Chapter 419: Staying Away

Name:Villain Retirement Author:
Chapter 419: Staying Away

The single entity that is responsible for causing the most human deaths in a short amount of time.

The most heinous criminal that would maim, torture, and kill supers and normal humans alike on live television without any hesitation.

Considered to just be a part of nature, a living calamity that appears rarely. But every time he does so, millions of lives are sure to be lost.

In just a single moment, Princess Vera finally understood why Aerith had warned them not to mingle or cross paths with Riley Ross.

But perhaps the most important information of all from the lecture… was the fact that Riley was able to beat Megawoman— Aerith herself.

"..." Vera could really only find herself slowly distancing herself from Riley; her feet, moving on their own.

"Are… are any of those true?" Vera whispered as she pointed at the giant screen in front of the class hall.

"All of it is true, Princess Vera," Riley only shrugged; not even looking at her as his eyes focused on the screen, "This is an Academy, they won't just alter history."

Even Val, who was previously growing respect for Riley, could not help but take in a deep breath.

"You… you were a murderer?"

"I still am, Princess Vera," Riley answered, "And will forever be, it is my purpose."

"...You said ruling is your purpose," Vera took in a deep breath as she looked Riley straight in the eyes.

"Yes, they are the same thing," Riley nodded.

"...They're not."

"If I eventually kill everyone, then would that not be the same as ruling everyone?" Riley breathed out as his eyes soon landed on the students that were… petrified with fear inside the class hall,

"My father told me that ruling means serving the people, and in turn, they will serve you," Riley closed his eyes, "I serve them an escape from their melancholic lives, and they serve me with their screams. A win-win situation, as father said. You can ask him… but I do not really know where he is right now."

"You… have a very skewed way of thinking," Vera gulped before letting out a forced chuckle.

"Are you able to imagine an entire planet screaming?" A smile then soon very slowly crawled on Riley's face as he closed his eyes; his head, slightly bobbing side to side, "I could… and it is wonderful, Princess Vera. Anywhere you walk, a scream will accompany you almost like a piano playing in the background of your life. It's…


"Riley, hey…" And as Riley was starting to get lost in his own thoughts, Paige approached him and started tapping him on the back, "...tone it down a bit."

"Nonsense. Please share us your vision, Master Riley— I will make it happen."

"Can you not add?"

Paige couldn't really help herself from trying to stop Riley with his words of… grandeur. After all, she could not help but feel responsible— she was the one who entered the idea of 'ruling' to Riley.

She did not, however, think that Riley would somehow become obsessed with the thought. It would have been fine if he followed the utopia that Paige described, but no— as everything with Riley, it turned into inflicting pain and death.



And while this exchange of words was happening, the unfortunate students inside the class hall could really only sit there— some, already praying as they did not know whether or not death was coming for them. Even their professor, whoever she was, could really only stand there and remain quiet.

She was putting in her best effort; even wearing her favorite clothes as soon as Bulwark told her that people from a completely different planet would be sitting in on her class– this meant she would be the very first human to teach an alien.

What she did not expect, however, was the sudden appearance of Riley Ross. And what's more, he arrived right at the very moment that he was the one they were learning— leaving almost everyone completely anxious. It was almost like they were gossipers that were caught in action.

Some of them, however, stared at Riley without any sign of abhor. And instead, their eyes glistened with respect and shock.

"Princess Vera."

Admiral Varen, who had been keeping his quiet and watching Riley's every move, finally spoke as he approached the princess with utmost care. The prince, still tightly locked in his hands.

"We should go while the Riley Ross is occupied," he whispered, "We should heed Princess Aerith's advice and avoid him like a disease— which he is."


"Dr. Vella is with the leader of the planet, we should check on them before she does… anything weird."

Admiral Varen continued to talk; Vera's eyes, however, were solely focused on Riley; who still seemed to be lost in his own world.

Her eyes began to slowly think, almost as if she was thinking of a million things— and perhaps she was.

