Chapter 627 Seducing Huang Zhi’s Angelic Wife

Chapter 627 Seducing Huang Zhi's Angelic Wife

With the final circulation complete, Wang Jian withdrew his hands, leaving Lu Rong'er trembling, both from the unleashed power and the unsettling intimacy he had violated. Shame warred with the newfound strength thrumming within her.

"Open your eyes, Princess," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of triumph. "How do you feel?"

Lu Rong'er met his gaze, her eyes filled with a complex mix of emotions – anger, confusion, and a touch of awe. The power coursing through her was undeniable. It was stronger, faster, and felt more natural than ever before.

"I... I feel different," she stammered, struggling to articulate the maelstrom within her.

A slow smile spread across Wang Jian's face.

Lu Rong'er stared at Wang Jian, her expression a complex tapestry of emotions. Gratitude warred with a simmering anger and a touch of shame. "Master Wang," she finally said, her voice barely above a whisper, "your talent... it surpasses anything I could have imagined. I am truly grateful for your help. However..."

She hesitated, her cheeks flushing a delicate pink. "I... I would not feel comfortable seeking your assistance further. It is...unorthodox for a woman to be touched in such a manner by someone other than her husband, even for the sake of combat prowess. If Huang Zhi were to discover..."

Wang Jian raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise. "Unorthodox? Princess, I assure you, there was nothing inappropriate in my actions. It was a mere channeling of energy, necessary to identify and rectify the inconsistencies in your technique. The results speak for themselves, wouldn't you agree?"

Lu Rong'er bit her lip, torn between the undeniable improvement and the violation she felt. "Yes," she admitted, her voice barely a squeak. "The results are... remarkable. But still..."

A sly smile played on Wang Jian's lips. "Very well," he conceded, spreading his hands in mock surrender. "If that is how you feel, then I shall respect your wishes. However," he leaned closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "should you ever find yourself yearning for a more... accelerated path to power, you know where to find me."

He paused, a glint of steel in his eyes. "But be warned, Princess. Next time, come prepared. I will test your resolve before offering my guidance.?There will be no room for regret or guilt after the fact. It is a disservice to both of us."

With that, Wang Jian turned and walked away, leaving Lu Rong'er alone in the training courtyard. A million conflicting emotions swirled within her. There was no denying the power surge, the newfound confidence that pulsed through her veins. Yet, the memory of his touch, the intimacy of the process, sent a shiver down her spine. Điscover new chapters at

She watched him go, a part of her yearning to call him back, to bridge the growing chasm between them.

But the ingrained teachings, the wifely loyalty, held her back. This was probably for the best, she reasoned, forcing a smile onto her lips.

"Master Wang," Queen Xiulan purred, rising to greet him with a seductive sway that accentuated her voluptuous figure.

He strode closer, the air crackling with unspoken desires. His hand brushed against hers as he leaned in, the scent of her lavender incense intoxicating. "My Queen," he murmured, his voice a husky whisper, "the time has come. We unleash our forces upon the Angel scum and their pathetic allies."

Xiulan's smile widened, revealing a glint of sharp canines. "I live for your commands, Master," she purred, her hand trailing suggestively up his arm. "But tell me, is there a specific... objective you have in mind?"

Wang Jian chuckled, a dry, humorless sound. "Indeed, my Queen. There is an Angel warrior, Lu Rong'er. Three pairs of stunning white wings, eyes like molten gold. Ensure your forces capture her. Alive, preferably."

With a gesture, he channeled his spiritual energy, forming a detailed image of Lu Rong'er within Xiulan's mind. "This is your target."

Xiulan studied the image, memorizing every detail of Lu Rong'er's exquisite features. "An interesting task, Master Wang. Are you perhaps planning to play the hero, rescuing her from the clutches of evil?"

He smirked, his hand landing on the swell of her hip. A playful smack, followed by a gasp from Xiulan. "Foolish Queen," he hissed, his voice tight with control. "Focus on the task at hand.Success brings rewards, failure... well, consequences can be quite unpleasant."

Xiulan's breath hitched. The playful banter was over. This was serious. Her large breasts heaved with each ragged breath. "As you command, Master," she whispered, her voice husky with a mixture of fear and anticipation.

With a satisfied nod, Wang Jian vanished through another shimmering portal, leaving Xiulan alone in her chamber. A fire burned in her eyes, a mix of loyalty and a dark yearning for the power he promised.

Back in the Astral Jade City, Wang Jian wasted no time. The week of preparation was drawing to a close, and the air crackled with anticipation. He resumed his training sessions with the elite Angel warriors, each session leaving them more skilled, more powerful – and hopelessly entangled in his Law of Love.

Finally, the day arrived. The combined forces of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, the Angel Race, and Astral Jade City stood poised at the edge of their dimension, a sea of shimmering armor and righteous fury. Celestial Maiden Yuqing, her golden armor glinting in the morning light, addressed her warriors.

"For generations," she declared, her voice ringing with conviction, "the Devil Race has plagued us! Today, we bring an end to their reign of terror! March forward, and fight with the unwavering spirit of justice!"

A thunderous roar of approval echoed through the ranks. The combined forces, fueled by a desire for vengeance and a thirst for justice, stepped through the swirling portal, ready to confront their enemy on Mo Yu's Star.

Wang Jian, however, stood apart from the throng. A cruel smile played on his lips. This war was not a battle for good versus evil, but a meticulously planned game with him, the puppet master, pulling all the strings.

His true goal, hidden beneath the facade of righteousness, awaited its moment to be revealed. As the portal closed behind them, engulfing the combined forces in an otherworldly glow, Wang Jian turned on his heel, a single thought echoing in his mind: "Let the games begin."