Chapter 559 Saving Feng Xiaoyu

A heavy silence descended upon the alleyway, broken only by the ragged breaths of Feng Xiaoyu and Dong Aigou. Wang Jian's amused grin sent shivers down their spines, his casual demeanor contrasting sharply with the intensity of the preceding battle. Reêad latest novels at

"Well, well," he drawled, his gaze flitting between them like a predator studying its prey. "Seems like the party's come to an unexpected halt. Why the sudden change of heart, folks? Don't let me interrupt your, uh, 'sparring session'. Carry on, I assure you, it's quite entertaining."

Shock contorted Dong Aigou's features. He couldn't fathom Wang Jian's intentions. Was it a trap? Was he waiting for Dong Aigou to lower his guard before launching an attack? A bead of sweat trickled down his temple.

Feng Xiaoyu, however, opted for a different approach. With a feigned gasp, she clutched at her side. "Wang Jian," she wheezed, her voice laced with mock-weakness, "how convenient you appear. But surely, even you wouldn't sit idly by while your esteemed business partner... gets bullied?"

Wang Jian's smirk widened, morphing into something altogether sinister. "Help?" he mused, tilting his head playfully. "Now there's an interesting proposition, Feng Xiaoyu. But help doesn't come cheap, you know."

He leaned closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Beg nicely. Show me some proper submission, and maybe, just maybe, I'd consider intervening on your behalf."

The audacity of his words left both Feng Xiaoyu and Dong Aigou speechless. Never did they expect such blatant manipulation from Wang Jian.

Before anyone could react further, Dong Aigou's instincts kicked in. With a panicked snarl, he lunged towards the alleyway exit, desperate to escape the volatile situation.

But just as his hand brushed against the brick wall, a ripple of energy pulsed through the air. An invisible barrier solidified around the entire alleyway, a testament to Wang Jian's formidable power. Dong Aigou slammed against the barrier, a frustrated roar escaping his lips.

"Leaving the party so soon?" Wang Jian chuckled, his amusement tinged with a hint of cruelty. "No, no, Dong Aigou. You see, I find your little brawl rather... stimulating. And frankly, the entertainment value would significantly decrease with your absence. So, let's resume this little game, shall we?"

Dong Aigou gritted his teeth, a mixture of fear and indignation churning in his gut. This level of control, this sheer power... Wang Jian was far more formidable than he initially perceived.

Glaring at Feng Xiaoyu, a desperate plea formed on his lips. "Xiaoyu," he rasped, "truce! We can handle our internal matters later. Let's join forces against this... this tyrant!"

Feng Xiaoyu weighed her options. Joining forces with Dong Aigou sounded like jumping from the frying pan into the fire. She cast a fleeting glance at Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin, their elegant features betraying no hint of their intentions. It made her wonder that could she really fight against Wang Jian who was supported by these two experts?

The answer, it seemed, was a resounding no. With a steely resolve, she turned back to Dong Aigou, ignoring his pleas. Instead, she launched into a flurry of attacks, a desperate bid to subdue him before Wang Jian decided to intervene.

From the shadows of amusement, an equally potent aura arose. Wang Jian, his amusement replaced by a cold, predatory glint in his eyes, finally made his move. His outstretched palm radiated with an ethereal light, a stark contrast to the darkness of Dong Aigou's attack. With a flick of his wrist, he unleashed a counterattack - 'Heavenly Dragon's Coiling Light'!

A blinding golden dragon, formed from pure divine energy, materialized from Wang Jian's palm. It soared with a defiant roar, clashing head-on with the ravenous 'Lunar Devil's Devouring Maw'. The resulting collision sent shockwaves rippling through the alleyway, dust swirling and bricks crumbling under the sheer force.

The golden dragon, empowered by Wang Jian's immense cultivation, proved superior. It surged forward, pushing back the demonic beast and shattering it into fragments of darkness. The remnants dissipated harmlessly before they could reach Feng Xiaoyu.

Dong Aigou, the full force of Wang Jian's attack crashing into him, stumbled back, his face contorted in pain and disbelief. The aura of invincibility he possessed moments ago had vanished, replaced by a vulnerability he hadn't anticipated.

"Get out of my sight," Wang Jian stated coldly, his voice dripping with a disdain that sent shivers down Feng Xiaoyu's spine. "You've proven yourself utterly disappointing."

Without another word, Dong Aigou vanished into the night, leaving behind a trail of despair and a stinging reminder of his own shortcomings.

An eerie silence descended upon the alleyway, broken only by the ragged breaths of Feng Xiaoyu, Yin Lian, Mu Xuanyin, and Wang Jian.

With a chillingly depraved grin spreading across his face, Wang Jian strode towards Feng Xiaoyu, his eyes glinting with a carnal hunger.

He scooped up her disheveled form effortlessly, his touch sending a jolt of mingled fear and a strange anticipation through her.

"Well, well, well," he chuckled, his voice laced with a suggestive undertone. "Looks like someone needs a good night's rest. And perhaps, a little... companionship."

He swept out of the alleyway, Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin flanking him like silent guardians.

Feng Xiaoyu, her body cradled in his powerful arms, felt a new kind of fear blossoming within her. The potent display of power she witnessed had left a clear message – defying Wang Jian would be a fool's errand.

Her mind, however, couldn't help but dwell on the image of the majestic golden dragon, a testament to his unimaginable strength.

It was unsettling, exhilarating, and perhaps, a strange sense of security amidst the chaos.