Chapter 538 'Saving' The Alluring Yin Lian

Chapter 538 'Saving' The Alluring Yin Lian

Yin Lian's eyes gleamed with a newfound purpose. "Intriguing. What kind of conditions do you have in mind?"

Wang Jian's smile widened. "First, a lifetime of respect towards the High Priestess. No more lewd behavior or disrespectful language. Second, a monthly tithe. He'll be forced to surrender a portion of his Lunar Essence offerings from the Earth Lunar Devil Temple to the Flame Lunar Temple."

The last point brought a satisfied smirk to Yin Lian's lips. The lack of Lunar Essence in the Flame Lunar Temple had been a constant thorn in her side. This solution would not only punish Priest Tang but also benefit their own temple.

Dong Aigou, however, remained silent, his jaw clenched tight. He couldn't believe his ears. Not only had this newcomer stolen his moment of glory, but now Yin Lian was readily agreeing to his plan? Jealousy gnawed at him, a bitter taste in his mouth.

"And if he breaks any of these conditions?" Yin Lian pressed, her voice laced with a steely glint.

"The contract will inflict a soul wound," Wang Jian explained. "It will be a constant reminder of his transgression and the consequences of defying it. Repeated violations could very well lead to his demise."

Yin Lian nodded decisively. "I like it. This way, he'll pay for his actions for the rest of his life."

Dong Aigou gritted his teeth. He didn't want to admit it, but the soul contract was a brilliant solution. It was far more effective than his impulsive desire for vengeance. Yet, a part of him burned with jealousy. Yin Lian's approval seemed to flow more readily towards this newcomer than towards him, the one who had always strived to be her champion.

Wang Jian approached Priest Tang, the contract held out in his hand. "Priest Tang," he said, his voice dripping with a dangerous politeness, "you have two options. Sign the contract, and live with the consequences of your actions. Or refuse, and face the true wrath of the Flame Lunar Devil Temple as we shall sacrifice you to our Devil God."

Priest Tang, his face pale with fear, could only whimper in response. He knew his options were limited.

Death was a certainty if he refused, and the contract, as humiliating as it was, offered a sliver of hope for survival. With a trembling hand, he reached out and signed the contract in blood.

A crimson glow emanated from the scroll as the contract bound Priest Tang's soul. His whimpers turned into screams as the power of the contract surged through him, etching its terms onto his very essence. When the glow subsided, Priest Tang lay on the floor, a broken shell of his former arrogant self.

Yin Lian looked at Wang Jian, a new respect glimmering in her eyes. "Thank you," she said sincerely. "You've handled this situation with remarkable...creativity."

Wang Jian bowed slightly. "It was a pleasure to be of assistance, High Priestess," he replied, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

He had achieved his first objective – establishing himself as a valuable asset to the Flame Lunar Devil Temple. Now, the real game began, which was winning the favor of the High Priestess and the others.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the temple grounds, Wang Jian and Dong Aigou finally parted ways.

Dong Aigou clutched his Destiny Jade, frustration simmering in his chest. He poured a fresh wave of spiritual energy into the jade, hoping for another mystical nudge towards a heroic opportunity.

The jade, however, remained stubbornly inactive. It required a cooldown period, a fact that did little to soothe Dong Aigou's deflated ego.

Dong Aigou's face paled further. Panic flickered in his eyes. "Yin Lian, I... I swear, I had nothing to do with this! It's a lie, some kind of trick!" His voice wavered, his justifications sounding hollow even to his own ears.

The Earth Lunar Devil Bishop sneered. "Lies and excuses won't save you this time," he boomed, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "Guards! Seize the High Priestess and bring her to the Earth Lunar Temple! We shall deal with her transgressions ourselves."

Dong Aigou lunged forward, a desperate roar escaping his lips. "No! You can't take her!"

But the guards remained unfazed. Each wielded powerful artifacts, their auras pulsing with the energy of the Divine Tribulation Realm. Dong Aigou, a mere Divine Spirit Realm cultivator, stood no chance against them.

Just as the guards moved to surround Yin Lian, a voice cut through the tense atmosphere. "High Priestess," Wang Jian whispered, stepping closer, "if you wish to live, there's a chance."

Yin Lian, her eyes clouded with disbelief and despair, looked at him, a flicker of hope igniting in their depths. "Live?" she echoed, her voice barely a whisper.

"Yes," Wang Jian confirmed, his voice firm. "But you must trust me completely. Don't resist, whatever happens next."

Yin Lian hesitated for a moment, then slowly nodded. The humiliation, the betrayal, it was all too much. All she wanted was to escape this nightmare, to survive.

Wang Jian wasted no time. With a swift movement, he grabbed Yin Lian by the waist, pulling her close. The warmth of her body sent a jolt through him, but he pushed the feeling aside. Now wasn't the time.

A blinding light erupted from his palm, pure Lunar Essence swirling and condensing. It engulfed both him and Yin Lian, momentarily obscuring their forms from sight. When the light faded, the temple was empty. Wang Jian and Yin Lian were gone.

The Earth Lunar Devil Bishop roared in frustration, his face contorted with rage. "Search the settlement!" he bellowed. "Find them! Leave no stone unturned!"

The guards scattered, their powerful auras scouring every corner of the settlement. Dong Aigou, left alone in the wreckage of his own making, stood paralyzed. The woman he loved, the one he thought he cared for, was gone, stolen away by the very man he'd been jealous of. A bitter taste filled his mouth, regret and self-loathing swirling in his gut.

Their search proved futile. Wang Jian's speed, fueled by his potent Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Bloodline, propelled him out of sight with Yin Lian safely tucked in his arms.They found themselves enveloped by the cool embrace of the nearby forest, the dense canopy shielding them from prying eyes.

Yin Lian, still reeling from the whirlwind of emotions, clung tightly to Wang Jian's muscular frame. Her heart pounded a frantic rhythm against her ribs, a mixture of fear and a strange sense of exhilaration. The audacity of his escape attempt, the unorthodox way he'd held her – it was unlike anything she had ever experienced.

"Where are we going?" she asked, her voice small.

Wang Jian didn't reply immediately. He navigated through the undergrowth with practiced ease, his focus solely on putting distance between them and their pursuers. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he stopped at a hidden cave entrance, barely noticeable amidst the foliage.

He gently lowered Yin Lian to her feet. "This is a safe haven for now," he explained, his dark eyes holding a hint of amusement. "A place I used during my seclusion."

Yin Lian couldn't help but blush under his gaze. The close proximity, the memory of his touch, sent a shiver down her spine. This stranger, who had so unexpectedly become her savior, was undeniably attractive.