Chapter 18 17. Rank-SS Dungeon (2).

Name:Villain of my own novel Author:
I instantly appeared in front of the golem's face and grinned at it, then punched its face, causing a circular wind pressure to form and a loud 'BOOM' to reverberate throughout the cave.

The golem I punched had its head a bit tuned to the opposite direction, a second golem came ahead and punched me from the side.

"Ukh." I groaned in pain.


I hit the side wall and flopped down; my ribs were broken from the blow which was cushioned by the snowflakes.

"Hahahaha, Gap between AA and SS too big." I said as I smiled.

The GAP between the rank-A and rank-S is enormous, it as big as the rank-D to rank-A, above rank-S there is not that much big difference, though it is big, it does not feel like a much.

"Eshwar." Vinny yelled.

"Sir Eshwar." Jiwoo yelled.

"... Vinny, I need you to buy me time, about 2 minutes." As I stared at Vinny, who stood near the portal, I said without hesitation, believing he would be able to buy me some time.


"What?" Jiwoo screamed in shock.

I slowly stood up as a golem approached, I waved my hand at the ground as I used Frost magic to make it fall forward, it fell about 10 meters in front of me, I glared at it, and walked towards Vinny.


"Vinny, I need 2 minutes, if it finishes a bit faster, I'll join you."


"What are you talking about? He's going to die if he fights those rank- SS golems." Jiwoo yelled.

"...." I stood in front of Vinny and looked at him in the eyes.

"Huuuu.... Ok." Vinny took a breath and agreed.

"What?" Jiwoo looked at Vinny in disbelief.

I walked towards him, patted him on the shoulder as I walked past him, and sat on the ground, I felt like I could break through from the moment Vinny used his 'BUFF' on me, I just now confirmed how useless it is to fight against a monster of rank-SS in my current state. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I entered my consciousness.

I saw my magic power raging out, it was a core of light-blue, crimson red, and black color that had been stable before but was now raging out of control, I appeared before the core, which was as big as a mountain, I held out my hand towards it and clenched into a fist, and the raging core came to a halt.

I heard a muffled 'BOOM' as it exploded from the inside, and an intense pain washed over me. The core exploded ten more times from the inside, and the pain intensified with each explosion. Black and red colors began to increase, while light blue began to shrink.

'NO.' I thought and clenched my fist even harder, excruciating pain washed over me as I concentrated on the light blue, which slowly began to move towards the right as it grew, the other two colors also moved in the same way, and it soon looked like three fishes moving in circles.

'Hahahaha.' I chuckled as I looked at the three colors moving in circles, and my laugh echoed throughout my consciousness. I lifted my hands, covered my ears, and looked around until the echoes stopped.

'Do you hear it like this every time I think I'm talking to myself?' As a wave of pity and guilt washed over me, I resolved to do something about the echoes. I turned around and noticed that my core was no longer raging; I was not sure how much time had passed, so I decided to open my eyes.

I opened my eyes, saw blood in front of me, maybe I coughed it out while I was in consciousness, I thought because I tasted blood in my mouth and looked at my hands and they were bleeding too.

'Maybe I clenched my hands in real-life too.' I thought as I was thinking, I felt something heavy pressing at me from the right side of my head and I flew to my left.

"Guh." I groaned.


'That was Jiwoo, right?' I rolled to my side and stood up and saw Jiwoo lay groaning in pain.

"Jiwoo!" Vinny yelled.

I looked at Vinny, who had defeated a golem, I thought he must have been the one who defeated the golem because I noticed a pile of debris in front of him. I decided to check my stats because Vinny appeared to be doing well for the time being.

'Status.' I mumbled in my head.







STRENGTH: 1/10 (+11) [RANK- S]

CONSTITUTION: 2/10 (+11) [RANK- S]

AGILITY: 3/10 (+11) [RANK- S]

PERCEPTION: 2/10 (+11) [RANK- S]

ENDURANCE: 1/10 (+11) [RANK- AA]


MAGIC POINTS: 6/10 (+11) [RANK- S]

WILL POWER: 5/10 (+11) [RANK- SS]

DEXTERITY: 1/10 (+11) [RANK- AA]


"Rank- S.... hmmm, it's not bad but... meh." I muttered.



Vinny's back flew towards me, his great sword still in his hands, I grinned because he hadn't let go of his sword. I decided to catch him because he was flying back at such a high speed that if he hit his back against the wall at that speed, his spine might be damaged. As I activated frost, I opened my arms and braced myself for the impact.

"Snowflakes." I mumbled.


"Guh." I groaned in pain as I was pushed back against the wall and remembered my ribs were cracked.

"Ukh." Vinny groaned.

".... You alright?" I asked.

"Oh, yea, you alright?" Vinny asked as he saw me.

"Yea, and you Jiwoo?"

".... I'm fine.... I think." Jiwoo answered and was meet with silence, he glanced at us and we were looking at him weirdly.



"Ok fine, I'm alright." Jiwoo said as he accepted his defeat.

He was unharmed, and I was only pushed back slightly as he bumped into me; he most likely flew all the way here due to the wind pressure created by the collision between Vinny and the golem. As I said earlier, he came here to steal the artifacts without attracting the attention of any monsters.

"Hahaha." I chuckled as I walked forward.

"I'll borrow this." I said as I took the great sword from Vinny's hands.

I took the great sword, slung it over my shoulder, and approached the golems; they appeared to be on guard for some reason; I don't know why, perhaps Vinny did something.

"... It doesn't matter now, does it?" I asked as I looked at the golems.

I walked calmly towards it as one of the golems came forward and pulled back his hand. A circular wind pressure formed behind its elbow as it punched at me.

"Snowflakes." I muttered.

The air chilled and turned white as I stepped out of the golem's punch range and walked on its arm, its arm froze everywhere I stepped, I steeped on its joints, which froze its arm in place, it took two long steps before I reached its head, and I stood on the golem with one foot on its shoulder and the other on its head.

It stopped moving; maybe the cores are in the heads. I leaned forward and placed my right elbow on my right knee with the great sword still on my shoulder, looked at the golems for a brief moment, then jumped back as I slashed the golem in half vertically and checked the location of the core, which was in the neck area.

I looked back at the golems; I knew exactly how many there were because I counted them when I stood on top of the golem; there were a total of 34 golems in front of me.

I grinned as my eyes glowed and arched.

"Round 2."