Chapter 507:A Purpose

Name:Villain Retirement Author:
"Aerith is much stronger than the two of you combined."



Xra and Darmuid could really only squint their eyes as Riley's words reached their ears. It would have been alright if Riley was just joking, but the tone of his voice couldn't be any more clearer.

He truly believed what he was saying.

Xra's eyes started to twitch, before she very slowly turned her head toward Riley—and since she was already resting the back of her head on his shoulder, her lips almost touched Riley's cheek…or they probably already did.

"Even if that's true, why did you have to say that?" Xra's breaths whispered into his ear—and with the telekinetic bubble surrounding them, the coldness of her breath really had nowhere to go,

"You should have come to my defense since we're traveling companions."

"That is not what I heard from the boy, Blood Spirit," Darmuid quickly scoffed as he heard Xra's whispers, "He told me you are his 3rd subordinate."

"Silence, Darmuid. Our dialogue with each other should be scarce," 

Xra's change in tone and vernacular was obvious to hear.


"Why did you have to say that?" Xra once again whispered into Riley's ear.

"Because you will be, Pirate Queen Xra."


"You fit the criteria," Riley nodded, "A human female, high-strung, slightly arrogant, quick to form an unusual attachment to me, and most importantly—you are mentally unstable."

"I am not mentally unstable."

"You talk to your deceased lover that has been under your bed for 8000 years, Pirate Queen Xra."

"..." Xra's eyes slightly strayed away as she heard Riley's words, "This isn't the time to discuss such things. Darmuid, let us pass through."

"I can not do that, Blood Spirit. Riley Ross has committed actions against my kin that are only payable by death," Darmuid brushed his finger and thumb along his mustache, already forgetting that it was no longer there, "He…he killed my children prematurely. The chance of them going through eternal death was high."

"Have you forgotten the Law of the Victor?"

"..." Darmuid's eyebrows furrowed as soon as he heard Xra's words.

"I defeated one of you in sanctioned combat, and so I am entitled to a single request as long as it is within the law."

"You put a themarian royalty into eternal death, Blood Spirit," Darmuid let out a short but very heavy sigh, "The only reason why I am not calling for reinforcements right now to put you in shackles is that I do honor the Law of the Victor."

"It was still sanctioned combat, blessed by law—as it says so in the name," Xra crossed her arms as she floated forward, 

"And I am using it now."


"Or I can request for your mustache to be shaved clean regularly."

"Go back to your ship and follow me."


"Steady our course, Aella. Although the chance is low, Darmuid might still go back on his word and leave us—be ready to put all the power into our engines."

"Yes, Captain."

Xra's crew were now all once again in their allotted positions, with Aella practically managing and doing everything in her own station. The others really only had minor roles in the ship, as the Bloodcruiser could be piloted by even a single human toddler.

As for Xra, her only role was to sit on her throne and show her presence. Her throne was simple, perhaps too simple as it was only made with some limestone stacked and glued to one another. There seemed to be markings and etchings on it, but they could really only fade through time.

"You seem to be truly acquainted with the themarians, Pirate Queen Xra."

"...I am," Xra let out a small sigh as she leaned back and relaxed on her throne, "I have a very long, but at the same time, very short history with them."

"Hm, as expected of someone that has lived for almost ten millennia," Riley nodded as he too leaned back and relaxed on his own throne.

"..." Xra could really only squint her eyes as she turned to look at Riley, who had also set up his own throne, placed right beside hers. And unlike hers, Riley's throne could really only be described as… luxurious.

Riley's throne glistens even with only the slightest of light; half of it, made from meteoroids that Riley compressed and heated until they crystallized. The other half, made from the different materials from the dead ships—metals that were polished to perfection that their edges felt like they could cut flesh and bone whole.

But most importantly, his throne was just ever so slightly taller than Xra's.

"You know this is my ship, right?" Xra raised an eyebrow.

"Of course, Pirate Queen Xra," Riley just nodded as he looked at Darmuid, who was also glancing back from time to time from the other side of the large windows.

