Chapter 118 40: Preparations!

Chapter 118 Chapter 40: Preparations!


The large sword in Layna's hand collided with the small dagger of Lucifer as sparks began to flutter from the sliding metal grinding along her sword. He watched her with calm eyes.

"Focus on your feet—you are leaning too far forward!"


His leg slipped across her stance, knocking her down as once again Layna fell and suffered a blow to her chest from his snap kick. Lucifer wasn't easy on her, and each time she made a mistake that could kill her, he would inflict a painful wound to make her remember.

Layna panted heavily, picking herself off the ground and shaking her head. She had bruises all over her body and cuts, yet Lucifer's skin remained unblemished, as if this training was just a warm-up to him.

"Again," he said, watching her stand up, clutching her chest.


She gripped her blade, taking a deep breath and entering a proper stance. Before she lunged forward, a gentle light covered her body as Irina healed her and stood beside Layna, her eyes looking to Lucifer as if to ask something.

"May I join the practice?" Irina asked politely as she pulled out her spiked mace and shield.

Lucifer nodded, gesturing for Layna to attack. She dashed forward, thrusting her blade with a lunge, and Irina moved to defend her. She blocked Lucifer's dagger with a solid shield slam before using her mace to swing at his side, which he avoided as he spun around.


His heel struck her temple as Irina dropped to the ground, rolling around for a moment as Layna looked at her and then at him. She then lowered her sword into a more defensive stance and began stepping around Lucifer, who was standing still with a calm face, his eyes watching her every movement, the tension in her muscles, the slight movements of her eyes darting to Irina.

Layna attacked, thrusting her blade as Lucifer stepped to the side, avoiding her lunge before slamming his palm against her wrist, but her right arm lowered as she slashed across his body with her sword, almost slicing his cheek before his palm hit her wrist and she dropped her sword, before suffering a knee to her chin.

Irina picked herself up and rubbed her head, looking at Layna's frustrated expression before she sighed and picked up her sword.

"Again?" Layna asked, her tone sounding a little tired as she knew this wasn't going anywhere, especially since Lucifer seemed to be toying with her.

"Again," Irina nodded, raising her mace and shield as Layna gripped her sword tightly and entered a stance.

She lunged, stabbing at Lucifer as his footwork was flawless, like a dance between two lovers; he avoided her thrust before pushing Irina to the side with a sweep of his leg as her mace came crashing down toward his head.

They are improving, Layna especially...

Neither of the girls realised that he was doing his best to improve their weakest areas, with Irina being her follow-up from blocking and Layna recovering from an attack or parry. He also focused on her swordplay, which was very basic and clumsy.

No, rather than basic, it isn't very easy and doesn't flow well... not for a female using that greatsword... if I could get her to switch to a sword or maybe a longsword and knight shield.

As for Irina, she had some talent for defence and teamwork, but her lack of confidence was holding her back. Lucifer noticed that she always tried to be Layna's protector and not attack unless it was an opening, which wasn't always the case.

"Good—your movements are starting to become smoother. Keep training and try to incorporate more counters and feints into your moves. Remember, do not overextend yourself; keep your stance tight, and don't leave your legs too wide open."

Layna nodded, panting heavily as sweat ran down her forehead, while Irina smiled happily, hearing Lucifer's praise as they continued to train under the sunlight.

They were improving, but he didn't expect them to reach his level in a short time—it would take months or more at this rate for them to match his movements and decades to understand his swordplay.

Not that I earned all of this myself; some is from my past, and the rest is inherited...

When training ended, Lucifer saw the two sweaty women removing their armour and found them to be completely beautiful... breathtaking as he suddenly kissed Layna on the lips, catching her by surprise as her tongue seemed to move before she thought, entangling his own as Irina blushed, seeing their passionate kiss.

Oh... damn, I forgot we weren't like that yet... Lucifer thought as he pulled away, leaving the dazed, sweaty knight in a shocked state as she sat down.

He then kissed Irina, who also melted in his arms as he used his mana to cleanse the sweat from their bodies before smiling.

"You both did well; let's have dinner."

"Y-yes, master!" Irina said, blushing and looking at Layna, whose cheeks were red and very reserved.

