Chapter 50 First Class

Name:Villain Is on Vacation Author:

A strikingly handsome man made his way into the classroom, his confident strides commanding the attention of all present.

Standing tall and proud near the podium, he introduced himself in a calm and collected voice.

"Hello everyone. My Name is Kevin Brownie. I am an A-class ranker and I will be your class teacher this year. I will also take your combat practice class."

The mention of his A-class ranking elicited murmurs of admiration from the students, who were curious to learn more about their new class teacher.

Despite his impressive credentials, Kevin's face remained stoic and devoid of emotion as he stood there.

The weight of his words hung in the air, leaving the classroom in a state of hushed silence.

He had piercing blue eyes that shone with sharp intelligence, his dark grey hair was styled neatly and professionally, emphasizing his no-nonsense attitude and commitment to his work.

He was wearing a white shirt that hugged his frame, his sleeves were rolled so you can see muscles in his forearms.

Many girls already became his fangirls at the moment.

'So handsome, but not as much as Rain.' However, most of them thought this in their mind.

"You can read the rules and regulations of the academy in the forum. I don't have time for that." He said nonchalantly as explaining rules was bothering for him.

"Today's the first day, so there won't be any special training. But I hope all of you did your morning training. It's not my concern though." Kevin spoke nonchalantly.

"Now all people will start introducing themselves according to their ranks." He said.

The room fell silent as a tall and strikingly handsome man rose to his feet.

His dark blue hair shimmered in the light, reminding one of the depths of the night sky.

His black eyes were piercing and intense, but what truly caught the attention of those present were the silver pupils that shone like tiny stars within them.Gét latest novel chapters on nov(e)lbj/n(.)c/om

He was like a shining star amidst the darkness, a stark contrast to the cold and reserved demeanor of Rain.

As if to emphasize his celestial nature, the man's surname was Astaseul, a name that evoked images of the cosmos and the infinite expanse of the universe.

The students couldn't help but be drawn to his presence, curious about the mysteries that lay behind the alluring facade of this enigmatic figure

The S-class students gathered together, buzzing with excitement for their first combat practice with Kevin.

Despite the heat, Kevin's piercing gaze never wavered.

"Okay, everyone. Take out your weapons, and those who don't have any, select from there," Kevin shouted loudly.

As Kevin began to give instructions, the students eagerly took out their weapons, either from their space rings or from the storage provided.

For those without weapons, there were plenty of options available to choose from.

Ken took a longsword from the storage. It was a simple longsword made out of copper.

Like him, many young men chose swords.

There were many types of swords in the storage.

Interestingly, some females also chose swords. One of them stood out, choosing a heavy longsword.

Kaya took out a copper saber from her storage ring, while others chose their weapons such as bows, spears, axes, and magic wands.

Emma chose to practice her magic, so she also took out her magic wand.

"Now, you will start practicing real combat. People who have a group can spar among themselves and people who are alone can train with dummies. So start now, I will give you pointers according to it," he announced with a booming voice.

As the students began to train, Arya found herself alone without a partner to spar with.

She hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do, before steeling herself and approaching one of the dummies.

She slashed at the dummy with her rapier relentlessly, her face set in determination.

Meanwhile, the rest of the class sparred with one another, exchanging blows with a mix of aggression and camaraderie.

Kaya, in particular, showed an impressive talent for combat, her saber flashing as she expertly disarmed her opponent.

Kevin watched the students closely, providing feedback and advice to each one in turn. "Remember to focus on your form and footwork," he advised one student, while encouraging another to be more aggressive.

As the training session came to an end, Kevin dismissed the class, reminding them to practice and review the pointers he gave them.

"And don't forget to apply for the corresponding combat major according to your talent and mastery of weapons," he added, gesturing towards a stack of pamphlets on the platform.

The students gathered their weapons and belongings, some chatting excitedly about the class while others walked silently, deep in thought.
