Chapter 564 Royal Settlement Of The Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe

Chapter 564 Royal Settlement Of The Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe

A few days had passed since the night that forever altered the dynamic between Wang Jian and the three women. The memory of Feng Xiaoyu's initial defiance melting into desperate pleasure still lingered in the air, a constant reminder of his dominance. But for Wang Jian, it was time to move on, to utilize the spoils of his victory.

He had stolen Destiny Essence – an elusive, potent energy that embodied the very essence of one's cultivation destiny – from each woman, their resistance as futile as dust motes in a whirlwind. Now, brimming with this stolen power, he was ready to take the next step.

Beneath the vast expanse of the night sky, a tapestry of twinkling stars, Wang Jian settled into a meditative pose. He focused his will, drawing upon the stolen Destiny Essence nestled within his core. It felt like a writhing serpent of raw power, waiting to be unleashed.

As he channeled his intent, the placid night sky stirred. Eerie, swirling clouds materialized above, blocking out the celestial spectacle. A low hum resonated in the air, a harbinger of the impending trial.

This was the Heavenly Tribulation, a test of strength and resolve that awaited any cultivator attempting to ascend to the next realm. For Wang Jian, his ambition was audacious – to break through not once, but four times, reaching the pinnacle of the Divine Tribulation Realm in one fell swoop.

With a wry smile playing on his lips, he began the process. The stolen Destiny Essence crackled with energy, fueling his ascension. The first wave of tribulation arrived – a blinding flash of white-hot lightning, crackling with pure celestial energy.

Wang Jian met it head-on, the potent Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Blood coursing through his veins. This bloodline, a rare and powerful inheritance, granted him incredible resilience and a unique affinity for absorbing lightning. The first tribulation, while potent, was merely a taste of what was to come.

The sky above him fractured, unleashing a torrent of fiery meteors hurtling towards him. Each one burned with an unearthly radiance, infused with the wrath of the heavens. Wang Jian, his hands forming intricate seals, conjured a swirling shield of darkness, deflecting the meteors with practiced ease.

This was the unpredictable nature of the Heavenly Tribulation. Each wave was unique, testing different aspects of a cultivator's abilities. One moment he faced the raw fury of lightning, the next the scorching heat of meteors.

Days turned into weeks. The once pristine night sky became a warzone of celestial fury. Wang Jian, battered and bruised, kept pushing forward. Each successful defense fueled his resolve, a perverse pleasure blooming in his chest as he defied the heavens themselves.

The tribulations varied in intensity and element. There were torrents of wind blades that cut through the very fabric of reality, ice storms that threatened to freeze him whole, and even an onslaught of demonic illusions designed to shatter his spirit.

Through it all, Wang Jian remained steadfast. His stolen power served as a potent supplement, allowing him to recover and push past his limits. The stolen Destiny Essence, once the mark of his stolen victories, now became the key to his own ascension.

Hundreds, perhaps even thousands of times the tribulation descended upon him. The landscape around him bore the scars of the battle – scorched earth, jagged ice formations, and craters formed by the impact of celestial projectiles.

Feng Xiaoyu, caught between exasperation and a morbid fascination, couldn't help but ask, "Why the Queen specifically? What about the power you already have? Aren't you satisfied?"

Wang Jian's smile turned cold, a hint of his true ambition flickering through the facade. "Satisfaction," he spat, the word laced with disdain. "I don't seek mere satisfaction. I crave dominance. I want the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe at my knees. And what better way to achieve that than by taking the Queen of this tribe?"

A slow, predatory smile spread across his face. "Besides, have you ever seen a challenge I couldn't overcome? No power, no devotion, will stand in the way of my little conquest."

The three women exchanged uncomfortable glances. They knew Wang Jian's tenacity, his ruthless pursuit of what he desired. Yet, the sheer audacity of his plan left them speechless. Targeting the Queen of the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe wasn't just ambitious, it bordered on suicidal.

But seeing the unyielding determination in his eyes, they knew arguing was futile. Resistance was no longer an option. They were bound to him by the stolen Destiny Essence, their fates intertwined with his.

With a sigh, Feng Xiaoyu voiced the thought that hung heavy in the air. "Alright, Wang Jian," she conceded, her voice devoid of defiance. "We'll go with you. But..."

Wang Jian raised an eyebrow, a playful challenge in his gaze. "But?"

"Just be careful," she finished, her voice barely a whisper. "This could end very badly for all of us."

Wang Jian chuckled again, a predatory sound that echoed through the cavern. "Don't worry, little Feng Xiaoyu," he purred, his eyes glinting with a dangerous amusement. "I always have a plan. And this little conquest of the Queen... well, let's just say it'll be an adventure, wouldn't you agree?"

With that, Wang Jian raised his hand, a swirling vortex of shadows emanating from his palm. The three women exchanged nervous glances before stepping into the swirling darkness, their journey towards the heavily guarded capital settlement and a potentially explosive confrontation with the Queen of the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe already underway.

As they disappeared into the shadows, an unsettling question lingered in the air.

The bustling capital settlement of the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe, aptly named Azure Moon City, hummed with activity. Wang Jian, disguised in a simple black cloak that obscured his features, navigated the crowded streets alongside Feng Xiaoyu, Mu Xuanyin, and Yin Lian. Their mission: gather intel on the reigning couple, King Mo Tianyang and Queen Xiulan.

"Alright, ladies," Wang Jian murmured, his voice lowered to a conspiratorial whisper. "Let's split up and gather intel. The more eyes and ears we have, the better."