He chuckled, heading back into the castle with the two girls as they prepared to cook dinner, while Lucifer decided to go upstairs and sit on his bed because Syliva, Lephaia and Marina would soon return from their day together.


Leaning against the wall, he found that Marina had her hair cut slightly.

I owe this woman too much—she wanted my love and affection, and soon I should answer her dedication.

It was messy and long—now, it was down to her back but had been layered, and the bangs were braided as it shone with a pretty and glossy sheen. She entered the room first with her eight eyes, looking at the half-naked Lucifer with a shocked face.

"Welcome back, Marina. You look very cute with that hairstyle—it suits you."

Marina had begun acting with the women since the battle with Lephalia's clansmen, whom Fel was now training as they became vampires as a reward for their help in the battle, but Marina, in return, became a little softer and more lovely thanks to that.

Lucifer wasn't sure how Fel controlled the clansmen, but he suspected it was through a powerful contract or physical means, which Marina confirmed as she had seen it being formed and told him about it.

Lephalia entered next, wearing a maid outfit similar to Irina's, which showed off her curves as she smiled brightly, seeing Lucifer, her crimson eyes sparkling with happiness.

"Welcome home, Lephalia—you look very beautiful in that maid outfit."

"Master! L-Lephalia will serve you well, hehe."

She blushed, coming to sit on his left, while Syliva entered wearing a similar maid outfit but black, with her wings exposed as she was smiling, her tail moving from side to side in excitement.

"Master—Sylvia is home!"

"Welcome home, Sylvia. You also look very beautiful in that maid outfit."

"Sylvia will serve master well!"

She sat on his right, holding his hand and smiling as Marina also sat on the bed, moving closer to the centre before Lucifer dragged her onto his lap; in her half-arachne form, she was quite petite compared to the huge form normal; it wasn't like her old mature form, or rather he believed she was just this way to fit in with the other two girls... as her breasts were huge compared to theirs.

Lucifer felt her large butt press against his crotch as he smiled, turning to Lephalia and Syliva, who was sitting close to him.

"How was your day?"

"Fun! Sylvia and Lephalia went shopping with Marina!"

"Master, I bought many clothes and food—we also had lunch!"

Lucifer smiled, patting their heads as he leaned back and turned to Marina.

"And what about you? Did you enjoy your day with the girls?"

"Mhm... Marina had fun... thank you, master..." n/(o//v-.e--l/-b.(I(/n

She said, blushing as he kissed her cheek as Irina entered, carrying a tray of food with Layna, placing it on the large table on the other side of the room, enough for all of them to sit easily.

"Tonight, Gwen won't be coming back till late, so how about we all eat together?" Lucifer suggested, looking at the three girls, who nodded happily before Irina spoke.

"Yes, master—I will prepare drinks immediately!"

She said, rushing downstairs as Layna looked at Marina and Lephalia.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Help Syliva set the table; I am fine here."

"Yes, master..."

Layna nodded, following Syliva as the four of them set the table together before sitting down, Lucifer at the head of the table with Marina on his lap as he fed her, Irina to his right and Lephalia to his left, while Layna sat next to Syliva.

The table was large, so they had plenty of space to eat comfortably, with Lucifer cutting the meat and feeding Marina as he also ate his food, occasionally patting her head. Somehow, today, he just wanted to pamper her, and he felt her lower body grow warmer each time he stroked her soft hair.

"Did Fel train the clansmen hard?" Lucifer asked Lephalia as he fed Marina.

"Fel is strict, master—the clansmen work very hard... they seem excited about becoming vampires..."

"I see; Fel will teach them well—she is the strongest aside from me, after all."

She nodded, eating her food as Irina drank the wine in her glass before looking at Layna, who was drinking water instead and chewing her food slowly; looking at all the women, Layna seemed to feel like the odd one out.

"Are you alright, Layna?" Lucifer asked, his foot stroking her inner thigh.

The cute paladin blushed and nodded before grabbing the goblet of strong alcohol from Irina's side and drinking it down...

Ah... tonight is going to be amusing. Lucifer thought, watching her continue to drink more and more.