Chapter 546 The Blood Pool

The shadows danced around Wang Jian and Yin Lian as they stalked the female devils of the Moon Shadow Clan. The air grew thick with a strange, metallic tang as they neared their destination – the Blood Pool. A sense of foreboding hung heavy in the air, a palpable pressure that sent shivers down Yin Lian's spine.

As they reached the edge of the pool, a sight both captivating and horrifying unfolded before them. The Blood Pool shimmered with an unnatural crimson light, the surface seemingly alive with a constant rippling movement. Wang Jian, his eyes narrowed in concentration, probed the pool with his senses.

A grimace twisted his features. "Ah, so that's their game," he muttered, his voice laced with a hint of disgust. He turned to Yin Lian, a sly grin replacing the grimace.

"This Blood Pool," he began, his voice low, "it's not just a source of power. It's a tool of control."

Yin Lian's brow furrowed. "Control? What do you mean?"

Wang Jian pointed towards the blood-red surface. "This pool is infused with the malicious spirit of the Earth Lunar Devil God. Anyone who submerges themselves gets a boost in power and a loyalty implant – all rolled into one."

Yin Lian gasped. "Such a thing is...unheard of!" As High Priestess of the Flame Lunar Devil Temple, her religion held nothing similar. The idea of a god using such a coercive tactic disgusted her.

"So that's why the baptism is so important," she added, a realization dawning on her. "Before they distribute these women among their allies, they want to ensure their loyalty – turn them into spies."

Yin Lian nodded, a sense of urgency building within her. "So, what do we do?"

Wang Jian's eyes glittered with a mischievous glint. "The plan remains the same," he said, a playful smirk playing on his lips. "But first, let's neutralize this little pool of malevolent influence."

Yin Lian raised an eyebrow. "Neutralize the blood pool? But the Earth Lunar Devil God... he was a powerful entity!"

"At his peak, perhaps," Wang Jian chuckled, a hint of arrogance in his voice. "But this? This is just a sliver of his spirit, a shadow of its former power. And even then..." he trailed off, a sly grin creeping onto his face.

"Don't tell me you have a plan?" Yin Lian asked, a note of amusement creeping into her voice. Despite the seriousness of the situation, Wang Jian's unwavering confidence was oddly reassuring.

Without further explanation, Wang Jian raised his hand, and a faint ripple of darkness emanated from him. Thirty inky black shapes materialized from the shadows, their serpentine forms writhing with an otherworldly energy.

"These, my dear Yin Lian," Wang Jian said, his voice dripping with amusement, "are Shadow Spirit Serpents. They have a particular fondness for... well, let's just say the spiritual consciousness of devils. They grow stronger with every bite."

The Shadow Spirit Serpents, sensing the thick devilish energy emanating from the Blood Pool, writhed with anticipation. With a flick of Wang Jian's wrist, they shot forward, disappearing into the crimson depths of the pool.

"Now," Wang Jian continued, a hint of excitement in his voice, "that little spirit will have its hands full just dealing with my creepy crawlies. It won't have the time or energy to mess with those women's minds."

Yin Lian couldn't help but let out a low whistle. The ingenuity of his plan was undeniable.

Just as Wang Jian had predicted, the malevolent presence within the pool recoiled. A ripple of raw power surged through the blood, but it was quickly consumed by the ravenous Shadow Spirit Serpents. The air grew lighter, the oppressive aura dissipating with each passing moment.

The timing couldn't have been more perfect. Just then, screams echoed in the distance as the followers of the Earth Lunar Devil Temple, with a callous disregard for their captives, began to shove the Moon Shadow Clan women into the blood pool.

"Don't worry," Wang Jian interrupted, his voice dripping with a hint of amusement. "They'll be singing your praises once they're free."

But Mu Xuanyin wasn't finished. "However," she continued, her voice regaining its characteristic strength, "there are conditions. You will free not only these women, but all captured Moon Shadow Clan members – those taken to the mines, all of them."

Wang Jian raised an eyebrow, a sardonic smile playing on his lips. "An interesting addition. And your second condition?"

Mu Xuanyin held his gaze defiant. "Your influence extends only to me. Once the Moon Shadow Clan is free, you will sever all ties with them, with no further attempts to control them."

Wang Jian's smile widened, revealing a chilling glint in his eyes. "Agreed," he said, his voice dripping with a predatory satisfaction. "Controlling the Moon Shadow Clan? Not my style. All I ever wanted was..." he trailed off, his eyes lingering on Mu Xuanyin's submerged figure, "a little piece of you."

"How?" Mu Xuanyin demanded, her voice a rasp in the blood-

tinged water. "How can you possibly get us all out of here?"

Wang Jian, ever the showman, gave a flourish and a grin. "Simple, Xuanyin," he said, using a casual nickname that sent a flicker of surprise through her. "Shockingly simple, in fact."

Before she could question further, a familiar sensation enveloped them – the comforting embrace of his shadow magic. This time, however, it wasn't cloaking them in darkness but cocooning them all – the captured Moon Shadow Clan women, Yin Lian, Mu Xuanyin herself, and even Wang Jian.

A moment later, a sensation of rapid movement swept through them. The crimson liquid surrounding them vanished, replaced by the rush of wind against their skin. When the cocoon of shadows finally dissipated, they found themselves standing in a clearing deep within the forest, a comfortable distance away from the settlement.

Wang Jian released his control over the shadows, letting the female devils materialize with bewildered expressions. A collective gasp escaped their lips as they surveyed their surroundings, free from the confines of the Blood Pool.

A snap of Wang Jian's fingers sent a wave of energy through the air. The oppressive shackles binding the Moon Shadow Clan women dissolved with a hiss of smoke, returning to them the ability to access their cultivation.

"Your turn, Xuanyin," Wang Jian said, his voice dripping with a hint of amusement. "Time to hold up your end of the deal."

Mu Xuanyin stared at him, her eyes wide with a mix of shock and grudging respect. She'd never anticipated his abilities to be so extensive. But her warrior training took over, and she quickly regained her composure.

Turning to her bewildered subordinates, she addressed them with a voice that held a newfound urgency. "Listen well," she commanded. "I want all of you to head straight for the Moon Shadow Clan branch in the capital settlement. Inform them of what has transpired here. We need reinforcements, and we need them fast. Make them pay for this treachery!"

A murmur of protests arose from the women. They wanted their leader to come with them, to be safe. But Mu Xuanyin shook her head, her gaze unwavering.

"There's no time," she insisted. "Go now! Spread the word, and return with help as quickly as possible. In the meantime, I remain here with Wang Jian and Yin Lian. We'll gather more evidence against the Earth Lunar Devil Temple. We'll strike back with double the fury!"

Her unwavering resolve seemed to convince them. With worried glances exchanged amongst themselves, the Moon Shadow Clan women transformed into blurs, vanishing into the depths of the forest, their speed fueled by urgency and a desire for vengeance.

As they watched the women disappear, none of the three remaining figures – Wang Jian, Mu Xuanyin, or Yin Lian – had any idea of the chaos unfolding elsewhere. Back at the Blood Pool, a new player had entered the fray, throwing a wrench into Bishop Cang's victory celebration.

Dong Aigou, his face grim and his eyes burning with fury, had arrived. At the head of his fearsome legion of beasts, he unleashed a thunderous roar that echoed through the settlement. The followers of the Earth Lunar Devil Temple, basking in their apparent victory, were caught completely off guard.