"Technically you shouldn't be on the bridge," Xra crossed her legs as she leaned her cheek on her fist, "You're not allowed here. The only reason you and the girl from Meluhha were allowed here earlier is that I was not here and my subordinates didn't know how to deal with you."

"I know, Pirate Queen Xra," Riley nodded before he imitated Xra and also crossed his legs, "That is why Hera is resting in our room."

"Do you have selective hearing?"

"I have themarian hearing, Pirate Queen Xra," Riley shrugged, "I do not use it."


"The Law of the Victor, Pirate Queen Xra," Riley then turned his head toward Xra, "You said the themarians can grant you any wish as long as it is within reason?"

"...Yes," Xra's tone quickly shifted as soon as Riley strayed away from their banter.

"Darmuid said you killed themarian royalty. I assume it is Aerith's brother?" Riley slightly hummed, "You told me you killed him when we met."

"It is," Xra nodded, "The themarians, as you are well aware, are a race of warriors. They are more like monks now since they keep to themselves, but I was there when the evaniels waged their war against them thousands of years ago."

"Hm, I have heard of the war from Aerith."

"It was a very long time ago," Xra once again nodded, "That was when I met Arthus'Hel, a prince eager to prove himself to be worthy of his position."





"Are you not going to continue the story, Pirate Queen Xra?"

"No." This time, Xra shook her head, "I would rather not open that part of my life, Riley."

"But you already started it, Pirate Queen Xra. It is rude to tease a story and not continue it."

"...Where do you hear these things?" Xra raised an eyebrow.

"My sister, as well as my adoptive mother," a small smile slightly crawled on Riley's face as he nodded to himself, "Your life is very interesting, Pirate Queen Xra; I would like to tell it to the Pope if he is still alive by the time I am able to return to Earth."

"Adoptive mother—Caitlain'Ur?" Xra breathed out, "My life is only interesting because I have lived for millennia. Yours is barely even a spark, and yet you have already involved yourself in the Universe's major players. So tell me…

…which of us truly has the more interesting life?"

"My life is interesting because I am the Last Boss, Pirate Queen Xra."

"And that means what exactly?"

"The evaniels, the themarians, the Elders, and all the other races would one day gather their heroes and band together…

…just to defeat me."

"And how will they defeat you?"

"I don't know, Pirate Queen Xra," Riley turned to look Xra straight in the eyes, "But I hope they do. My sister deserves to be free of my existence."


"I have tried to move away, I have tried to pretend—and yet Hannah finds me no matter what."

"Do you love your sister?"

"That is a question I have been asked many times, Pirate Queen Xra. And every time, I say no because I do not know what love feels," Riley sighed and closed his eyes, "Perhaps I do, as she is the only thing in this world that has ever made me shed a tear. And if I do truly know how to process love, then I am certain that I do love her—very much so."


"You are probably an expert in this, Pirate Queen Xra," Riley once again looked Xra straight in the eyes, "You have love and loved the same person for several millennia. Tell me, am I capable of love? Or is what I am feeling but an obsession with the idea of being capable of loving someone?"




Xra did not really answer. Even after a minute had passed, she just looked down and stared at the floor.

A second.

A minute.

An hour, several more so.

And finally, she returned Riley's gaze and said,

"...I don't know."


"I don't know," Xra repeated her words and shook her head.

"Thank you for answering truthfully, Pirate Queen Xra," Riley breathed out.

"But I do know that you care for her dearly," Xra then stood up from her throne; her eyes, not leaving Riley's,  "And I am absolutely sure that no matter how much you care for her…

…she loves you even more."

"How would you know that, Pirate Queen Xra?" Riley blinked a couple of times as he tilted his head to the side,

"You have not even met her."

"I will now."

"..." Riley once again blinked, before turning to look to where Xra was looking; his eyes, suddenly reflecting a hint of orange.

"We truly are alike, Riley…" Xra said as she looked at Riley, whose white skin and hair very slowly reflected the light that was approaching them,

"...As Akkamesh to me is what Hannah means to you."

"My sun and warmth?"

