Villain Ch 137. The Scars of His Past

Taking a deep breath, Emma tried to understand why Zoe seemed more invested in the old, tattered magazine than in her current state of panic. "Okay, let me explain," she began, her voice laced with a hint of patience. Emma gestured towards the photo of Allen, drawing Zoe's focus to the image that had captured her attention earlier.

"See this guy? He was the winner of the solo category," Emma explained, pointing directly at Allen's beaming face. "But my brother mentioned something interesting. He said that this guy should have actually participated in the team category, not the solo one."

Zoe's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, her mind struggling to grasp the significance of Emma's revelation. "Wait, what?" she blurted out, her voice filled with a mixture of surprise and disbelief.

Emma nodded, her expression serious as she continued her explanation. She directed Zoe's attention towards three other individuals standing beside Allen in the photograph. They were clutching a different trophy.

"These guys should have been his team members," Emma clarified, her voice tinged with a sense of intrigue.

Zoe's eyes widened as the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place. The magazine had provided her with a window into the past, unveiling a hidden truth about Allen's gaming triumph.

"You mean they kicked him out of the team in the last minutes?" Zoe interjected, her mind racing to piece together the unfolding puzzle. The possibility began to take hold in her thoughts.

Emma shook her head, her expression growing more serious. "No, they didn't outright kick him out of the team," she clarified, her tone tinged with a hint of bitterness. "But they betrayed him. They chose this guy." Emma's finger pointed towards one of the three figures in the photograph—a man who stood at the center, exuding an aura of leadership.

Zoe felt a lump forming in her throat as the gravity of the situation settled upon her. The notion of betrayal sent a chill down her spine, and she couldn't help but feel a surge of empathy for Allen. It was a double blow—an emotional betrayal from his ex-girlfriend and now this betrayal from his own gaming team.

A sudden recollection flashed in Zoe's mind, triggered by Emma's revelation. She remembered Allen mentioning a bad breakup that had occurred two years ago. It was as if the puzzle pieces were aligning, painting a clearer picture of Allen's past struggles. Two years ago, he had faced not one, but two profound betrayals—a heart-wrenching end to a romantic relationship and the betrayal of his gaming team.

Zoe's heart pounded in her chest as the memories of her conversation with Allen from the previous night flooded her mind. His words echoed in her ears, each syllable carrying a weight that she now understood more deeply.

'The pain of that betrayal still scars me…'

'I want loyalty in a relationship.'

'Won't that hurt you? Won't that hurt the others?'

At that moment, she had glimpsed the rawness of his emotions, the wounds left by past betrayals that still lingered beneath the surface.

As she reflected on their conversation, Zoe began to see the connection between Allen's guarded nature and the two betrayals he had endured. It was no wonder that he yearned for loyalty in his relationships, a steadfastness that would shield him from further pain. His desire for loyalty, though understandable, also revealed a certain wariness—a fear of being hurt again.

The realization made Zoe view Allen in a new light. He wasn't simply kind or ruthless; he embodied a complex dichotomy. Beneath his gentle and calm demeanor, there was a steely resolve forged by the trials he had faced. He possessed a duality—a blend of compassion and resilience, kindness and a hint of ruthlessness when necessary. It was a self-protective mechanism, an armor he had built to shield himself from future heartbreak and betrayal.

"Why didn't you tell us..." Zoe's voice trailed off, her thoughts consumed by the weight of Allen's untold pain. She couldn't fathom the depths of devastation he must have experienced when faced with such betrayal.

Emma, noticing Zoe's distant expression, furrowed her brows in confusion. "What are you talking about?" she asked, her tone laced with curiosity.

Zoe turned to Emma, her eyes filled with determination. "You're still angry at your brother, right?" she questioned, her words laced with a sense of urgency. "What if I borrow this magazine for a while? I'll give it back to you tomorrow." Zoe's mind was racing with an audacious plan—a plan born from a desire to uncover the truth and offer support to her crush in need, even if it meant taking risks.

Emma's confusion deepened as she studied Zoe's face. "Why do you want it? It's just a decrepit old magazine," she queried, her forehead wrinkling with skepticism.

"I just remembered something," Zoe began, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and determination. She hastily stuffed the magazine into her bag, the weight of its hidden secrets adding a sense of urgency to her actions. Without wasting another moment, she stood up from her seat, a resolute expression etched upon her face.

Emma's confusion grew, and she let out a perplexed sound. "Huh?" she uttered, her brows furrowing in bewilderment.

Zoe turned to her best friend, a spark of determination gleaming in her eyes. "I'll explain everything later," she assured, her words carrying a hint of mystery. She knew she couldn't afford to waste any more time.

Without further ado, Zoe bid Emma a quick goodbye and dashed out of the classroom, her heart pounding with anticipation.

Zoe's footsteps quickened as she made her way toward the classroom exit, a sense of urgency propelling her forward. With a swift motion, she retrieved her phone from her pocket, her fingers deftly unlocking the screen. A determined expression settled on her face as she composed a mass message, carefully selecting the recipients—her team, with one notable exception: Allen.

Her thumbs danced across the phone's keyboard, typing out a message. She hit the send button, watching as the message whisked away into the digital realm, its purpose shrouded in secrecy.

Zoe: Guys, can I meet you now? I have something important to talk about. It's about Allen.