Chapter 495: Appetizer

Name:Villain Retirement Author:
"I believe you said it's a Guardian?"

Cyndee's bald head shine even though the light inside the hangar was dim; If one were to place Cyndee on Earth, then one would surely mistake the owner of this bald head to just be one of the species.

The only thing giving him—her out to be alien was her voice. Her voice carried a certain tremble in it, it was also effortlessly loud. And with each opening of her mouth, there was this whistle that would make an Earthling tilt his head from how uncomfortable the sound was.

As for how Riley figured that Cyndee was a she even with her bald and hairless head, well—she had a pair of bosoms that rivaled even that of Katrina's.

"..." Cyndee really only looked at Riley for a few seconds; her body instinctively backing away as she looked at Xra, asking if she should answer Riley's question telepathically.

Xra, however, just shrugged in response, before waving her hand and gesturing to her to do what she wanted. And so, after a few more breaths that were getting stuck in her throat, she finally nodded at Riley.

"...Yes," she answered, "Since you have only been in the Known Universe for a very short amount of time, then I am sure you don't know the story of Kerrigan. Kerrigan is a deserter of the Guardians, no—he betrayed them in search for the ultimate power."


"And Kerrigan found the answer for his quest," Cyndee closed her eyes, rolling her hand into a fist as she raised them, "He ate his comrades, or more specifically, he ate the Guardian Force inside them… which is basically eating them as well."


"Kerrigan is a creature of sheer will. A being that seeks thrill and battle at every second," Cyndee then lowered her fist as she opened her eyes, "He had been trying to challenge the Captain to a match every chance he got. Captain only fought him once, though—and she won without even trying. Kerrigan had grown stronger since then, but he still wouldn't be a match against—"

And before Cyndee could finish her words, she found her tongue suddenly sticking out as Xra suddenly flicked her on the neck.

"If we let her be, she'll talk for an entire millennium," Xra let out a deep sigh as she caught Cyndee, whose body was in the process of deciding whether or not it should faint.

"I knew someone just like her back on Earth, Pirate Queen Xra," Riley shook his head, "A pair of extra large breasts and the ability to talk without pause."

"...Right," Xra's eyes slightly squinted as she handed Cyndee to one of her crew, "If you want to fight the battle junky, then go ahead. You are doing this for revenge, right?"

"Revenge?" Riley's long white hair flowed to the side as he tilted his head.

"I told you," Xra sighed as she pointed at one of her crew, who was holding some sort of tablet device in her hands, "We hacked the Common Council, we know everything they are hiding and that includes everything there is to know about you… the Guardians are partly responsible for the death of one of your clones."

"..." Moira quickly glanced at her shoulder to look at Little Riley, "He… is taking revenge for a clone? I thought—you're crying?"

"Mr. Diley," Little Riley wiped his face as he sniffled, "May he rest in peace—we will avenge you no matter what."

"I do not take revenge, Pirate Queen Xra."

Riley, on the other hand, just blinked as he returned Xra's gaze, "I just want to kill them for what they have done."

"Yes… that's called revenge."

"Retaliation," Riley quickly shook his head, "A being such as I can not demand revenge. I don't seek justice or vengeance, I do not have the right to."

"Oh boy, here we go," and as Riley's voice became softer and softer, Hera grabbed the Teera X120 from her pocket, which was surprisingly still there even after everything that has happened to her. And with a small smile on her face, she started recording Riley.

"...What's that for?" Nana, who no longer knew where to place herself, stood curiously beside Hera.

"For reference," Hera whispered, subconsciously tilting her body down to get closer to Nana, "Once this space escapade and everything is over, I plan to make a Darkday slash Riley Ross story."

"A… story? You're planning to make a documentary?"

"No, that's boring," Hera slightly stuck out her tongue as she zoomed in the camera on Riley's face,

"I am going to create a true-to-life movie about him."

