Chapter 59 Second Live Stream (2)

Name:Villain Is on Vacation Author:

Rain's fingers carefully wrapped around the edges of the canvas, making sure not to smudge the paint.

He smiled at the painting for a moment, admiring the small details he had added, like the way the light from the waterfall danced on the rocks below.

As he stored the painting in his space ring, Rain couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him.

"Alright, let's talk about something else," he said, turning back to the camera with a grin. "What do you all want to hear about?"


#Sweetangel: Tell us about your favorite place to visit.

#Fierce_lion: What's your favorite food?

#catgirl: Do you like cats?

#Wetgirl: Do you have a girlfriend?


Rain chuckled at the various questions popping up on the screen.

"Alright, let's start with the first one. My favorite place to visit is definitely the mountains. There's something so peaceful about being surrounded by nature."

As Rain was discussing the new topic, he noticed the golden letters popping up on the screen again, capturing everyone's attention.


[Wetgirl has donated 100 gold coins.]

[Take off your clothes.]


#detective's_child: This Wetgirl must be really rich. But is the live streamer actually going to take off his clothes?

#fiercecat: TAKE OFF!

#moonie: Hey guys, don't force him. It's not appropriate.

#Sweetangel: I don't think that's appropriate.

#White_daisy: Wetgirl is living up to her name.

#Fierce_lion: This is not that kind of live stream, people.

#catgirl: Maybe Rain could do a cosplay instead?

#heaven_emperor: I will donate 1000 gold coins if Rain doesn't take off his clothes.

#leo: Come on, let's keep it PG. We can't have children watching this.

#user691: I donated 5 gold coins, can I request Rain to do poll dance?

- [User 691 has been kicked out of the livestream.]

- [User 691 has been banned from the livestream.]


Rain turned his attention to the chat and saw Wetgirl's generous donation.

"Wow, thank you so much for the super chat, Wetgirl," he said with a grateful smile. "I really appreciate your support."

A few seconds later, Rain read another comment that caught his eye.

"Take off your clothes," it read. He couldn't help but chuckle at the boldness of some of his viewers. "Alright, alright," he said, playing along. "But only the upper half."

He stood up from his chair, and with a mischievous grin, pulled off his white t-shirt.

The camera caught a glimpse of his toned torso before he put his shirt back on. "There you go," he said, sitting back down. "Happy now?"

As Rain took off his white t-shirt, the camera captured a brief glimpse of his toned body.

Viewers couldn't help but notice his chiseled six-pack abs and the defined muscles of his arms and chest.

His skin, a healthy shade of fair, looked smooth and flawless in the dim light of the room.

Even though it was only a moment, it left a lasting impression on those who were watching the livestream.


#Wetgirl: Gulp... I want your babies. I want them so bad!

#fiercecat: He's got a killer bod, no doubt about it.

#Sweetangel: It's clear that he's worked hard to achieve that physique.

[ has donated 20 gold coins.]

[Why did you start live-streaming?]


This question piqued the interest of many viewers.

They wondered why a training addict from the Holmes Family would start live-streaming.

Rain rubbed his chin, pondering the question. "Hmm, why did I start live-streaming?" he muttered, lost in thought.

As he reflected, he wondered if he had started live-streaming just because the system instructed him to do so in order to influence the plot, or if he had done it because he was feeling lonely.

Had it been a genuine decision of his own?

"Well, I guess I started live-streaming because I wanted to show the world that even a Holmes Family member like me could have a little fun," Rain finally answered with a smirk. "And I've got to say, it's been quite entertaining so far."

Rain continued, "Even though I have got freedom, living alone can be boring, you know."

He paused for a moment, thinking about his reasons for starting the livestream.

"Now, I have to live by myself, so I also need money. And as an heir candidate of the Holmes Family, I have expertise in many fields. So, I became a streamer."

Many people now had an idea why he started streaming. "Now, support me wholeheartedly," Rain said with enthusiasm.

He continued streaming for another 20-30 minutes, during which he played some online RPG games.

The audience was astonished by his gaming skills, as he won every game easily.

"And now it's time to close the stream. Let's meet again at this time after tomorrow. Thanks for watching," Rain said, bidding goodbye and ending the live stream.


"Phew.." Rain sat back in his chair and let out a deep sigh.

His stream had gone well, but he couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was missing.

Why was he really doing this? Was it just for the money, or was there something more?

As he pondered these questions, Rain's mind wandered to his past.

He had been raised as a heir candidate of the prestigious Holmes Family, but had been alone most of the time.

Now, he was living alone in the middle of the sea, enjoying his vacation.

He couldn't deny that he missed the company of others. For example, Mark and his parents.

The solitude was starting to get to him, and he often found himself lost in his own thoughts.

But at the same time, he relished his newfound freedom.

He was finally able to live life on his own terms, without the pressure of the Holmes Family weighing him down.

Rain shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. He knew he needed to focus on his training.

"It's not like this will continue like this. Someday I will have to leave this island. I should get stronger till that day."

With a deep breath, Rain stood up and stretched. He headed to his training room, eager to lose himself in his work.

As he began his exercises, he felt a sense of calm wash over him. This was what he was good at, what he was meant to do.

Hours passed as Rain trained, his mind focused solely on his mana control.

When he was finally finished, he collapsed onto the floor, exhausted but satisfied.

For a brief moment, he allowed himself to bask in the sense of accomplishment.

But as he lay there, catching his breath, his mind once again began to wander.

Rain pushed the doubts aside, telling himself he was overthinking things.

He had come this far, and he wasn't about to give up now. With a determined grin, he picked himself up off the ground and headed back to his bed room.

He dragged himself to his bedroom, feeling every muscle ache with each step he took.

As he reached his bed, he fell onto it, relieved to finally rest.

Rain closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. His mind wandered, thinking about the events of the day.

He couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness as he lay in his bed, realizing that he was now completely on his own.

The Holmes Family, who had once held such power over his life, were now a distant memory.

Rain's thoughts drifted, and he began to imagine what his life would be like if he had never been born into the Holmes Family.

Would he still be a villain, or would he have found a different path in life? The uncertainty of it all weighed heavy on his mind.

Finally, after what felt like hours of tossing and turning, Rain fell into a deep sleep.

As he drifted off, he hoped that tomorrow would bring some clarity and purpose to his life.

But for now, he let himself sink into the darkness, hoping for sweet dreams to carry him through the night.