Chapter 577 Star Lords Get Involved In War Against Devils

Chapter 577 Star Lords Get Involved In War Against Devils

The Eastern Cosmos reverberated with the clash of steel and the roar of demonic energy. The war between the large sects and the devil tribes raged on, a gruesome spectacle of bloodshed that seemed to have no end. Days bled into weeks, each battle leaving a trail of devastation in its wake.

Exhaustion hung heavy on both sides. Countless cultivators, both human and demon, bore the scars of brutal encounters. The once-proud warriors of the human sects emerged from each clash battered and bruised, patched up by desperate healers only to be thrown back into the fray. The devil tribes, while initially buoyed by demonic zeal, found themselves bogged down in a war of attrition.

Queen Xiulan, the seductive leader of the Blue Moon Eclipse Tribe, watched the conflict unfold with a predatory gleam in her crimson eyes. Her forces, bolstered by the influx of resources from the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, were gaining ground. Yet, a nagging unease gnawed at her. This conflict was dragging on longer than anticipated, and rumors of external intervention whispered through the demonic ranks.

Suddenly, the skies over the battlefields crackled with an unfamiliar energy. A fleet of colossal warships, emblazoned with dazzling constellations, materialized from the cosmic void. On board these vessels stood the Star Lords – legendary figures from the Western Cosmos, each wielding the unique power of their respective core stars.

There was Tianyi Xingjun, his very presence radiating the scorching heat of a young sun. Beside him stood Beiming Xingzhu, her movements as graceful and deadly as a celestial dancer, her power fueled by the icy luminescence of a dying star. And last, but certainly not least, was Dongfang Xingwang, his imposing figure radiating the raw power of a nascent black hole.

The arrival of the Star Lords sent shockwaves through both sides. These beings, usually aloof from the petty squabbles of lesser mortals, had descended upon the Eastern Cosmos. The reason for their intervention remained shrouded in mystery, but their immense power was undeniable.

The human sects, desperate for any advantage, had struck a deal with the Star Lords. They offered territories, resources, and even leadership positions within their sects in exchange for aid against the devilish onslaught. While it was a bitter pill to swallow, it was a lifeline to their crumbling defenses.

The Star Lords, motivated by their own agendas, readily agreed. They viewed the Eastern Cosmos as fertile hunting grounds, ripe for exploitation. Their arrival immediately tipped the scales of the war in favor of the humans.

Queen Xiulan's confidence wavered. These Star Lords were formidable adversaries, their Divine Ascension Realm cultivation coupled with their unique cosmic energies making them nigh-unstoppable. Her devilish horde, accustomed to battling human cultivators, was ill-equipped to face such a threat.

Panic surged through the ranks of the devil tribes. Retreat became their only option, a desperate scramble to avoid annihilation at the hands of the Star Lords. The once-proud devils, who had reveled in the chaos of war, were now reduced to hunted prey.

Meanwhile, within the impregnable Star Clusters of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, Wang Jian reveled in a far more pleasurable pursuit. Surrounded by a bevy of beauties – Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan, the seductive elders, and the youthful disciples – he indulged in a carnal feast.

This wasn't a solution for all Star Lords. It only worked for those whose stars were vast distances away, like the Star Lords currently fighting in the Eastern Cosmos, their core stars residing in the faraway Western Cosmos.

With a triumphant smirk, Queen Xiulan summoned all the tribe leaders to her war tent. The air crackled with nervous energy as she unveiled the secret weapons provided by the enigmatic leader of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion. She explained their function, her voice a low purr, a predatory gleam in her crimson eyes.

A spark of hope flared in the devilish leaders' eyes. They devised a cunning plan. They would lure the Star Lords deep into enemy territory, a desolate asteroid belt far from human settlements. Here, shielded by an elaborate network of demonic formations, they would activate the array formations received from Wang Jian.

"Once their connection to their stars is severed," rasped a hulking demon lord, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and anticipation, "they'll be nothing more than powerful cultivators, ripe for the picking."

The plan, audacious yet seemingly feasible, resonated with the other leaders. It wasn't about winning outright, but about leveling the playing field. Without their divine star energy, the Star Lords would lose their edge. Even a standard Divine Ascension Realm devil could stand toe-to-toe with a weakened Star Lord.

The trap was meticulously laid. False intel, leaked to human scouts, pointed the Star Lords towards the desolate asteroid belt. The human sects, eager to capitalize on the Star Lords' relentless assault, readily forwarded the information.

Led by the arrogant Tianyi Xingjun, the Star Lords plunged headfirst into the trap. They entered the asteroid belt with an air of overwhelming power, oblivious to the danger lurking in the shadows.

As they ventured deeper, a dense network of demonic formations pulsed to life around them. The air crackled with an unsettling energy. Queen Xiulan, hidden within the heart of the formations, unleashed the array formations provided by Wang Jian.

A blinding light erupted, bathing the asteroid belt in an eerie glow. The Star Lords recoiled in shock, a sense of dread gnawing at their core. They felt a sudden disconnect, a severance of their connection to their distant stars. Their bodies, once infused with celestial energies, felt strangely hollow.

Tianyi Xingjun roared in fury, the heat emanating from his body flickering erratically. Beiming Xingzhu, her movements sluggish, her eyes wide with disbelief, barely managed to deflect a volley of demonic bolts. Dongfang Xingwang, his imposing presence seemingly diminished, found himself struggling to maintain his levitation.

The trap had sprung. The devils, empowered by a newfound sense of hope, emerged from their hiding places. A fierce battle erupted within the asteroid belt, the once-immaculate Star Lords now facing a desperate fight for survival.

News of the Star Lords' predicament was bound to spread back to the Western Cosmos. Their enemies, ever vigilant, wouldn't miss this opportunity.