Chapter 54 Let's Do Something

Name:Villain Is on Vacation Author:

Rain had four options.

"First, let's wait for those fishes," he said, but then quickly shook his head. "But I don't think it's a good idea."

Rain's eyes widened as he imagined the mermaids doubting his story, making him the prime suspect in their eyes.

"There's a high probability that the mermaids would doubt my story," he said, his voice filled with concern.

Rain's heart raced as he thought about the potential consequences. "They might even attack me, resulting in fatal consequences," he added.

The thought of telling the mermaids the truth also crossed Rain's mind, but he found it to be absurd.

After years of being hunted and tormented by other races, the mermaids had lost their trust in outsiders.

They were skeptical and untrusting of anyone who was not one of their own.

Rain knew that he was just a weak and defenseless being in front of them, and they could easily overpower and do whatever they wanted with him.

"Second, let's throw that troublesome thing somewhere far away. But where? And what if the fishes still track it down? It's too risky," Rain muttered to himself, his eyebrows furrowed in deep thought.Gét latest novel chapters on nov(e)lbj/n(.)c/om

He considered the idea of throwing the mermaid's pearl away, but he quickly dismissed it as foolish.

"No, that won't work. The mermaids are too smart to fall for that. They'll know that it's not lost or misplaced. They'll find it, and then they'll come after me."

Rain's mind raced with different scenarios, each one ending in disaster. "I can't risk my life by touching that pearl. It has some kind of power, and I don't know what it could do to me."

Rain could almost feel a shiver running down his spine as he imagined trying to touch the pearl and being pushed back by an invisible force.

He sighed heavily, feeling the weight of the situation bearing down on him. "I need to think of something else, something that won't put me in danger."

Like that, Rain dismissed the second choice and started pondering about the third option.

"Third, let's run away from this island," Rain muttered to himself, considering his options.

But just after a moment of thinking, he began to doubt this idea. "But where should I go from here? There is no land anywhere near this island! Even if I succeed in running away, how can I escape the mermaids' detection?"

He knew that the mermaids were incredibly skilled in the water and could easily track him down if he tried to swim away from the island.

- Complexity: Simple, no setup or calibration required.

- Note: the artifact's range is limited to the user's knowledge of the location they wish to travel to. If the user is unfamiliar with the area, they may not be able to visualize it accurately enough to use the artifact.]


Rain felt nostalgic after reading about the one-time use teleportation door.

He remembered watching an anime in his childhood where the characters used a similar artifact to travel to different places.

However, when he saw the price of this thing, all of this nostalgia disappeared.

►[Price: 2000 points.]

His heart sank as he read the price tag of 2000 points.

Rain rubbed his eyes and blinked several times, hoping that it was just a trick of his mind, but the price remained the same.

His eyes widened with shock. "2000 points? How am I supposed to gather that much?" Rain bit his lower lip, feeling the weight of despair setting in. Despite the odds, he refused to give up.

"Hey, system, is there any way for me to gather that much money?" Rain asked, his voice quivering with hope.

As the system remained silent, Rain's curiosity grew. "There must be some way," he thought.

Finally, the system responded.

►[There is one way.]

The words were like a light in the darkness for Rain, giving him a glimmer of hope. "Which one?" he asked eagerly.

►[Give me your everything.]

The system responded, causing Rain's heart to skip a beat.

"Everything? Even my clothes?" Rain asked incredulously.

►[Yes, even your clothes.]

Rain's face fell as he realized the gravity of the situation. He hesitated for a moment before finally speaking, "Let me give you one thing."

With a sly smile on his face, Rain raised both of his middle fingers in the air and declared, "Fuck off!"

His expression was one of defiance and frustration, as he refused to give up his dignity and self-respect for the sake of a teleportation device.