Chapter 582 Astral Wraith Clan

The following hours unfolded in a twisted dance of power and seduction. Wang Jian, ever the charmer, spent the time getting to know each woman in Hu Tianba's harem. He learned their names, their fighting styles, even their deepest fears and desires. With each conversation, he chipped away at their resolve, weaving a web of lies and promises.

He hinted at the vast resources of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, promising to elevate their cultivation levels in exchange for their... cooperation.

His words were laced with honeyed venom, and with each passing moment, the women found themselves drawn in. Not by affection, but by a desperate hope for a better future, one not entangled with the impending wrath of their husband.

The clock ticked relentlessly, and soon the news arrived that Hu Tianba was stirring in his dungeon cell. Wang Jian issued a curt order. "Bring him to the Jade Pavilion's finest chamber. He deserves some comfort before the storm breaks."

The beautiful members of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, their expressions carefully masking their internal turmoil, escorted Hu Tianba to his temporary haven. The man himself, oblivious to the events of the night, emerged from his stupor a little worse for wear.

Meanwhile, Wang Jian gathered Hu Tianba's harem once more. This time, they found themselves facing the enigmatic Cui Lan, whose smile held a certain malicious glint. "Patriarch Hu," she began, her voice a melodious chime, "the war takes its toll on all of us. Your Starry Expanse remains vulnerable."

Hu Tianba, gruff and impatient, grunted his agreement. The White Tiger Clan had stretched itself thin, sending much of its experienced fighters to bolster the Devil Tribes' war effort.

"Then perhaps," Cui Lan continued, her voice dropping to a seductive whisper, "a strategic retreat is in order. Leave your women here, in the care of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion. We will provide them with the finest resources, help them hone their skills."

The suggestion, while unconventional, resonated with Hu Tianba. It would free up his clan's best fighters while ensuring his harem's safety. Besides, nestled in the seclusion of the Star Cluster, their weaknesses would be less exposed.

After some deliberation, and subtle nudges from his women who felt an overwhelming sense of relief at the prospect of not returning to Hu Tianba immediately, the Patriarch agreed. "Very well," he rumbled, a glimmer of pride in his eyes. "They will be in your capable hands, Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan."

Little did Hu Tianba know, his words sealed the fate of his harem. As he boarded a magnificent battleship alongside a contingent of Heavenly Jade Pavilion disciples, his women watched with a mix of apprehension and a strange sense of anticipation.

The battlefield, a swirling vortex of energy and chaos, awaited Hu Tianba. The Devil Tribes, a motley crew of demons, goblins, and monstrous beings, clashed with the Star Lords and the mighty Ancient Phoenix Clan. The sheer number of cultivators, their attacks painting the sky in vibrant hues, was a spectacle both terrifying and exhilarating.

Hu Tianba, a giant amongst men, roared a primal challenge. His white tiger bloodline pulsed, radiating a fierce aura. With a mighty leap, he landed amidst the thick of the battle.

His roars echoed through the battlefield, rallying the Devilish forces.

His fighting style was a whirlwind of raw power.

"The Devil Tribes have developed a means to sever the Star Lords from their star-based powers?" Elder Xylia, her voice a chilling rasp, addressed the gathered Wraith Council.

"So the rumors whisper," confirmed Xylia's second-in-

command, a wraith named Wraithblade. "These array formations and talismans... could they be the key to our long-

held vengeance?"

The Astral Wraiths, with their innate void-based powers, were largely immune to the Star Lords' cosmic attacks. But the Star Lords' ability to draw strength from their linked stars made them formidable foes. If the Devil Tribes could disrupt these connections, the Wraiths saw an opportunity.

Using their advanced communication network, the Wraiths contacted the Devil Tribes. Queen Xiulan of the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe received the message personally.

"The Astral Wraiths?" she murmured, a sly smile playing on her crimson lips. "Interesting. They seek the array formations, yes?"

A negotiation ensued, conducted through veiled threats and promises. The Wraith's offer: join the war effort against the Star Lords in exchange for the array formulas. Queen Xiulan, ever the shrewd strategist, saw an advantage.

"Agreed," she declared, her voice laced with a dangerous glint. "But the Wraiths must commit their full force. We crush the Star Lords, and then... we discuss the spoils of war."

The deal struck, a new faction entered the Eastern Cosmos fray. The Astral Wraiths, their sleek black warships cutting through the void, joined the Devil Tribes, the White Tiger Clan, and the emboldened Hu Tianba.

The battlefield, already a maelstrom of energy and clashing ideologies, became even more chaotic. The Star Lords, facing the combined might of humanity, demonic hordes, a vengeful beast clan, and a race of void-dwelling adversaries, were pushed back.

Large human sects that had scoffed at the early warnings of a demonic threat now found themselves facing the consequences of their arrogance. The Eastern Cosmos, once a bastion of human supremacy, was engulfed in a desperate struggle for survival.

The war expanded beyond the battle lines. Propaganda fueled by fear and hate spread through every corner of the cosmos. Cultivation families sent their most promising disciples to the frontlines, while artisans and alchemists toiled day and night to provide supplies for the war effort.

The arrival of the Astral Wraiths on the Eastern Cosmos battlefield was like an injection of dark energy. Their sleek, angular warships, crafted from a material that seemed to swallow light itself, warped into the system with an eerie elegance. These vessels, powered by void-based technology, maneuvered with an inhuman finesse, bypassing energy blasts and dodging retaliatory attacks with chilling precision.

From these ships poured forth the Wraith warriors, humanoid figures draped in shimmering black robes that flowed eerily even in the void. Their faces, barely discernible beneath the hoods, glowed with an unsettling internal light, their gazes as cold and devoid of emotion as the void itself.