Chapter 583 583: Osk Me One More Time (R-18)

Name:Villain Retirement Author:
The festivities were loud.

Riley could hear them cheering and shouting; their words, traveling even through the thick layer of snow that endlessly drowns the entire encampment in white and cold.


At least that's what is supposed to be wrapping Riley right now, but no; the only thing wrapping him right now was the unexpected comfort of a bed. Just a few seconds ago, he was casually minding his own business, about to watch how the themarians cook their fresh game—but then, his vision just shifted and the chilling snow was suddenly no more.

Riley had imagined the encampment's huts to still be cold inside, but no. The temperature was as comfortable as it could be, almost just harmonizing with Riley's own body heat.

And now, as he looked at the sticks and cloth decorating the ceiling, he could not help but be curious about where the cloth was made from. Did it have some sort of thermal—

"Well then… shall we continue where we left off?"

"..." And finally, after Riley's mind wandered off to everywhere but the reason he was suddenly in the hut, a voice that he could no longer ignore bewitchingly crawled through his ears.

Riley could really only sigh, before slightly raising his head to look at the woman that suddenly dragged him away from the festivities.

Osk just stood there, with the drapes of the hut dropping behind her, very slowly separating the insides of the hut from the world outside. And as the last of the light that was diffused by the snow was covered, Osk very quickly tightened the drapes… while loosening something else.

The little cloth that hung around her waist, now sliding down on the smooth and dark complexion of her legs, until it just clumsily dropped on her feet.

"Aerith said you're an alien," Osk's breaths whispered throughout the small hut; her feet, pushing away her fur skirt as she calmly, and very slowly walked toward Riley,

"Have you ever been with a themarian woman before?"

"Are you referring to sexual intercourse, Madam Osk?" Riley only blinked as his eyes strayed toward Osk's thighs, and even from the front, one could see her butt jiggle with every move.

That wasn't what Riley was focused on, however—he was looking at the juices that were already trailing—no, gushing between Osk's legs. And with her thighs larger than Riley's head, this… juice just started rubbing in between her thighs as she walked, causing a sultry noise to whisper in the air.

"Then my answer is no," Riley breathed out as he tilted his head back, once again resting it on the bed as he sighed.


And soon, a hum seductively pierced Riley's ears as he felt the soft bed slightly shift; a weight, now pinning down on his legs. And even with the black pants, Riley could still feel the damp and wet warmth coming from between Osk's legs; her juices, gushing enough to trickle and create strings as her hips started to move on their own.

"I thought you and Aerith have already done it," a small smile started to crawl on Osk's face as she tied the ends of her hair, before just gently brushing it and resting them over her left shoulder. And as her hips continued to move on their own, the hair she tied up started bouncing on her still-covered breasts.

"My feelings for Aerith are one-sided, Madam Osk. I do not even know if I am right with the feelings I am feeling."

"Well… you don't have to worry about feelings here," Osk's eyes started to light up as she looked at Riley's chest, "I only need your seed…

…we're just going to fuck until we're tired."

And with those words, a concentrated beam burst forth from Osk's glowing eyes. And even with this unexpected violence, Riley did not move—after all, the only thing Osk's beam was cutting was his suit.

Osk then took in a deep gasp as she ripped Riley's suit open, exposing his skin that was as white as the snow outside; his physique was anything but gentle, however, as the muscles that filled it showed the violence in his body. Sharp, chiseled, and tightening even with the softest of breaths.

"Hm…" Osk licked her lips as she massaged Riley's torso with both her hands; the shaking of her hips, becoming even more violent as she did so.

"Rip off my top," Osk then breathed out loudly; her tongue sticking out as she smiled.

"If you only need my seed, then I do not see how removing—"

And before Riley could finish his words, a loud snap echoed throughout the entire hut as Osk suddenly slapped him on the face.

"Rip off my fucking top and call me a fucking whore!"

"I am not going to call you that, whore."


"I apologize, it just came out naturally," Is this how themarians mate? Was Riley's thought as he watched as Osk continued to rub her hips on his leg. If they liked being treated rough, then shouldn't Aerith at least have some feelings for him? After all, he did dissect her and trapped him inside his closet for hours.

"Don't stop," Osk grabbed Riley's hand and placed it on her top, "Violate me, Riley Ross. Violate me like an animal."

"..." And with a subtle sigh, Riley's hand just lightly tightened, before tearing off Osk's top.

Riley might have underestimated the strength of Osk's top, however, as he also pulled her closer to him. Her now bare breasts, bouncing right in front of Riley's face; her nipples which were already perked up, brushing across Riley's lips.

"Hn!" And as her clothes snapped on her skin, Osk placed her lips on top of Riley's; the tips of her fingers, almost digging through Riley's chest as she stuck her tongue inside Riley's mouth.


Her heavy breaths started to warm Riley's nose as she chuckled; her bright silver eyes, reflecting his face as she very slowly started moving away-- moving down.

Riley could feel the warmth of Osk's breath moving from his neck, trailing all the way down to his waist; the wetness of her tongue, damping Riley's belly button while her fingers subtly tore Riley's pants.

"...Oh?" Osk then gasped as the thing between Riley's legs inserted itself between her soft, large breasts. And even with it hidden between her bosoms, she could still feel its tip hitting her neck.

"Hmm…" Osk once again giggled; her damp breaths, wrapping around Riley's lower head, "You don't sound excited, but this… rod of yours sure is."

"That is something that is beyond my control. I could use my telekinesis to stop it, but that would—!!!"

"It's time for this guy to talk."

And once again, before Riley could finish his words, he could not help but instinctively take in a deep breath as he felt a sudden jolt violently throughout his entire body. And so, Riley finally removed his eyes from the ceiling as he looked at Osk, only to see her lightly biting…his skin.

"Hehe," A giggle once again escaped Osk's lips; the smile on her face, growing as she returned Riley's surprised gaze. And without even saying anything else, she wrapped Riley's thing with the warmth of the insides of her mouth.

"..." Riley could not help but look to the sides of the hut. Once again, Theran caused him to not know what to do. This Theran, however, was literally eating him whole.

"Hmn…hn," Osk removed one of her hands away from Riley, placing it between her thighs as she spread her legs. And with just a light tap, Osk's moan started to escape from her nose… and with a light brush, her moans became wails.


Riley then heard a gag as he felt the warmth of Osk's mouth wrapping him even more; her tongue twirling around his thing until it couldn't anymore.

"Grawk…" And then, another gag whispered in the air as Osk pushed her head even closer…her throat, very slowly expanding.

And then, Riley's thing was suddenly released as Osk gasped for air; she did not even bother wiping the saliva and juices trailing down her lips as she kneeled closer to Riley's waist.

"Now that we're both brutally wet," Osk then placed her wet fingers inside her mouth and stuck out her tongue; her eyes looking straight at Riley's face; her butt, very slowly rising on top of Riley's thing,

"I am going to need all of your seed."