Chapter 12 Plans Set In Motion

Name:Villain Is on Vacation Author:

As Rain pondered the intricate details of the Academy and the plot, he felt a twinge of irritation. "This is getting too complicated," he thought. "I need to stay focused on what's important." He took a deep breath and reminded himself of his ultimate goal.

Rain didn't want his thoughts to be clouded by all the intricate details.

"Let's calm down first," he told himself. He closed his eyes and took a few more deep breaths. Suddenly, his calm mind skill kicked in, clearing away any unnecessary thoughts in a short moment.

As he opened his eyes, Rain felt a renewed sense of clarity and purpose. "Now I can focus on what's important," he said to himself, ready to continue his investigation with a clear mind.


After calming himself, Rain made his way to the library.

He walked down the long hallway, feeling his heart rate slow and his breathing becomes more relaxed.

He knew his "Calm mind skill" was working.

Finally, he arrived at the entrance to the library and pushed the door open, stepping inside.

"Oh... Library sure is big here, huh," Rain exclaimed to himself.

As the son of the current head of the Holmes Family, Rain had access to certain perks.

The main building boasted a library, training ground, entertainment area, and other facilities.

Additionally, there was a large mansion on the grounds, though only the family head and his family lived there.

Rain was free to use these facilities as often as he wished.

In the past, Rain had spent most of his time in the training area and rarely ventured into the library.

This wasn't because he was unintelligent or solely focused on physical strength - he simply preferred to train and improve his rank.

Nevertheless, the library was impressive - it was the sole library of the Holmes Family and boasted more books than even the city library, where Rain often read in his previous life.

The library was quiet and still, its book-lined shelves stretching as far as the eye could see.

The musty scent of old paper filled the air, and the only sounds were the soft rustling of pages turning and the occasional whisper of someone searching for a particular volume.

The training is intense but highly rewarding, as students develop their bodies and magical abilities.

With Mana in their bodies, they can achieve feats that would be impossible for ordinary people, becoming stronger, faster, and more agile.

Within a span of 15 to 20 years, students in this world complete their education in all advanced subjects.

This is comparable to earning a college degree in Rain's previous world.

Thanks to the power of 'Mana', people can learn quickly, making this educational journey easier.

Upon seeing the numerous books around him, Rain decided to study all of the theoretical portions and compare them to what he had learned in the game.

He also planned to do physical training in his room, utilizing artifacts and potions to increase his training speed.

Rain estimated that he could potentially reach rank E- if he gave his all, though this rank wouldn't compare to his previous achievement, it was still a valuable accomplishment.

With little time to spare, Rain knew that getting involved in any plot would only bring more trouble than good.

And so, Rain began his studies and training regimen, hoping to make the most of his time in this world.


Rain spent most of his days studying in the library, pouring over books and manuals about swordsmanship and mana control.

He found that many of the subjects were familiar to him, as he had been a scholar in his previous life.

This made studying easier for him, along with the fact that he possessed a calm mind and an exceptional memory.

Despite the long hours he spent studying, Rain was also committed to physical training and mana control practice.

He would often work late into the night, practicing until his body ached and his eyes were heavy with fatigue.

When he became tired, he would take a break and meditate, using fatigue recovery potions to help him regain his strength.

Once his energy was restored, he would return to his training.

Rain also made use of artifacts and growth potions to enhance his progress, knowing that they were only effective in the lower ranks.

His dedication and hard work paid off, as he steadily increased his stats and grew stronger with each passing day.

Throughout all of this, Rain entrusted his assistant, Mark, with various tasks, confident in his abilities to carry them out successfully.

As Rain sat on his bed, exhausted from his latest training session, he couldn't help but grin mischievously. "I can't wait to see what Mark comes up with," he thought to himself.