Chapter 561 Dong Aigou Gets Attacked By Feng Xiaoyu

Chapter 561 Dong Aigou Gets Attacked By Feng Xiaoyu

Lin Fei. The human. He'd escaped not just the X-34 Star, but the entire Ancient Devil Star Cluster. This meant his trajectory, his destiny, was taking him somewhere else, somewhere significant in the vast cultivation world. A sudden surge of excitement coursed through Wang Jian.

"Interesting," he muttered, his voice laced with a dangerous edge.

This revelation forced him to re-evaluate his own plans. Perhaps, he mused, it was time to accelerate his agenda of taking over the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe.

The key to his ascension, the final piece in the puzzle, resided with Feng Xiaoyu.

Stealing the power of her destiny, and consequently that of Dong Aigou, would fuel an immense power surge within him.

Enough, he calculated, to propel him from the Divine Tribulation Realm to the coveted Divine Harmony Realm.

Only then could his true plan, the one he'd been meticulously crafting, finally begin.

For now, however, he allowed himself to revel in the luxurious surroundings, nestled between the alluring bodies of Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin.

They remained blissfully unaware of the grand machinations swirling within his mind, their eyes glazed with post-coital bliss.

"Enjoying the view, ladies?" he purred, his voice laced with a hint of amusement.

Yin Lian, her crimson lips curving into a suggestive smile, tilted her head coyly. "Always a pleasure, Wang Jian," she murmured, her voice like honeyed silk.

The day stretched on in a sensual haze – a stark contrast to the storm brewing within Wang Jian's mind.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the room in a golden glow, a flicker of cold determination hardened Wang Jian's features.

While Wang Jian reveled in the luxurious confines of his chambers, a storm of a different kind brewed within the walls of the Trade Association. Feng Xiaoyu, her eyes blazing with a newfound determination, stood before a group of hardened mercenaries.

"Warriors," she declared, her voice ringing with a steely resolve, "I require your expertise for a most critical mission. One that demands strength, precision, and absolute secrecy."

The room hummed with hushed murmurs. Mercenary groups, drawn by the promise of hefty rewards, had flocked to her summons. Each group boasted seasoned cultivators, their auras radiating power from the Divine Harmony Realm to the peak of the Divine Tribulation Realm.

Feng Xiaoyu, her gaze sweeping across the assembled faces, continued. "Our target," she announced, her voice hardening, "is the subterranean lair of Dong Aigou."

A ripple of surprise flowed through the room. Dong Aigou, the enigmatic leader of a splinter faction within the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe, was a formidable opponent. Most mercenaries wouldn't dare to take on such a task, let alone with secrecy being paramount.

"You knew about this?" Feng Xiaoyu's voice rose a notch, disbelief coloring her tone.

Wang Jian chuckled, a low rumble in his chest. "Oh, most definitely. A few layers of barrier formations and restrictive arrays? Nothing I wouldn't consider a warm-up exercise."

Feng Xiaoyu scoffed. "Don't be cocky, Wang Jian. Even you wouldn't escape that easily with that Lunar Rock Dragon lurking above."

A playful glint flickered in his eyes. "Want to bet?" he challenged, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

Feng Xiaoyu narrowed her eyes, instantly wary of his sudden change in demeanor. "What kind of bet?"

"Simple," he declared, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "If I can prove those arrays wouldn't have been a threat to me, you follow one command of mine."

Feng Xiaoyu clenched her jaw, a flicker of apprehension coursing through her. Knowing Wang Jian, that command wouldn't involve anything pleasant. Still, a sliver of hope, fueled by pride, kept her afloat.

"And if I win," she countered, her voice laced with defiance, "you release Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin."

Wang Jian considered this for a moment, a playful glint in his eyes. "Deal," he agreed with a nod.

With a playful smirk, Wang Jian closed his eyes, focusing on the surrounding darkness. He channeled the Laws of Darkness, weaving them into the very fabric of the cavern. The shadows around them danced and pulsed, responding to his touch.

For a tense few moments, nothing happened. Feng Xiaoyu watched him intently, her initial apprehension morphing into a smug satisfaction. Perhaps, she thought, she had overestimated Wang Jian's abilities after all.

But then, a subtle shift occurred. The shimmering light of the barrier formations flickered and died, plunging the cavern into an even deeper darkness. Above, the roars of the Lunar Rock Dragon intensified for a moment before abruptly cutting off. A confused silence descended upon the battlefield.

Feng Xiaoyu's jaw dropped open in disbelief. She stared at Wang Jian, her eyes wide with shock. How? How could he have bypassed those arrays so effortlessly?

As if sensing her confusion, Wang Jian opened his eyes, a triumphant smirk plastered on his face. "See?" he purred, his voice laced with a hint of arrogance. "Nothing more than a child's plaything."

Feng Xiaoyu remained speechless, her mind struggling to process what had just transpired. She had witnessed firsthand Wang Jian's incredible power, his mastery over the Dao of Darkness reaching an unimaginable level.

"So," Wang Jian continued, his voice returning to its usual playful tone, "about that little wager..."

Feng Xiaoyu swallowed hard, the reality of her situation sinking in. She had lost, spectacularly so. But defeat wasn't her only concern. The thought of submitting to Wang Jian's command sent shivers down her spine.

"Fine," she muttered, her voice heavy with resignation. "One command. But make it something... reasonable."

Wang Jian leaned closer, his lips brushing against her ear. His voice when he spoke, was barely a whisper, sending chills down her spine.