of energy and determination coursing through his veins. Closing his eyes, he let out a deep breath, and as he did, he felt a warm sensation spreading through his body.

To his amazement, Rain watched as his injuries began to heal at an astonishing rate. Not a single scar remained on his body. With renewed strength and comfort, Rain began to exercise, feeling his muscles respond with newfound vigor."


[2 Hours Later]

During these 2 hours, Rain kept exercising non-stop.

He was drenched in sweat and out of stamina. Therefore, he was just lying on his bed at the current time.

'I got quite sweaty after doing some light exercise. Perhaps that system was right about this body's stamina. It really sucks. But that's fine."

Rain felt uncomfortable with sweat on his body, he decided he would take a bath and then he would do some quick checks in his room.

Thinking like that, Rain soon entered the bathroom in his room.

The bathroom was quite big for one person. It was bigger than the room Rain lived in a previous life.

After a quick bath, Rain dressed up in new clothes. Although they were not expensive, they still looked great on him.

Looking at the mirror, he said,

"Even if all stats are low, the charm stat of mine is quite high."

'This body has the potential of reaching 'Grade A' in charm stat, it will be quite worthwhile. Even though I am not a fan of looks, it is not a bad thing too.

Still now is not a good time for that to become narcissistic.' Just as Rain was thinking about his looks, someone knocked on the door of Rain's room.



Still, before dying he expanded the Holmes family's influence to a large degree.

So you can say - Holmes Family has quite a huge influence on humanity and even on the whole earth.

They also have many S-rankers, some SS-rankers, and the top S-Class guild, Azure Dragon.

After walking through the hallway, Rain and Mark arrived at the Dining hall.

They noticed that compared to the hallway, the dining hall was decorated in moderation.

The walls were painted in a soft beige color, and a few simple paintings were hanging on them.

In the center of the dining hall, there was a long dining table made of dark wood. The table was set with elegant silverware, crystal glasses, and china plates.

At the left head of the table, a man was sitting on the chair.

The man was tall, and he had neatly trimmed brown hair and a chiseled jawline. The woman was a stunning beauty with long flowing red hair and emerald-green eyes.

As this was the main building, and in the main building, only the family head's family lives. So you can guess the identity of the couple. They were the parents of Rain.

"Good morning, Father and Mother." Rain walked towards the dining table and greeted his parents.

After greeting them, he pulled a chair opposite of his mother and sat there.

"Good morning, Rain," his parents said in unison.

"So your injury got healed, huh?" Rain's father, Charles Holmes, said.

He was quite handsome and had an athletic build, standing over six feet tall with broad shoulders and a muscular frame.

His hair was neatly trimmed and styled with a classic, sophisticated look. His chiseled jawline and piercing brown eyes gave him a commanding presence.

You could say that Rain's good looks were inherited from him.

He is the current family head and also the guild master of the Azure Dragon guild. He is quite stern but also cares about his family. Likewise, he is also one of the SS rankers in the world.

"Are you okay?" Rain's mother, Carla Holmes, asked worriedly.

She was beautiful, so much so that even heroines paled in comparison.

Her hair was equally striking, with long, flowing red hair that cascaded down her back in soft waves.

Her face was angelic, with high cheekbones, a pert nose, and full lips. Her eyes were brilliant, like emerald green that sparkled with warmth and intelligence.

She wore a flowing white gown that hugged her curves in all the right places, exuding an air of effortless elegance and sophistication.

Not only that, but she was an S-ranker and also came from a quite influential family.

"Yes, Mother," Rain gently answered.

From then on, they chatted a few times and ate breakfast.

When they saw Rain looking for someone, Rain's parents said that Kaya was under house arrest as a punishment. Rain didn't make any comments on that.

After eating breakfast, he left the dining hall. While Rain was going towards his room, he thought about his parents.

"Although I am not close with my parents, they still care about me.

Even after my villain awakening, they still supported me. If only I had heeded their advice in the past, maybe things would be different. It appears that some things will be changed from now on."

While he was walking, from the opposite side a woman entered his sight and interrupted his thoughts.