Chapter 575 The Devil Tribes Attack The Large Sects' Star Clusters

Chapter 575 The Devil Tribes Attack The Large Sects' Star Clusters

Their worry wasn't unfounded. While the Heavenly Jade Pavilion boasted an impressive roster of female cultivators, even being considered the strongest sect on the Eastern side of the Cosmos, the large sects they were about to target weren't pushovers. Each branch held formidable cultivators and wouldn't give up their territories without a fight.

"That's where Master Wang Jian's foresight comes in," Cui Lan offered, a knowing smile playing on her lips. Over the past months, Wang Jian had been a whirlwind of activity, personally guiding the sect's skilled array masters in constructing a series of defensive formations around their Star Clusters. These weren't your average formations - they bore the mark of his Law of Array Formations.

"The 'Celestial Shield,' as he named it," Cui Lan explained, gesturing towards a shimmering holographic projection depicting a complex network of glowing lines, "is an marvel of efficiency. It utilizes minimal resources yet provides a near-impenetrable barrier."

The Celestial Shield functioned not just as a passive barrier but also contained offensive capabilities. Integrated within the formation were hidden 'Crimson Lightning Traps,' designed to unleash devastating bursts of crimson lightning upon any trespassers. Additionally, the array incorporated spatial manipulation aspects, allowing them to teleport reinforcements within the protected Star Cluster at a moment's notice.

"These formations," Cui Lan concluded with a touch of pride, "will buy us the time we need to solidify our control over the captured territories and prepare for the inevitable retaliation."

News of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion's expansion spread like wildfire. The targeted branches were the first to raise the alarm, accusing the Pavilion of aggression. Soon, whispers turned into accusations as the larger sects, threatened by this sudden power grab, began rallying behind their weaker brethren.

The Eastern side of the Cosmos, once a relatively peaceful region, erupted in a flurry of diplomatic exchanges and veiled threats. Sanctions were imposed, trade routes were cut, and the price of vital resources skyrocketed.

Back within the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, the beautiful disciples and elders braced themselves for the coming storm. Gone were the days of leisurely cultivation and decadent revelry. Instead, training intensified, with a focus on coordinated team maneuvers and defensive array control. Practice sparring sessions echoed through the training grounds, the clash of swords and the crackle of elemental energy filling the air with a tense anticipation.

Cui Lan, overseeing the preparations, couldn't help but admire the unwavering determination of her fellow disciples. Despite the uncertainty and looming conflict, their loyalty to the Pavilion and their charismatic leader remained unshaken.

"They underestimate us," she declared, her voice resonating with a steely resolve. "These large sects are used to underestimating us, assuming that a sect of women lacks the strength and ruthlessness to survive. We will prove them wrong."

With a firm nod, she addressed the assembled disciples. "Remember, ladies, we are the Heavenly Jade Pavilion. We are pioneers, innovators, and warriors! We will weather this storm, emerge stronger, and claim our rightful place as the dominant power in the Cosmos!"

The silence surrounding the Star Clusters wasn't a sign of surrender. It was a strategic pause. Their offensive display, while successful in halting the initial attack, had inadvertently played into Wang Jian's grand scheme.

News of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion's impregnable defenses spread like wildfire, reaching none other than the seductive Queen Xiulan on X-98 Star in the Ancient Devil Star Cluster. With a sly smile, Wang Jian had activated the next phase of his plan.

Queen Xiulan, ever ambitious and easily swayed by the promise of plunder and conquest, saw an opportunity. With most of the Eastern human sects embroiled in what they believed to be a simple conquest, their own Star Clusters were left relatively vulnerable. It was the perfect time to strike.

A shiver ran down Cui Lan's spine as she received frantic reports – Queen Xiulan, at the helm of a vast devil horde from the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe, was heading straight towards the Star Clusters of the large human sects! The human cultivators, focused on breaching the Heavenly Jade Pavilion's defenses, were caught woefully unprepared for this demonic onslaught.

The once-unified human front shattered. The sect leaders, realizing the gravity of the situation, abandoned their attack on the Heavenly Jade Pavilion and scrambled back to their own Star Clusters, their forces in disarray.

A cacophony of demonic roars echoed through the previously serene Star Cluster of the Azure Gale Sect. The Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe, led by the seductive Queen Xiulan, had ripped through their defenses like a whirlwind. The once-proud Azure Gale cultivators, caught off guard by this unexpected attack, found themselves overwhelmed by the sheer brutality of the devil horde.

Xiulan, her crimson eyes ablaze with predatory hunger, personally led the charge, her every attack a display of demonic prowess. With a flick of her wrist, she unleashed a torrent of hellfire, reducing an entire fleet of Azure Gale warships to smoldering debris. Her lieutenants, hulking figures radiating raw power, followed suit, tearing through the enemy ranks with barbaric glee.

After securing a foothold on one of the Azure Gale Sect's planets, the devils wasted no time in consolidating their gains. Under the watchful eyes of Xiulan's elite guard, a formidable devilish barrier, pulsating with dark energy, materialized around the captured territory. This barrier, fueled by the essence of captured souls, would serve as a defensive shield, buying them precious time.

But the devils weren't content with just holding their ground. They weren't Queen Xiulan's style. With a chilling efficiency, legions of devils, wielding demonic tools and armor, toiled day and night. Thousands of teleportation arrays, intricate sigils carved into the very fabric of space, materialized across the conquered territory.

These were gateways, connections to the vast expanse of the Ancient Devil Star Cluster. As the final teleportation array flickered to life, a wave of demonic energy surged through it, followed by the imposing figure of a hulking, obsidian-skinned devil lord. More materialized from the array, each radiating an aura of power that sent shivers down the spines of even the most seasoned Blue Moon Eclipse warriors.

These were the leaders of other devil tribes, summoned by Xiulan's call and the promise of bountiful plunder. A tense meeting unfolded within the central fortress of the captured planet. Queen Xiulan, resplendent in her obsidian armor, outlined the plan – a coordinated assault on the other large human sects.