Chapter 471 Yu Qing's Task

?As Wang Jian embarked on his journey toward the Forbidden Celestial Abyss Star, he left Yu Qing with a crucial mission. The task assigned to her was to set up Astral Vision Stones across the moons, planets, and stars within the Lin Family's controlled region and its borders. The goal was to create an extensive Astral Vision Network that would allow Wang Jian to monitor every aspect of the Lin Family's territory.

'With the information gathered from the Astral Vision Network, I'll have a strategic advantage and be better positioned to navigate the intricacies of the Lin Family's internal and external affairs,' Wang Jian thought to himself as he headed toward the forbidden star.

Yu Qing, fully aware of the importance of the task assigned to her, began her mission immediately. She utilized her Divine Ascension Realm cultivation to move swiftly and discreetly through the cities on the four stars controlled by the Lin Family. Her first objective was to stealthily acquire a significant number of Astral Vision Stones from private businesses across these cities.

The process was meticulous, requiring Yu Qing to carefully avoid detection while pilfering the stones. Her divine abilities and agility at the Divine Ascension Realm made this task considerably easier. Each stolen Astral Vision Stone brought them a step closer to establishing an effective surveillance network.

While on her mission, Yu Qing encountered various challenges, including security measures and vigilant citizens. However, her cunning and adept use of cultivation techniques allowed her to overcome each obstacle without raising suspicion. The initial posting of this chapter occurred via noovelllbbin

Wang Jian, in the meantime, navigated through the cosmic expanse towards the Forbidden Celestial Abyss Star. The journey was treacherous, and he had to be cautious to avoid any hostile entities that might lurk in the space between stars.

As Yu Qing progressed in her mission, she occasionally communicated with Wang Jian through their spiritual connection. Wang Jian would provide updates on his journey, and Yu Qing would report her progress in acquiring the Astral Vision Stones.

'Everything is going smoothly so far. Once we establish the Astral Vision Network, we'll have eyes on the entire Lin Family's territory,' Wang Jian thought, recognizing the strategic advantage this network would provide.

Meanwhile, Yu Qing faced a new challenge as she encountered a heavily guarded facility where a considerable number of Astral Vision Stones were stored. The security measures were more sophisticated than she had encountered before.

This was because the individual from whom she was stealing had connections with an individual who had reached the Array Master Rank.

'This won't be easy, but I can't afford to fail,' Yu Qing resolved herself.

His movements were calculated, and his understanding of the battlefield allowed him to navigate through the challenges seamlessly.

Wang Jian pressed forward, facing one desolate beast after another.

The beasts, once a formidable force, now found themselves subdued by the cunning intruder.

With the immediate threat quelled, Wang Jian continued his journey deeper into the Forbidden Celestial Abyss Star. He knew that more challenges awaited him, and his objective of meeting Lin Xingya loomed on the horizon.

'Lin Xingya, I'm coming for you,' Wang Jian thought with a depraved glint.

Wang Jian, having witnessed the fierce battle between the Ancient Forbidden Clan of demons and the monstrous horde, continued to navigate the treacherous terrain of the Forbidden Celestial Abyss Star. He had a plan in motion, a strategy to gain information about Lin Xingya and her current situation.

Spotting a wounded member of the Ancient Forbidden Clan, Wang Jian skillfully employed the laws of shadows to discreetly envelop the injured demon. Using his innate ability to manipulate shadows, he concealed the demon and distanced himself from the ongoing conflict.

Far away from the chaos, Wang Jian utilized his proficiency in Soul Manipulation to delve into the demon's memories, specifically extracting information related to Lin Xingya. He filtered out irrelevant memories, focusing solely on uncovering the events that had transpired since Lin Xingya entered the Forbidden Celestial Abyss Star.

In the demon's memories, Wang Jian glimpsed the harrowing encounters Lin Xingya had faced. As a cultivator at the Ninth Stage of the Divine Spirit Realm, Lin Xingya, along with her three maids at the Third Stage of the Divine Spirit Realm, had initially managed to overcome the desolate and ancient beasts on the forbidden star.

However, the situation took a dire turn when the Ancient Forbidden Clan of demons emerged. Powerful experts from the Forbidden Clan engaged Lin Xingya and her maids in a fierce battle. The demons nearly overwhelmed them, posing a severe threat. In a desperate struggle for survival, Lin Xingya and her maids were on the verge of defeat.

It was at this critical moment that a group of cultivators residing on the Forbidden Celestial Abyss Star intervened. This group, consisting mainly of individuals who had come to the star in search of precious herbs, resources, and the thrill of hunting formidable beasts, resisted the intrusion of the Forbidden Clan of the Demon Race.

Wang Jian's eyes narrowed as he gathered this crucial information. Lin Xingya had been saved by the unexpected intervention of these cultivators. The group formed a resistance against the Ancient Forbidden Clan of demons, creating a haven for those who sought refuge from the threat posed by the demon race.

With this newfound knowledge, Wang Jian decided to head towards the southern region of the Forbidden Celestial Abyss Star. This region, infused with the blood of the Holy Empyrean Griffon, served as a holy ground where the powers of the demons faced significant restrictions. Even the Forbidden Clan of the Demon Race dared not set foot on this sacred territory.