"Everything that has happened, everything that will happen is my fault, Pirate Queen Xra," Riley breathed out as he looked at his hands,

"I waged war against the authorities of the Known Universe, as I have done so on Earth. The only reason an Elder and the Guardians killed John was because they were trying to hunt me for my crimes."


"And even before that, John already had a life of his own—and I returned to take all of it away. He had a lover, a family, friends…and I took it," Riley sighed,

"The Guardians are on the side of justice. I am merely finishing what I started…

…and that includes killing everyone and everything."

And with those words as the end of his little speech, Xra's crew could not help but take a few steps back; flinching as they all tightened their stance. As for their captain, she only sighed and walked closer to Riley.

"Do you even know how long that would take, killing everyone and everything?" Xra smirked, "Even I, who have lived for almost 10 millennia have not even explored a percent of the Unknown. Based on the Codex, there are currently a recorded 20 quadrillion people in the Known Universe—we are like ants."


"And if the Unknown has more beings like us…" Xra continued as she glanced at Hera, "What makes you think you won't face a being that is capable of truly ending you?"

"Then that would be a good thing for everyone, Pirate Queen Xra," Riley shook his head, "And if killing everyone and everything will take an eternity, then so be it. And ants, no matter how many they are, would all die if you destroy the planet they are on."

"Are you saying you are going to destroy the entire Universe, Known and Unknown?"

"I can try, Pirate Queen Xra," Riley slightly raised his voice as he looked Xra straight in the eyes.




"...Why are they just staring at each other?" Cyndee, who woke up from her short coma, whispered to Girgo, who was the one tasked with carrying her.

"Shh, shut up."



"The battle junky should be standing and waiting outside on the deck," Xra was the one to break the silence as she pointed down, "Come find me when you're done. Shapeshifter, Little cat, you two follow me. As for the rest of you, go do your jobs."

And after pointing at everyone else, Xra started walking away. Hera glanced at Riley for a few seconds, before proceeding to follow behind Xra along with Nana. As for her crew, suffice it to say, they quickly scrambled away in fear of being left alone with someone that can go toe-to-toe with their captain.

Well, all except for one crew member—the one that was holding a tablet, "I'll open a hatch for you so you don't destroy anything."

The woman was the smallest amongst Xra's main crew. And judging by how small she was, she was probably the same race as Nana—no, that wasn't exactly right; Nana did not have a fluffy tail.

"What is your name, fun-sized person with a tail?"

"Are… are you talking about me?" The small woman quickly turned her head from left to right, seemingly trying to find another presence aside from her.


"My… my name is Aella."

"You are the one who hacked into the Common Council, Miss Aella?"

"Miss—Yes, yes, it's me," the worry on Aella's face was instantly replaced by a small smile as she answered Riley's question.

"May I ask you for a favor, then?" A small smile then crept on Riley's face as he looked Aella straight in the eyes,

"I need information about the Common Council."


"Finally, I have been waiting for—who are you?"

"Riley Ross, Sir Kerrigan."

"Riley—you look familiar."


Riley was now floating beneath the Bloodcruiser, with his feet slowly touching its bottom as he looked at the silver-skinned humanoid just casually sitting with his legs crossed; extremely lax and seemingly without any worries.

Kerrigan also looked at Riley, while chewing a bag of red stones that were most likely pieces of Guardian Force. After a few more bites, however, he hid the bag inside his long silver coat as a small smirk crawled on his face.

And after a few more breaths, he burst out in laughter as he brushed up his hair, which also carried the same exact color as his skin,

"You're the new guy that's been making waves lately."

"Perhaps, Sir Kerrigan."

"And what exactly are you doing in the Queen's ship? Are you a part of her crew?"


"Hm, I suppose it doesn't matter," Kerrigan then stretched his left hand to the side; and as he did so, a silver disc started to form and hover on his palm,

"You will be a good enough appetizer."

"Well…" Riley only let out a small sigh as he glanced at the expanding silver disc, before turning his eyes back to Kerrigan,

"...At least one of us gets to enjoy this fight, Sir Kerrigan."