And then, finally, after a few more seconds, she finally turned to Varen,

"Go take my brother there, I will be staying with Riley for a while."

"What? Why!?" Varen could not help but raise his voice.

"Because he is to be my betrothed. I… need to know more about him."

"What else is there to know!? He is a genocidal maniac!" Admiral Varen started to flail his arms… dragging along the young prince he was holding.

"..." Why did it feel like he was starting to just become a burden?--- Val thought.

"They're a different species, Admiral. It's not right for us to judge them by—"

"How is a genocidal maniac not a universal thing!? I am here to protect you, Princess Vera. The Queen would kill me if you get—"

"With all due respects, Admiral… I am stronger than you," Vera let out a tiny scoff, before placing her hand on Varen's shoulder and pushing him to the side as he approached Riley.

"Riley, where are we going next?" She then stood in front of Riley, leaning her head down and letting her long silver hair flow as she looked at Riley's face; his smile that reached from ear to ear, still ever much present.

After a few more moments, however, he finally opened his eyes and stopped bobbing his head.

"Let me take you to Aerith's son," Riley then said, "You may be able to talk about marriage with him. If not, then Bella should be there— the two of you have a lot in common."

"...Are they your friends?"

"They are friends of my sister," Riley shook his head.

"Your… sister?" Vera's eyes started to light up, "Let's go! Maybe your sister and I will become close."

"But if you wish to befriend my sister, then I am afraid I would have to ask you to stay away from me from now on."

"What?" Vera blinked a couple of times, "You're really weird, you know that? Why would I avoid you?"

"Because I want sister to forget me," Riley said without any hesitation, "I feel like she still has a lot of lingering attachments to me, that is not something I can continue to allow— she should be free of me."

"And who the fuck do you think you are to decide for me?"

And then, out of nowhere, another prominent member of Earth entered the once quiet and peaceful class hall. The people in the room, already accepting their fate as the audience for this… eventful meeting.

"I am your ex-adopted brother, ex-sister."

"Ex? What the fuck is that? Didn't you just call me sister earlier!?"

"I suppose," Riley shrugged; not turning to face Hannah even as she stepped inside the class.

"And you, what the fuck?" Hannah didn't seem to mind, however, as she looked at Tomoe, "Why are you still following my brother around? You're supposed to be in the Baby Crew."

"..." Tomoe didn't really answer and just looked to the side.

"So, that's it?" Hannah scoffed as she looked back and forth between Riley's back and Tomoe, "You're just gonna ignore me for the rest of our lives? Did you really think I would just let it go after you punched me in the stomach, Riley!?"

"To be fair, ex-sister— you killed me."

"That… fuck!" Hannah groaned, "I don't have a comeback to that."

"What are you doing, Hannah?" Riley finally turned around; his eyes, quickly looking straight into his ex-sister's eyes,

"It… is over between us."

"...But why?"

"..." The audience— the students all looked at each other as they heard Riley's words. Weren't Hannah and Riley supposed to be siblings? So why does it feel like… they were watching a couple getting closure?

"..." As for Paige, she could really only place her hand on Riley's arm for comfort, before nodding and stepping away. She also glanced at Hannah, who just squinted her eyes as their gazes met.

Vera, on the other hand, had her arms crossed as she looked back and forth between the two; watching every inch of their interaction.

"I am no longer your brother. That is the only thing that connects us, Hannah."

"Legally, we still are," Hannah breathed out, "No paperwork was done to void it. So…"



"Oh," Riley blinked a couple of times as he tilted his head to the side,

"Then I suppose you truly still are my sister."

"I am."

"Then we need to process it immediately so you can finally be completely free of me, sister."

"I don't want to."


"You have to live with your demons. I have to learn how to live with mine."

"I'm not a demon, sister. A monster, yes— but demons are a completely different—"

"Fuck! I just want to try again! You're the only real family I have left, Riley! I don't fucking care anymore! I can't just… I can't just let you go, not this time!"



"Father's free from prison."

"...Fuck, you're right."