Chapter 551 Lunar Rock Dragon Becomes A Servent Of Dong Aigou

Chapter 551 Lunar Rock Dragon Becomes A Servent Of Dong Aigou

Wang Jian surveyed the verdant landscape, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips. He had secured the agreement of Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin, and a delicious anticipation bubbled within him. Dealing with Feng Xiaoyu could wait – the present held a far more enticing prospect.

"Alright, ladies," he drawled, his gaze lingering on their alluring curves. "Since you've both proven to be such... cooperative partners, I suppose a little reward is in order, wouldn't you say?"

Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin exchanged a knowing glance. While a part of them recoiled at the transactional nature of his words, another part thrilled to the forbidden desire he ignited. They had both dipped their toes in the dark pool of his plans, and there was no turning back now.

"Lead the way," Mu Xuanyin murmured, her voice husky with unspoken desires.

The following hours were a blur of tangled limbs and breathless moans. Wang Jian, a master of carnal pleasures, reveled in their submission, exploiting their newfound vulnerability to his every touch. Under the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees, the air crackled with a raw sensuality that left them all breathless and exhilarated.

Meanwhile, hundreds of miles away, the aftermath of the earth-shattering collapse played out. The once bustling mines lay in ruins, a testament to the destructive power unleashed. Devil beasts writhed in pain, their bodies mangled by the falling debris. Followers of the Earth Lunar Devil Temple, their faces contorted in agony, lay scattered amidst the wreckage.

Through the dust and debris, a singular figure emerged relatively unscathed. Dong Aigou, his face pale and drawn, lay unconscious on the cold, unforgiving ground. His soul, heavily burdened by the forbidden techniques he had employed, remained dormant.

Suddenly, a tremor echoed through the collapsed mine. The earth itself seemed to respond, and from amidst the shattered rock, a colossal creature emerged. Formed entirely of luminous, lunar rock, it resembled a majestic dragon, each scale shimmering with an ethereal glow. This was the Lunar Rock Dragon, one of the Earth Lunar Devil God's most prized guardians.

It had slumbered for millennia within the heart of the mine, awoken from its deep sleep by a faint echo of its former master's essence. The Forbidden techniques Dong Aigou had used, fueled by the Earth Lunar Devil God's residual spirit, had stirred the dragon's dormant connection.

With a mighty bellow that shook the very foundations of the collapsed mines, the Lunar Rock Dragon lowered its massive head towards Dong Aigou's unconscious form. Its reptilian eyes, filled with an ancient wisdom, scanned the fallen figure.

Guided by an instinct honed over eons, the Lunar Rock Dragon knew its master's essence resided within Dong Aigou. Its primary objective: ensure its master's vessel remained intact.

With a powerful sweep of its tail, the dragon cleared debris from its path, creating a makeshift passage. Carefully, it scooped up Dong Aigou's unconscious form, its touch surprisingly gentle.

Deep within the Earth Lunar Devil Temple's ruins, untouched by the tremors, lay a hidden chamber. Here, a pulsating pool of pure devil essence glinted, radiating an otherworldly light. The Lunar Rock Dragon, guided by ancient knowledge passed down through generations, brought Dong Aigou to this sacred haven.

It carefully placed Dong Aigou beside the pool, its colossal head hovering protectively above him. The dragon began a slow, rhythmic chant, a forgotten incantation passed down through its lineage. Lunar energy, potent and pure, filled the cavern as the chant reached its crescendo.

Turning back to the Lunar Rock Dragon, he said, "I have an enemy. A pest named Wang Jian. He needs to be eliminated."

The Dragon's reptilian eye blinked once. "Understood, Master. Your enemies are my enemies."

Its loyalty was absolute, programmed towards serving the Earth Lunar Devil God.

Dong Aigou, now masquerading as the God's vessel, was currently its master.

A sense of exhilaration surged through Dong Aigou. Now, all he needed was a way to lure Wang Jian into a trap. The man was cunning, that much was clear from their previous encounter. He wouldn't fall easily for a frontal assault.

Dong Aigou racked his brain, the memories of his battle with Wang Jian flashing before him. The man's agility and tactical prowess were undeniable. He wouldn't approach a fight head-

on if he sensed a clear disadvantage.

His eyes narrowed. If he could anticipate Wang Jian's next move, perhaps he could lure him into a deadly encounter with the Dragon. But what could Wang Jian possibly be after?

Hours passed as Dong Aigou strategized. Finally, a smile stretched across his face. He had a potential solution.

Wang Jian's behavior with Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin suggested a pattern: targeting beautiful women close to Dong Aigou. Based on this logic, Feng Xiaoyu, a stunning and close friend of Dong Aigou's, might be his next target.

"Feng Xiaoyu," Dong Aigou murmured, a plan solidifying in his mind. "This might just work."

Feng Xiaoyu. His heart clenched slightly. She was a talented woman, fiercely independent and undeniably attractive. The pang of jealousy was back, but this time with a sliver of cunning mixed in. It gave him an idea.

A determined glint flickered in his eyes. Feng Xiaoyu was his best bet. He had to warn her, to prepare a trap that would lure Wang Jian into the open. This dragon, this monstrous guardian spirit, would be the key to his vengeance.

With newfound purpose, Dong Aigou stood up, his voice echoing in the cavern. "Lunar Rock Dragon, prepare yourself. We have a hunt to attend to."